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Local players = game.Players: GetPlayers ( ) local chosen = players [ math.random ( 1, # ). if ( len === 0 ) { Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. | 5.71 KB, Batch | AlignOri.MaxAngularVelocity = math.huge/9e110; local'Attachment',Part1), local'Attachment',Part0), local'Attachment',Part1), local'Attachment',Part0), return vector -, vector.Y%unit, vector.Z%unit), Msgreq("Build Hub","Generating Parts (May take a while)",2), S = Player.Character.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(thing), thing.Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("SpecialMesh"), thing.Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Weld"), game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:wait(), local BuildPart ="Part",Player.Character), local Part ="Part",BuildPart), Part.CFrame = BuildPart.CFrame *[i+1][1],BuildTable[i+1][2],BuildTable[i+1][3])), BuildPart.Position = roundVector(Mouse.Hit.Position,0.5),0.5,0) + VEC, local CharDescendants = Player.Character:GetDescendants(), if CharDescendants[i]:IsA("Accessory") then, if CharDescendants[i].Name == "NotAllowed" then, table.insert(Hats,#Hats+1,CharDescendants[i]), if Hats[i].Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("SpecialMesh") ~= nil and ScriptSettings[3][2] == false then, Hats[i].Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("SpecialMesh"):Destroy(), Hats[1].Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Weld"):Destroy(), local s = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(), Parts[i].CanCollide = ScriptSettings[1][2], game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:wait(), if CharDescendants[i].Name ~= "NotAllowed" then, mas ="Model",game:GetService("Lighting")), ScrollingFrame2 ="ScrollingFrame"), UIListLayout3 ="UIListLayout"), ScrollingFrame4 ="ScrollingFrame"), UIListLayout5 ="UIListLayout"), ScreenGui0.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling, Frame1.Position =, 0, 0.178631052, 0), Frame1.Size =, 0, 0.5, 0), Frame1.BackgroundColor ="Institutional white"), Frame1.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), Frame1.Style = Enum.FrameStyle.RobloxRound, ScrollingFrame2.Position =, 0, 0.300000012, 0), ScrollingFrame2.Size =, 0, 0.600000024, 0), ScrollingFrame2.BackgroundColor ="Really black"), ScrollingFrame2.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0), ScrollingFrame2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.80000001192093, ScrollingFrame2.CanvasSize =, 0, 999, 0), UIListLayout3.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder, ScrollingFrame4.Position =, 0, 0.300000012, 0), ScrollingFrame4.Size =, 0, 0.600000024, 0), ScrollingFrame4.BackgroundColor ="Really black"), ScrollingFrame4.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0), ScrollingFrame4.BackgroundTransparency = 0.80000001192093, ScrollingFrame4.CanvasSize =, 0, 999, 0), UIListLayout5.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder, TextLabel6.Size =, 0, 0.300000012, 0), TextLabel6.BackgroundColor ="Institutional white"), TextLabel6.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), TextLabel6.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14, TextLabel6.TextColor ="Institutional white"), TextLabel6.TextColor3 =, 1, 1), TextButton7.Position =, 0, 0.899999976, 0), TextButton7.Size =, 0, 0.100000001, 0), TextButton7.BackgroundColor ="Institutional white"), TextButton7.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), TextButton7.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundButton, TextButton7.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14, TextButton7.TextColor ="Really black"), TextButton7.TextColor3 =, 0, 0), TextButton8.Position =, 0, 0.899999976, 0), TextButton8.Size =, 0, 0.100000001, 0), TextButton8.BackgroundColor ="Institutional white"), TextButton8.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), TextButton8.