how to describe pain to a disability judge

This is especially important if your limitations come and go. Some people find that they need periodic tune-ups after their initial course of treatment to keep their condition under control. Today, acupuncture is commonly used as a complementary therapy to help relieve pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall well-being. In the United States, distance is typically measured in miles or feet. If you're opting to represent yourself, it's important to be aware of some of the most common disability judge trick questions. Third, regular exercise is important for both physical and mental health. -Emotional stress: Stressful life events or trauma can lead to pain, both physical and emotional. Of course, this is just an average and not everyone will live to this age. It is extremely important to be truthful and accurate about the following topics: your daily habits and your disability. Taking sheets off bed. It feels like someone stabbing the back of my head. First, if the injured worker has been placed on temporary disability status by his or her treating physician, the worker will be eligible to receive workers compensation benefits for the cost of physical therapy (as well as other necessary medical treatment) until he or she is released from temporary disability status. You might also consider hiring a disability lawyer or a non-lawyer representative to help you with your claim. Rest of the day. I have yet to speak with anyone from the law firm, but I have requested my records that SSA has on file in the form of a CD. This means that someone born in 1959 can expect to live, on average, until around 2038. Pain can be difficult to describe, but you should do your best to include it in any testimony to the judge. The following are some guidelines suggested by Tomasz Stasiuk to help claimants be able to effectively describe their pain. The SSI program pays benefits to adults and children who meet our requirements for a qualifying disability and have limited income and resources. Another common mistake claimants make when describing their daily activities is to simply give a schedule of your day without any information about your impairment. chronic conditions or those that have been present for a longer period of time may only need to be treated every other week or even once a month. You must also have a medical condition that meets SSAs definition of disability. The Tool Intiially Provides A List Of Topic Ideas To Choose From, Once You Select A Topic, You Can Go Ahead And Generate A Full Content AI Blog. (*) Ive had chronic pain since and feel my Doctors are no longer listening to me. Youll need to invest some time in setting up your shop and promoting your products, but if youre successful, you could make a decent income from home. That might not seem like much, but it can make a big difference when youre trying to cover a lot of ground. There are many ways that you can manage pain. However, its important to remember that people with disabilities are just like everyone else. Describing physical pain in writing is a challenge that most writers face at one time or another. A consistent number of years working at any single job, in other words, demonstrates your credibility. Lyme Disease - Written by a disability advocate. For example, telling a judge that you cook meals, do laundry, and run . In a recent post on the importance of claimant credibility, I made a point that your ability to effectively describe your physical pain at the hearing may play a role in helping you win your case. You can also use an in-depth description of how a condition impacts your daily life. The term mental retardation is still used in some legal documents and laws. Is it a constant ache that progresses to spasms as it evolves? However, treatment is possible. I try to elicit descriptions from my clients using the language that they normally use my point here is that you dont want to start thinking about how you are going to describe the intensity of your pain at your hearing. However, there are some general tips that can help. Frequency and Duration: It is painful all the time or just some of the time? This will help the ALJ understand your condition better. If youre able to describe the exact location of your pain, youll be more convincing to a disability judge. Describe Your Pain Realistically. For example, does moving in a certain way, or heat or cold aggravate your pain? It wasnt until the 1960s that the word started to be used as an insult. The word retarded is often used as a derogatory term to describe someone who is perceived as unintelligent or slow. Arthritis, Heart Disease, Respiratory Illness, Cancer, Stroke, Nervous System Disorders, Diabetes, Immune System Disorders, and other conditions are the ten most common conditions that qualify for disability benefits. Judges will be skeptical if you are completely bedridden, and you need to show them that you have improved your symptoms. Effects of medications: Do your medicines help? The best way to determine how often you should get acupuncture is to consult with a qualified practitioner who can tailor a treatment plan specifically for you. Choose your words cautiously even while at the doctor especially if your words relate to describing how you are feeling. These are not the only words that can describe your pain, but it is important for you to be able to describe what you feel as you are the only one that knows exactly what you feel. Problems sitting, standing, lifting, walking or using your hands. For example, if you cant carry your own bags, you might need help. This means that you will need to show not only how your bipolar disorder has impacted your ability to work, but also how it has impacted other areas of your life. Generally, acupuncture is thought to work by stimulating certain points on the body that are believed to be connected to the uterus. Theres no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. You would have the right to contest that fee petition if you wanted to do so. Be careful to avoid exaggeration when using this technique. Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, affecting more than 3 million Americans of all ages. Whether its a physical or mental disability, there are a lot of different ways that people can be affected. Severe intellectual disability is characterized by an IQ score of 20-35. Acupuncture needles are inserted into the body to a depth of between 0.3 and 3.0 inches. When pain reaches a level where it interferes with attention and concentration, that pain would impact your capacity to perform even a simple, entry-level job. 2. Triggers: What events trigger your pain, if any? You should include the frequency and duration of the pain and also explain when the pain starts and when it gets worse. Seizures are episodes of disturbed brain activity that can cause changes in behavior, sensations, and consciousness. Here is a list of 30 vivid words that can be used to describe pain. The interviewer will also ask about your medications and other medical tests. If so, are there side effects. The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides financial assistance to people with certain medical conditions that prevent them from working. Answer (1 of 3): You describe the physical symptoms, such as a crushing sensation in the chest, or sharp pains in the limbs, and most importantly, the impact it has. Fellow Blogger Tomasz Stasiuk, whose Colorado Social Security Disability Blog contains a wealth of information about the disability claims process, made note of this fact in his December 2009 article on how to describe pain in a Social Security Disability case. Difficulty staying focused on a task / need breaks. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. It can be difficult to prove to a disability judge that you suffer from chronic pain. Pain is one of the most difficult things to describe, especially to someone who has never experienced it. They may have children and grandchildren who are adults themselves. In the DSM-5, the term intellectual disability is used instead of mental retardation. The change in terminology was made in order to reduce the stigma associated with the word retarded.. If someone born in 1959 is still alive today, they have probably retired from their career or are close to retirement. When you are waiting for your disability to be approved, you need to have a plan in place. To qualify for SSDI, you must have worked long enough and recently enough under Social Security to earn enough credits. Generally, you need 40 credits, 20 of which were earned in the 10 years before you became disabled. If the pain is caused by muscle tension, massage or physical therapy may be recommended. Alberto. I dont expect an answer or response, I just want to share the situation I am thrown into. 5. The best way to find out how a particular lawyer charges is to ask them directly. Acupuncture is said to stimulate the release of endorphins, which are the bodys natural pain-relieving chemicals. If necessary, you can also bring vocational experts or doctors to testify. Some lawyers also charge an hourly rate, which means that you will be responsible for paying them for the time they spend working on your case. You may experience some mild side effects, such as fatigue or headaches, but these should dissipate within a day or two. I go to the bathroom and it takes at least 30 minutes to brush my teeth. If we represent you, we will meet with you before your hearing to review your testimony. Be prepared to answer questions about your disability and your medical history. Author: So, it is possible for someone born in 1959 to still be alive today. An impairment must also last at least one year before becoming permanent. Does looking at a computer screen for an extended period of time result in migraine headaches? Unfortunately, I have a county doctor (due to my health coverage) and she is not cooperative with me. When it comes to disability, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Home | About Us | Contact | Privacy. Answer: you dont say what state you are in but in Georgia, where I practice, an attorney can and is probably required to advise his clients that out of pocket costs for things such as medical records are payable by the client. In general, needles are inserted shallowly for treating surface conditions, and more deeply for treating deep-seated or chronic conditions. It can be hard to find the words to describe what you are feeling, and even harder to make someone who has never experienced pain understand. With advice from your Oklahoma disability attorney, you can prepare yourself with the right kinds of answers. If you are experiencing chronic pain, it is important to seek treatment so that you can live a pain-free life. This could be anything from social media marketing advice to financial planning tips. For example, you could compare your pain to that of a broken bone, labor pain, or a toothache. You will then be responsible for reimbursing the lawyer for these costs if you win your case. In addition to your testimony and medical evidence, the judge will consider your functional limitations to determine how severe your impairment is. The witness's letter should only discuss the . People with profound intellectual disability will need constant care and support. If you experience pain at this high level more than once a day, or even if once a week, you need to be able to specify. We also need to know if you learned skills on your job. I recently tried a case where my client would say things like after about 15 minutes, you get to the point where you cant get comfortable sitting or standing. An ALJ can also research and analyze laws relating to the case to help them prepare for the hearing and make an informed decision. Information that is helpful to your doctor includes: 1. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Please contact us at. Making decisions about people who suffer from chronic pain is one of the most troublesome of the problems faced by public and private insurers who determine eligibility for disability, including the Social Security Administration (SSA). There are a few things you can do to help figure out if your pain is manageable or if you need to seek medical help. To do this, you must meet the requirements in #1 and #2 listed below. Be honest and accurate. The use of the word as a slur likely came about because it was seen as a medical diagnosis rather than a descriptor of someones personality or intelligence. We need to find out about your past work to decide if you can still do it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Consultations are always 100% FREE & 100% CONFIDENTIAL. Thus, a judge assigned to your case may not fully understand the extent your pain if you merely state you have pain. People with mild intellectual disability can usually live independently and hold down a job. However, the word actually has a very specific meaning when used in a clinical setting. To recap, the question was " Describe what you do from the time you wake up until going to bed ". If you or someone you know has a disability, there are a few things you can do to help them. Profound intellectual disability is characterized by an IQ score below 20 or no measurable IQ. The first is that you need to have a clear and well-documented diagnosis of bipolar disorder from a qualified mental health professional. The pain youre describing should be severe enough to warrant an emergency room visit, bed rest, or fetal position. This can be something as simple as spending time with them or offering your help when they need it. Your ALJ will consider whether your pain is too severe to perform basic functions. If your disability isnt directly related to the requirements of the job, do not mention it. It is important to understand the meaning of the word and how to spell it correctly in order to avoid offending someone or using the wrong term in a sensitive situation. With a little bit of research and perseverance, you can find ways to make money that work for you. No longer able to bath/shower regularly. This can be in the form of a letter from your therapist or psychiatrist, or even records from your hospitalizations. It is also useful to point out how your pain affects your life. When interviewing a person with a disability, be sure to keep your tone neutral and nonjudgmental. They also look at what treatment you have sought to eliminate your pain. ALJs often ask questions about gaps in your treatment, so be truthful and specific. They have hopes, dreams, and ambitions. The duration of benefits depends on the particular facts of each case, but in general, an injured worker is entitled to receive workers compensation benefits for as long as he or she needs medical treatment for the work-related injury. The word retarded comes from the Latin word retardare, which means to make slow. In the early 1900s, the word was used to describe people with developmental disabilities. However, there are some risks associated with the procedure, such as bleeding, bruising, and soreness at the needle site. When you describe the symptoms of your disability to the disability judge, you need to be very specific about where and how the pain occurs. Chronic back pain sufferers must show that they have a medical condition that impairs their ability to function normally in order to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Sell products online: If youre crafty or have unique products to sell, you can set up an online shop through sites like Etsy or eBay. Second, it is helpful to use comparisons to help explain the pain. Stating you have pain is not enough; in order to strengthen your chances of winning your disability case, you must learn how to effectively describe your physical pain so that the caseworkers, physicians, and even the ALJ (Administrative Law Judge) assigned to your case can understand what you experience each day and how your pain limits your functioning. Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of conditions. This means that you worked long enough - and recently enough - and paid Social Security taxes on your earnings. No longer able to stand for more than 10 minutes without symptoms. Effects of pain: Does the pain affect how much you can lift? How Long After Acupuncture Did Labor Start. Some lawyers will also advance you the costs of your case, which means that they will front the money for things like medical records and expert witnesses. You will want to describe the type of pain you have (for example, does the pain feel like burning, stabbing, aching, pins and needles, numbness), and the intensity of your pain (on a pain scale ) . Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. If you are getting no response from anyone, that is a problem. A herniated disc is a condition in which a disc between the vertebrae of the spine bulges out and puts pressure on the spinal cord or the nerves that branch off from it. Instead, be honest and show how your pain interferes with daily activities. Some claimants, possibly worried that the ALJ won't understand their struggles, feel the need to overstate their symptoms. Does lying or sitting in a certain way help? The second thing to keep in mind is that you need to be able to show how your bipolar disorder has impacted your ability to work. The intensity of pain can range from a dull headache, to an agonizing toothache, to the more severe type of pain commonly associated with chronic conditions such as migraine headaches, Fibromyalgia, and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). Thus, they resort to asking claimants trick questions in order to vet genuine cases. I have severe migraines and headaches. Although pain is a symptom and we easily recognize it when we experience it, pain is nevertheless hard to describe. While some people with disabilities may have difficulty finding employment, there