i hate being an occupational therapist

Im officially a little over a month in as a OT and I feel a lot of what youre feeling too. I BEYOND agree with you. Hi! Also, if you work in long term care care, there is significant pressure to be at a productivity rate that is often unattainable if you are really practicing ethically. Any input or suggestions for this? Easier to avoid burnout when you know your contract has an end date and you can take time off in between assignments! I find it very interesting that this childs younger sibling still attends the school. I have nothing to add as an SLP, except that I empathize with you and feel the same way about my field from not liking the setting, to grad school completely failing to actually provide therapy, to being burnt out. This happens to every profession that shows up on list as a top profession to major in. Would you mind elaborating more on your current position in the forensic psych hospital? Personally, I would not had any issue going into an OTD program because I'm interested in academia. Top new foods with well-liked sauces or seasonings to help them seem less strange and unusual . 5 Surprisingly Easy Ways To Make Extra Money After OT School, Manage stress, avoid burnout, and stay inspired. You can use our promo code MYOTSPOT for $150 off your yearly subscription if you want to give it a try. Teddi has become the first child in the UK to receive lifesaving gene therapy after being born with metachromatic Liked by Zo W. Hand therapist Augusta has been fitting splints for 25+ years - supporting or immobilising the hand for medical needs, such as arthritis, trauma With productivity targets at 85% or above, providing quality patient care becomes difficult to accomplish. Hear about the nasty things too, if you are willing to push through regardless then this is the career for you. Fortunately, most rural parts of the country have a desperate need for occupational therapists. There is so little mentorship and guidance, and I honestly feel like a terrible practitioner with no community or support. As an OTA, you will experience unforgettable moments with your patients as well as face . I advise everyone to research into the profession and keep an open mind. Thinking about ditching the profession altogether. It is recommended that you consider pursuing a degree in biology, kinesiology, health sciences or physiology. I hate that there is a lack of OTs. Specifically in the part we have to explain every single day for everyone we know what we do. You really shouldnt believe what people have to say about becoming an OT. Most OT settings, from pediatrics to adult rehab settings, require a considerable amount of physical exertion. I work at a SNF that has a lot of "difficult patients" meaning psychiatric behaviors, dementia and those on a pathway to death. In my own experience, I've talked to a lot of OT's over the years (in outpatient therapy and ped's mostly) and they have never expressed even an eighth of what those people said. In my area (I live in a major city), I haven't seen any non-school based or agency OT positions available. Fewer and fewer settings are paying for this, so expect to pay for the courses. As a new grad OT as a month, I feel you 100%. You chose to want to help people that struggle in life and to that I guess you are a really social person and always know that it's okay to struggle with things. For kids that are worried about getting soap in their eyes, no-tear shampoo formulas can be a life saver. I worked in SNFs for over a dozen years, and the productivity expectations were ridiculous, in addition to blatant fraud. I'm starting school in the fall and I'm confident that this is what I was meant to do. Benefits: Medical, Dental . Im going on my 4th year in schools and constantly feel lost. Back home in the Philippines, occupational therapy is deemed to be a profession in demand . For even more on the realities of being an occupational therapist, be sure to also check out these informative blog posts: 5 Things to Consider When Deciding on a Career in Occupational Therapy (Mama OT Blog), Is Occupational Therapy Stressful? It's useful to hear about the things that OTs don't like. I love feeding therapy. 5.) It's all about finding where you fit in. Online therapy has helped millions of people all over the world feel their best.BetterHelp, the global leader in online therapy and licensed mental health services, is designed to help people feel better without having to leave their homes.BetterHelp allows you to take advantage of affordable, thorough mental health services without having to use health insurance. And the beginning doesn't say anything of the ending (a german poem that I poorly translated to english). It gives us hope especially occupational therapists practising in third world(developing)countries where occupational therapy is viewed as if it has no low to play in health service delivery. Its a lot of work finding a new job, especially after finally landing your first one, but mentorship is so important your first one to three years of practice. Occupational therapists can evaluate patients to determine which forms of therapy they might need, create treatment plans for patients and help patients perform activities and exercises in therapy. If you have a