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundButton, TextButton8.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14, TextButton8.TextColor ="Really black"), TextButton8.TextColor3 =, 0, 0), TextButton0.Size =, 0, 0, 50), TextButton0.BackgroundColor ="Institutional white"), TextButton0.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), TextButton0.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundButton, TextButton0.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14, TextButton0.TextColor ="Really black"), TextButton0.TextColor3 =, 0, 0), TextButton0.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, TextButton0.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Bottom, local MakeNewSetting = function(SettingName,ActualSetting), local TextLabel1 ="TextButton"), Frame0.BackgroundColor ="Institutional white"), Frame0.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), Frame0.Style = Enum.FrameStyle.RobloxRound, TextLabel1.Size =, 0, 1, 0), TextLabel1.BackgroundColor ="Institutional white"), TextLabel1.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), TextLabel1.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14, TextLabel1.TextColor ="Institutional white"), TextLabel1.TextColor3 =, 1, 1), Frame2.Position =, 0, 0.25, 0), Frame2.Size =, 0, 0.5, 0), Frame2.BackgroundColor ="Lime green"), Frame2.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 0.14902), Frame3.BackgroundColor ="Dirt brown"), Frame3.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.254902, 0.254902), Frame3.Style = Enum.FrameStyle.RobloxRound, if ScriptSettings[ActualSetting][2] == true then, Frame2.BackgroundColor3 =,99,0), if ScriptSettings[ActualSetting][2] == false then, Frame2.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0), TextLabel1.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function(), local tween = TweenService:Create(Frame3, twen, {Position =,0,0)}), local tween2 = TweenService:Create(Frame2, twen, {BackgroundColor3 =,99,0)}), elseif ScriptSettings[ActualSetting][2] == true then, local tween = TweenService:Create(Frame3, twen, {Position =,0,0)}), local tween2 = TweenService:Create(Frame2, twen, {BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)}), game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Button1Down:Connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Button1Up:Connect(function(), local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse(), if game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().X > (Frame1.AbsolutePosition.X) and game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().X < (Frame1.AbsolutePosition.X + Frame1.AbsoluteSize.X) and game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Y > (Frame1.AbsolutePosition.Y) and game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Y < (Frame1.AbsolutePosition.Y + Frame1.AbsoluteSize.Y) then, relativeToFrame = - mouse.X,Frame1.AbsolutePosition.Y - mouse.Y), Frame1.Position = Frame1.Position:Lerp(,mouse.X + relativeToFrame.X,0, mouse.Y + relativeToFrame.Y),0.4), ScrollingFrame2.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 50*AmountOfButtons), NewButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function(), if Building == false and ActualBuilding == false then, local NewSetting = MakeNewSetting(ScriptSettings[i][1],i), ScrollingFrame4.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 50*#ScriptSettings), elseif key == "r" and Building == true then, elseif key == "e" and Building == true then, elseif key == "q" and Building == true then, TextButton8.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function(), local tween = TweenService:Create(ScrollingFrame2, twen, {Position =,0,0.3)}), local tween2 = TweenService:Create(ScrollingFrame4, twen, {Position =,0,0.3)}), TextButton7.