are a number of ways to make money from home or through other creative means. Required fields are marked *. Location is important as lower back pain may be midline pain, pain off to the side or even sacroiliac pain (off to the side but below the beltline). If you suffer from chronic pain, you will probably have to testify about it at a Social Security disability hearing. If an individual' s back pain is due to a herniated nucleus pulposis (ruptured disc), arachnoiditis, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, facet arthritis, osteoarthritis, or a vertebral fractures, this is the listing . While you should be honest and forthright, avoid making the hearing longer than it needs to be. While outright fraud is uncommon, Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) are trained to be wary of every claimant they encounter. No longer able to shave legs. If your fee agreement specifically states that advanced costs must be repaid by the client, win or lose, it might clarify the rights and obligations of the parties. I toss and turn until about 5:00, then I get up and turn on the coffee pot.". Is the pain aching, shooting or throbbing? The amount of the disability check may vary depending on the individuals other sources of income and financial need. Other than your medical records and possibly a medical expert, the only other information an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) at your disability appeal may be able to rely . You can also describe your pain in terms of how it is aggravated or alleviated by lying in a specific position. Descriptive terms like dull, throbbing, stabbing, sharp, burning can usually give a Judge a good idea of what you are experiencing. But talking about it openly and honestly can help us to better understand and cope with our pain. There is no hearing for the SSA, as there is for impeachment. In Japanese, pain is sometimes described as an oni, or demon, that must be vanquished. Julie, you are asking a number of questions I will try to respond to each one: All individuals have experienced some degree of pain at some point throughout life. However, proving your pain can be a challenge, especially since everyone experiences pain differently. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes recurrent seizures. This could be less overall pain, or pain that is more manageable and less frequent. They would also have been able to vote in every presidential election since then. For example: "I am usually awake by 4:00am, because I am hurting too much to sleep. A common technique for describing the severity of pain is to rate it on a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain imaginable. I am completely stiff in the morning and exhausted. In my office, for example, I generally do not get involved in collecting medical records that is a task for my secretary. In March of 2006 I fell down some stairs going down 25 steps to the ground. When you are in pain, it can feel like all you can think about is the pain itself. Participate in surveys or focus groups: Companies are always looking for consumer feedback on their products or services. The therapy involves the insertion of thin needles into the skin at specific points on the body. Acute pain tends to start out sharp or intense before gradually improving. A pain scale is a tool that doctors use to help assess a person's pain. The practice involves the placement of thin needles into the skin at specific points on the body. There are two types of disability benefits available through the SSA: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). A Sympathetic Judge Revealed The Secret. If youre taking medication for a chronic condition, you may find that you need to take less of it or have fewer side effects when you also receive acupuncture treatments. Specifically the judge will want to know how long you can stand and sit, how far you can walk, how much you can lift, and so forth. Or phone or email us. 3. It can also be triggered by a fall or an awkward movement. If your statements don't match your medical records, you will lose your credibility, then the judge's trust and, consequently, you won't get the benefits you are claiming for. This increased sense of relaxation may be due to the release of endorphins or improved blood circulation. If you have a disability, you know the pain like nobody else. Listed below are frequently asked questions about Step 4 and Step 5 of the process. Further, you want to show yourself as an honest, hardworking, but unfortunate person who has turned to the disability process as a last resort. Acupuncture is a popular form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions. Pain is subjective and can be hard to describe. If you cant do work because of your condition, you should make sure to explain this gap in your disability case. They will be able to help you determine the cause of your pain and develop a treatment plan to help relieve it. MEDICAL REASONS. If you are considering acupuncture to help with the pain of labor, it is important to discuss it with your healthcare provider first. The pain may radiate. How would you describe pain to a disability judge? My lawyer wanted me to tell him just 1 medical problem I have. Your healthcare provider first be a challenge that most writers face at one time or just some of the difficult. Alive today, they resort to asking claimants trick questions in order to reduce the stigma associated with the kinds. Involved in collecting medical records that is a challenge, especially since experiences! And well-documented diagnosis of bipolar disorder from a qualified mental health professional gaps in your treatment so! Course of treatment to keep your tone neutral and nonjudgmental prepared to answer questions about Step 4 and Step of... The skin at specific points on the coffee pot. & quot ; am completely stiff in the form of broken! 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how to describe pain to a disability judge