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function(), local tween = TweenService:Create(ScrollingFrame2, twen, {Position =,0,0.3)}), local tween2 = TweenService:Create(ScrollingFrame4, twen, {Position =,0,0.3)}), Msgreq("Build Hub","Loaded!!! console.log("Failure at Presize of 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Welcome back heres another roblox scriptSCRIPT: are dev executor: {FREE}tags: roblox, scripts,. {{'Free Admin'},{2, 0, 2},{1, 0, 2},{0, 0, 2},{-1, 0, 2},{-1, 0, 1},{-1, 0, 0},{-1, 0, -1},{0, 0, -1},{0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 1},{1, 0, 1},{2, 0, 1},{2, 0, 0},{1, 0, 0},{1, 0, -1},{2, 0, -1},{-2, 0, -1},{-2, 0, 0},{-2, 0, 1},{-2, 0, 2},{-2, 0, -2},{-1, 0, -2},{1, 0, -2},{2, 0, -2},{0, 0, -2},{0, 8.5, 2},{1, 9.5, 2},{0, 9.5, 2},{-1, 10.5, 2},{-2, 10.5, 2},{-1, 9.5, 2},{0, 10.5, 2},{1, 10.5, 2},{2, 10.5, 2},{-2.5, 11.5, 2},{-2, 11.5, 2},{-1, 11.5, 2},{0, 11.5, 2},{1, 11.5, 2},{2, 11.5, 2},{2.5, 11.5, 2},{0.5, 12.5, 2},{-0.5, 12.5, 2},{0.5, 13.5, 2},{-0.5, 13.5, 2},{0.5, 14.5, 2},{-0.5, 14.5, 2},{0.5, 15.5, 2},{-0.5, 15.5, 2},{0.5, 16.5, 2},{-0.5, 16.5, 2},{0.5, 17.5, 2},{-0.5, 17.5, 2},{19.5, 21.5, 2},{0.084059715270996, 22.679386138916, 2},{19.5, 22.5, 2},{19.5, 23.5, 2},{19.5, 24.5, 2},{19.5, 25.5, 2},{18.5, 25.5, 2},{17.5, 25.5, 2},{18.5, 23.5, 2},{15.5, 23.5, 2},{15.5, 24.5, 2},{15.5, 25.5, 2},{14.5, 25.5, 2},{15.5, 22.5, 2},{13.5, 25.5, 2},{15.5, 21.5, 2},{13, 22.5, 2},{14.5, 23.5, 2},{13.5, 23.5, 2},{12.5, 21.5, 2},{13, 24.5, 2},{10.5, 21.5, 2},{10.5, 22.5, 2},{10.5, 23.5, 2},{10.5, 24.5, 2},{10.5, 25.5, 2},{9.5, 25.5, 2},{8.5, 25.5, 2},{8.5, 23.5, 2},{9.5, 23.5, 2},{8.5, 21.5, 2},{9.5, 21.5, 2},{4.5, 21.5, 2},{6.5, 25.5, 2},{5.5, 25.5, 2},{4.5, 25.5, 2},{6.5, 24.5, 2},{6.5, 23.5, 2},{4.5, 23.5, 2},{5.5, 23.5, 2},{6.5, 22.5, 2},{6.5, 21.5, 2},{5.5, 21.5, 2},{-7.8999996185303, 24.5, 2},{-18.600002288818, 21.5, 2},{-16.224203109741, 25.311897277832, 2},{-16.724203109741, 24.445871353149, 2},{-17.224203109741, 23.579845428467, 2},{-17.724203109741, 22.713819503784, 2},{-11.89999961853, 24.5, 2},{-9.8999996185303, 24.5, 2},{-13.89999961853, 21.5, 2},{-13.89999961853, 22.5, 2},{-13.89999961853, 23.5, 2},{-15.89999961853, 21.5, 2},{-13.89999961853, 26, 2},{-15.89999961853, 22.5, 2},{-15.89999961853, 23.5, 2},{-15.89999961853, 24.5, 2},{-15.89999961853, 25.5, 2},{-18.224203109741, 21.847793579102, 2},{-18.600002288818, 23.5, 2},{-18.600002288818, 22.5, 2},{-18.600002288818, 24.5, 2},{-18.600002288818, 25.5, 2},{-18.324203491211, 21.674589157104, 2},{-13.89999961853, 24, 2},{-0.81593990325928, 22.679386138916, 2},{-0.33190250396729, 25.258766174316, 2},{-1.6999788284302, 21.500007629395, 2},{1.3000040054321, 21.499998092651, 2},{0.61596393585205, 23.379384994507, 2},{0.27394390106201, 24.319078445435, 2},{-1.3579597473145, 22.439697265625, 2},{-0.068076133728027, 25.258771896362, 2},{0.95798397064209, 22.439691543579, 2},{-0.67392158508301, 24.319076538086, 2},{-1.0159406661987, 23.379386901855, 2},{-3.8999996185303, 21.5, 2},{-3.8999996185303, 22.5, 2},{-3.8999996185303, 23.5, 2},{-3.8999996185303, 24.5, 2},{-3.8999996185303, 25.5, 2},{-4.8999996185303, 25.5, 2},{-4.8999996185303, 21.5, 2},{-5.8999996185303, 22.5, 2},{-5.8999996185303, 24.5, 2},{-5.8999996185303, 23.5, 2},{-7.8999996185303, 21.5, 2},{-7.8999996185303, 22.5, 2},{-7.8999996185303, 23.5, 2},{-11.89999961853, 21.5, 2},{-10.89999961853, 25.5, 2},{-8.8999996185303, 25.5, 2},{-11.89999961853, 22.5, 2},{-11.89999961853, 23.5, 2},{-9.8999996185303, 23.5, 2},{-9.8999996185303, 22.5, 2},{-9.8999996185303, 21.5, 2}}, {{'Free Robux'},{0.99993515014648, 2.1781945228577, 1.4900646209717},{-1.4000644683838, 2.1781945228577, 1.4900646209717},{1.9999351501465, 2.1781945228577, -0.37681293487549},{-0.40006446838379, 2.1781945228577, 1.4900646209717},{0.99993515014648, 2.1781945228577, -1.3768129348755},{-2.4000644683838, 2.1781945228577, -0.40993499755859},{-2.2999992370605, 1, -0.95000076293945},{1.9000015258789, 0.99999994039536, -0.95000076293945},{1.9000015258789, 0.99999994039536, 1.0499997138977},{1.9000015258789, 0.99999994039536, 0.050000190734863},{-2.2999992370605, 1, 0.049999713897705},{-2.2999992370605, 1, 1.0499997138977},{1.9000015258789, 2, -0.95000076293945},{1.9000015258789, 2, 0.050000190734863},{1.9000015258789, 2, 1.0500001907349},{-2.2999992370605, 2, 1.0499997138977},{-2.2999992370605, 2, 0.049999713897705},{-2.2999992370605, 2, -0.95000076293945},{2, 0.28853189945221, 1.2483916282654},{-1.4000644683838, 2.1781945228577, -1.3768129348755},{0, 1.2852824926376, -1.1987600326538},{-1.3999996185303, 0.29311162233353, -1.1253576278687},{1.5, 0.28853189945221, 1.2483916282654},{1, 0.29311162233353, -1.1253576278687},{2, 0.29311168193817, -1.1253566741943},{-0.39999961853027, 1.2907044887543, 1.323558807373},{-2.3999996185303, 0.29311162233353, -1.1253576278687},{-6.4849853515625e-05, 2.1781945228577, 1.4900646209717},{-0.89999961853027, 0.28853189945221, 1.2483911514282},{1.9073486328125e-06, 1.2907044887543, 1.323558807373},{1, 1.2907044887543, 1.3235592842102},{-1.8999996185303, 0.28853189945221, 1.2483911514282},{-0.40006637573242, 2.1781945228577, -1.3768129348755},{-6.4849853515625e-05, 2.1781945228577, -1.3768129348755},{-2.4000644683838, 2.1781945228577, -1.3768129348755},{-0.20000076293945, 0.28853189945221, 1.2483916282654},{-0.39999961853027, 1.2852824926376, -1.1987600326538},{0.5, 0.28853189945221, 1.2483916282654},{-2.3999996185303, 1.2779194116592, -1.2990055084229},{-2.3999996185303, 0.28853189945221, 1.2483911514282},{-1.3999996185303, 1.2852824926376, -1.1987600326538},{-0.39999961853027, 0.29311162233353, -1.1253576278687},{2, 1.2779194116592, -1.2990045547485},{1, 1.2852824926376, -1.1987600326538},{0, 0.29311162233353, -1.1253576278687},{-2.3999996185303, 1.2733396291733, 1.4220395088196},{-1.3999996185303, 1.2907044887543, 1.323558807373},{2, 1.2733396291733, 1.4220399856567},{-2.4000644683838, 2.1781945228577, 0.49006462097168},{2, 0.49999997019768, 1.1499996185303},{1.9999351501465, 2.1781945228577, -1.3768129348755},{-2.4000644683838, 2.1781945228577, -1.3768129348755},{-2.4000644683838, 2.1781945228577, 1.4900646209717},{1.9999351501465, 2.1781945228577, 1.4900646209717},{1.9999351501465, 2.1781945228577, 0.49006462097168},{2, 0.49999997019768, 0.14999961853027},{2, 0.49999997019768, -1.0500001907349},{2, 0.49999997019768, -0.050000190734863},{-2.3999996185303, 0.49999997019768, 1.1499991416931},{-2.3999996185303, 0.49999997019768, -1.0500011444092},{-2.3999996185303, 0.49999997019768, 0.14999866485596},{-2.3999996185303, 0.49999997019768, -0.05000114440918},{-2.3999996185303, 0.19999995827675, -1.0500011444092},{-2.3999996185303, 0.19999995827675, -0.05000114440918},{-2.3999996185303, 0.19999995827675, 1.149998664856},{-2.3999996185303, 0.19999995827675, 0.14999866485596},{-1.3999996185303, 0.19999995827675, 0.14999866485596},{-1.3999996185303, 0.19999995827675, 1.149998664856},{-1.3999996185303, 0.19999995827675, -0.05000114440918},{-1.3999996185303, 0.19999995827675, -1.0500011444092},{2, 0.19999995827675, 0.14999866485596},{2, 0.19999995827675, 1.149998664856},{2, 0.19999995827675, -0.05000114440918},{2, 0.19999995827675, -1.0500011444092},{1, 0.19999995827675, 0.14999866485596},{1, 0.19999995827675, 1.149998664856},{1, 0.19999995827675, -0.05000114440918},{1, 0.19999995827675, -1.0500011444092},{0, 0.19999995827675, 0.14999866485596},{0, 0.19999995827675, 1.149998664856},{0, 0.19999995827675, -0.05000114440918},{0, 0.19999995827675, -1.0500011444092},{-0.39999961853027, 0.19999995827675, 0.14999866485596},{-0.39999961853027, 0.19999995827675, 1.149998664856},{-0.39999961853027, 0.19999995827675, -0.05000114440918},{-0.39999961853027, 0.19999995827675, -1.0500011444092},{-2.8999996185303, -0.5, 1.6499981880188},{2.5, -0.5, -1.6500015258789},{-2.8999996185303, -0.5, 0.6499981880188},{2.5, -0.5, 1.649998664856},{-1.8999996185303, -0.5, 1.6499981880188},{-0.89999961853027, -0.5, 1.6499981880188},{1.5, -0.5, 1.649998664856},{0.5, -0.5, 1.649998664856},{-0.20000076293945, -0.5, 1.649998664856},{2.5, -0.5, 0.64999866485596},{0.5, -0.5, 0.64999866485596},{1.5, -0.5, 0.64999866485596},{-0.20000076293945, -0.5, 0.64999866485596},{-0.89999961853027, -0.5, 0.6499981880188},{-1.8999996185303, -0.5, 0.6499981880188},{1.5, -0.5, -1.6500015258789},{0.5, -0.5, -1.6500015258789},{-0.20000076293945, -0.5, -1.6500015258789},{-1.9000015258789, -0.5, -1.6500015258789},{-2.9000015258789, -0.5, -1.6500015258789},{-0.90000152587891, -0.5, -1.6500015258789},{-0.90000152587891, -0.5, -0.65000152587891},{-2.9000015258789, -0.5, -0.65000152587891},{-1.9000015258789, -0.5, -0.65000152587891},{-0.20000076293945, -0.5, -0.65000152587891},{0.5, -0.5, -0.65000152587891},{1.5, -0.5, -0.65000152587891},{2.5, -0.5, -0.65000152587891},{-0.90000152587891, -0.5, -0.05000114440918},{-2.9000015258789, -0.5, -0.05000114440918},{-1.9000015258789, -0.5, -0.05000114440918},{-0.20000076293945, -0.5, -0.05000114440918},{0.5, -0.5, -0.05000114440918},{1.5, -0.5, -0.05000114440918},{2.5, -0.5, -0.05000114440918},{2.0009689331055, 2.8634808063507, 1.8187298774719},{2.0009689331055, 3.6268501281738, 2.0932579040527},{-2.3990306854248, 3.6268501281738, 2.0932579040527},{-2.3990306854248, 2.8634808063507, 1.8187298774719},{-1.3990306854248, 3.6268501281738, 2.0932579040527},{-1.3990306854248, 2.8634808063507, 1.8187298774719},{1.0009689331055, 3.6268501281738, 2.0932579040527},{1.0009689331055, 2.8634808063507, 1.8187298774719},{-0.3990306854248, 3.6268501281738, 2.0932579040527},{-0.3990306854248, 2.8634808063507, 1.8187298774719},{-2.3990306854248, 4.6942596435547, 1.0137000083923},{2.0009689331055, 4.6942596435547, 1.0137000083923},{0.00096893310546875, 2.8634808063507, 1.8187298774719},{0.00096893310546875, 3.6268501281738, 2.0932579040527},{-2.3990306854248, 4.1982116699219, 1.9833154678345},{2.0009689331055, 4.1982116699219, 1.9833154678345},{-1.3990306854248, 4.1982116699219, 1.9833154678345},{-0.3990306854248, 4.1982116699219, 1.9833154678345},{1.0009689331055, 4.1982116699219, 1.9833154678345},{0.00096893310546875, 4.1982116699219, 1.9833154678345},{2.0009689331055, 5.0642371177673, 1.4833149909973},{1.0009689331055, 5.0642371177673, 1.4833149909973},{0.00096893310546875, 5.0642371177673, 1.4833149909973},{-0.3990306854248, 5.0642371177673, 1.4833149909973},{-1.3990306854248, 5.0642371177673, 1.4833149909973},{-2.3990306854248, 5.0642371177673, 1.4833149909973},{2.0009689331055, 5.5874419212341, 0.9770975112915},{1.0009689331055, 5.5874419212341, 0.9770975112915},{0.00096893310546875, 5.5874419212341, 0.9770975112915},{-0.3990306854248, 5.5874419212341, 0.9770975112915},{-1.3990306854248, 5.5874419212341, 0.9770975112915},{-2.3990306854248, 5.5874419212341, 0.9770975112915},{-0.3990306854248, 3.5684275627136, 1.6636991500854},{-1.3990306854248, 3.5684275627136, 1.6636991500854},{-2.3990306854248, 3.5684275627136, 1.6636991500854},{2.0009689331055, 4.4344520568848, 1.1636996269226},{-2.3990306854248, 4.4344520568848, 1.1636996269226},{-0.19400405883789, 5.8082590103149, 0.27699279785156},{2.0009689331055, 5.5602841377258, 0.51370048522949},{1.0009689331055, 5.5602841377258, 0.51370048522949},{0.00096893310546875, 5.5602841377258, 0.51370048522949},{-0.3990306854248, 5.5602841377258, 0.51370048522949},{-1.3990306854248, 5.5602841377258, 0.51370048522949},{-2.3990306854248, 5.5602841377258, 0.51370048522949},{2.0009689331055, 3.5684275627136, 1.6636991500854},{1.0009689331055, 3.5684275627136, 1.6636991500854},{0.00096893310546875, 3.5684275627136, 1.6636991500854},{-0.20000076293945, 10.800008773804, 1.4000000953674},{0.79999923706055, 11.800008773804, 1.4000000953674},{-0.20000076293945, 11.800008773804, 1.4000000953674},{-1.2000007629395, 12.800004005432, 1.4000000953674},{-2.2000007629395, 12.800004005432, 1.4000000953674},{-1.2000007629395, 11.800008773804, 1.4000000953674},{-0.20000076293945, 12.800004005432, 1.4000000953674},{0.79999923706055, 12.800004005432, 1.4000000953674},{1.7999992370605, 12.800004005432, 1.4000000953674},{-2.7000007629395, 13.800007820129, 1.4000000953674},{-2.2000007629395, 13.800007820129, 1.4000000953674},{-1.2000007629395, 13.800007820129, 1.4000000953674},{-0.20000076293945, 13.800007820129, 1.4000000953674},{0.79999923706055, 13.800007820129, 1.4000000953674},{1.7999992370605, 13.800007820129, 1.4000000953674},{2.2999992370605, 13.800007820129, 1.4000000953674},{0.29999923706055, 14.800005912781, 1.4000000953674},{-0.70000076293945, 14.800005912781, 1.4000000953674},{0.29999923706055, 15.800006866455, 1.4000000953674},{-0.70000076293945, 15.800006866455, 1.4000000953674},{0.29999923706055, 16.800003051758, 1.4000000953674},{-0.70000076293945, 16.800003051758, 1.4000000953674},{0.29999923706055, 17.800003051758, 1.4000000953674},{-0.70000076293945, 17.800003051758, 1.4000000953674},{0.29999923706055, 18.799997329712, 1.4000000953674},{-0.70000076293945, 18.799997329712, 1.4000000953674},{0.29999923706055, 19.800001144409, 1.4000000953674},{-0.70000076293945, 19.800001144409, 1.4000000953674},{19.300003051758, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{19.300003051758, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{19.300003051758, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{19.300003051758, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{19.300003051758, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{18.300003051758, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{17.300003051758, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{18.300003051758, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{15.300003051758, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{15.300003051758, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{15.300003051758, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{14.300003051758, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{15.300003051758, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{13.300003051758, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{15.300003051758, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{12.800003051758, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{14.300003051758, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{13.300003051758, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{12.300003051758, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{12.800003051758, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{10.300003051758, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{10.300003051758, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{10.300003051758, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{10.300003051758, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{10.300003051758, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{9.3000030517578, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{8.3000030517578, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{8.3000030517578, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{9.3000030517578, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{8.3000030517578, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{9.3000030517578, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{4.3000030517578, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{6.3000030517578, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{5.3000030517578, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{4.3000030517578, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{6.3000030517578, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{6.3000030517578, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{4.3000030517578, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{5.3000030517578, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{6.3000030517578, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{6.3000030517578, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{5.3000030517578, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{1.3000030517578, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{1.3000030517578, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{1.3000030517578, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{0.29999923706055, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{1.3000030517578, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{-1.7000007629395, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{-1.2000007629395, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{0.29999923706055, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{-0.70000076293945, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{-0.70000076293945, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{1.3000030517578, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{-1.2000007629395, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{-6.7000007629395, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{-3.7000007629395, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{-3.7000007629395, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{-3.7000007629395, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{-5.7000007629395, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{-4.7000007629395, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{-4.7000007629395, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{-5.7000007629395, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{-4.7000007629395, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{-6.7000007629395, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{-6.7000007629395, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{-8.7000007629395, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{-8.7000007629395, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{-8.7000007629395, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{-8.7000007629395, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{-8.7000007629395, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{-9.7000007629395, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{-10.700000762939, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{-9.7000007629395, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{-11.200000762939, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{-13.200000762939, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{-10.700000762939, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{-9.7000007629395, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{-10.200000762939, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{-11.200000762939, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{-13.200000762939, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{-13.200000762939, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{-13.200000762939, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{8.4000015258789, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{-14.200000762939, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{-15.200000762939, 23.5, 2.4000000953674},{11.400001525879, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{-16.200000762939, 24.5, 2.4000000953674},{-16.200000762939, 25.5, 2.4000000953674},{-16.200000762939, 26.5, 2.4000000953674},{-16.200000762939, 27.5, 2.4000000953674},{-18.162755966187, 27.31151008606, 2.4000000953674},{-18.805543899536, 26.545463562012, 2.4000000953674},{-19.448331832886, 25.779418945313, 2.4000000953674},{-20.54107093811, 24.477140426636, 2.4000000953674},{-21.18385887146, 23.711097717285, 2.4000000953674},{-19.898283004761, 25.243186950684, 2.4000000953674},{-21.183860778809, 27.311506271362, 2.4000000953674},{-20.541072845459, 26.545461654663, 2.4000000953674},{-19.898284912109, 25.779417037964, 2.4000000953674},{-18.805541992188, 24.477142333984, 2.4000000953674},{-18.162754058838, 23.711097717285, 2.4000000953674},{-19.448333740234, 25.243186950684, 2.4000000953674},{5.4000015258789, 30, 2.4000000953674},{5.4000015258789, 31, 2.4000000953674},{5.4000015258789, 32, 2.4000000953674},{5.4000015258789, 33, 2.4000000953674},{5.4000015258789, 34, 2.4000000953674},{4.4000015258789, 34, 2.4000000953674},{3.4000015258789, 34, 2.4000000953674},{4.4000015258789, 32, 2.4000000953674},{-1.6000003814697, 31, 2.4000000953674},{1.4000015258789, 31, 2.4000000953674},{1.4000015258789, 32, 2.4000000953674},{1.4000015258789, 33, 2.4000000953674},{-0.60000038146973, 30, 2.4000000953674},{0.39999961853027, 34, 2.4000000953674},{0.39999961853027, 34, 2.4000000953674},{-0.60000038146973, 34, 2.4000000953674},{0.39999961853027, 30, 2.4000000953674},{-1.6000003814697, 33, 2.4000000953674},{-1.6000003814697, 32, 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2.4000000953674},{5.4000015258789, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{5.4000015258789, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{4.4000015258789, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{5.4000015258789, 36.5, 2.4000000953674},{9.9000015258789, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{8.9000015258789, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{1.4000015258789, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{1.4000015258789, 39.5, 2.4000000953674},{1.4000015258789, 38.5, 2.4000000953674},{1.4000015258789, 37.5, 2.4000000953674},{0.39999961853027, 36.5, 2.4000000953674},{-0.60000038146973, 36.5, 2.4000000953674},{-1.6000003814697, 37.5, 2.4000000953674},{-1.6000003814697, 38.5, 2.4000000953674},{-1.6000003814697, 39.5, 2.4000000953674},{-1.6000003814697, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{-4.5999984741211, 36.5, 2.4000000953674},{-5.5999984741211, 36.5, 2.4000000953674},{-3.5999984741211, 37.5, 2.4000000953674},{-3.5999984741211, 39.5, 2.4000000953674},{-3.5999984741211, 38.5, 2.4000000953674},{-5.5999984741211, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{-4.5999984741211, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{-6.0999984741211, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{-6.0999984741211, 36.5, 2.4000000953674},{-8.0999984741211, 36.5, 2.4000000953674},{-8.0999984741211, 37.5, 2.4000000953674},{-8.0999984741211, 38.5, 2.4000000953674},{-8.0999984741211, 39.5, 2.4000000953674},{-8.0999984741211, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{-9.0999984741211, 38.5, 2.4000000953674},{-10.099998474121, 38.5, 2.4000000953674},{-11.099998474121, 38.5, 2.4000000953674},{-11.099998474121, 39.5, 2.4000000953674},{-11.099998474121, 40.5, 2.4000000953674},{-11.099998474121, 37.5, 2.4000000953674},{-11.099998474121, 36.5, 2.4000000953674}}, local WEARITEMTHING = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("WearItem"), local NotificationBindable ="BindableFunction"), local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService"), local MakeTween = function(timetack,easingstyle,easingdirection,repeats,flipflop), local twen = MakeTween(0.2,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.In,0,false), local Msgreq = function(Title,Text,Duration,Button1Text,Button2Text), game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {, local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:wait(), game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait(), local TBL = game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren(), if Players ~= game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer then, sethiddenproperty(Players,"SimulationRadius",0), game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.MaximumSimulationRadius = math.pow(math.huge,math.huge), sethiddenproperty(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer,"SimulationRadius",math.pow(math.huge,math.huge)*math.huge), local AlignPos ='AlignPosition', Part1), local AlignOri ='AlignOrientation', Part1). , # players family paradise money script pastebin.Character as described in the cookies policy emailed straight to your inbox ; ``. 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