disability, they will . One of the most rewarding things I did when I was in the clinic was teach the "Back School Clinic" for small groups. While the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average salary for OTRs is $86,280, the average for new grads is quite a bit less (tens of thousands of dollars less). But honestly, being an occupational therapist is hard. Hi Carolyn thank you your comment was helpful! If you're going for the OTR (Master's or Doctorate) route, you can expect to pay anywhere from $40,000 to well over $100,000 for your degree. The ACOTE decision to move degrees is in abeyance as of September 2018: https://www.aota.org/Education-Careers/Accreditation/acote-doctoral-mandate-2027.aspx. I worked in a school and realized that it's definitely not for me. It would depend on if you have a teaching certification or reading specialist certification offer possibilities in education could offer alternative If you like working in schools but dislike an SLP caseload and stressful job. I thought I would *hate* acute care but I absolutely LOVE it now that Ive given it a shot. Thats where I got my mentorship. If you work in pediatrics, you will also be doing a lot of physical movement with crawling, kneeling, jumping, chasing, and handling, oftentimes on the floor or mat. Thanks! THAT SPEAKS VOLUME!!!!!!!! I would also add that just because you dont think youll like a setting doesnt mean you wont! And let me tell you, I worked 2 weeks there and I questioned my whole life, my career choice, if I can do it, just everything. Establish a treatment plan for patients, laying out the types of activities and specific . If you sat in my classes you would notice that there is little empirical justification for OT interventions (it's a problem that we are faced with in our field, hence why a research emphasis is being pursued so much by many programs). I'm sure there are good and bad OT jobs, just as there are good and bad teaching jobs, etc. I would be perfectly happy working as a OT for a while in various settings and then going into academia and teach people how to become OT's and there is always ways to move up through a university setting. This is harder than it sounds due to the increasing paperwork demands that companies and insurers require. Its given me a lot of new ideas to help with the occasional boredom in my day to day routine. If youre open to other types of settings after graduation, this wont be a huge downside. Heather Fork is an authority on physician burnout. Of course, you are free to do what you want but it's sentiments such as the one you describe that enable schools to charge exorbitant rates of tuition to desperate students. NOTES: I HATE THIS ABOUT OT :SNF OT EDITION : NOT . While our student loans are high and you might feel like you cant afford to take time off to travel or work less than five days a week, there are other ways to add to your bank account. Being an occupational therapist assistant (OTA) offers a combination of benefits such as: Enhancing Quality of Life OTAs help people gain or regain an ability to perform tasks in everyday life such as eating, having a conversation, getting dressed, etc. Learn how your comment data is processed. I graduated in August 2020, and ever since - I have not found a position within OT that feels satisfying to me. I would like to talk to more OTs about this epidemic we are having as OTs being under apperciated, strong armed to keep kids on caseload despite appropriate and clinical reasoning to discharge. I doubt there is a job that is full of sunshine and butterflies 24/7 out there. Honestly I am not feeling confidet in my knowledge, I'm always pretending I know everything I do but it's just a fassade. I love what I do as a health proffesional! Im so glad I did, because I finally got that call back and am so grateful to be an OT in the hospital-setting. I went through three before I found me permanent one and even with that I have a per diem one that I keep on the weekends and I often think about leaving this one (but it has a pension and Ive been here so long its no longer worth it.) I think OT can be a great profession, but people need to know all of the information beyond the hype about the profession. For Valentines Day, my grandson told his aunt that he needed to buy his new teachers a box of chocolates each because at his new school, they like him. 5. But just know that everyone has rough days (or weeks, or months!) Ive learned through my own personal fieldwork and job experiences, along with my occupational therapist friends and colleagues experiences, that not all occupational therapy jobs are created equal. We learn in school how meaningful our profession is (which it is!) It's easier that way because he's more willing to cooperate. I might have to see 80 students in. Before asking yourself, "is being a physical therapist worth it?" understand that, in our profession, there can be a lot of subjectivity when it comes to diagnosis and treatment. Ive been an OT for more than 25 years, and each year it seems less and less about patient care and more.about money. I just like to be open-minded and hear all sides and weigh it all out. This article has been incredibly helpful. There is absolutely no way youll be able to just figure it out, or teach yourself. Look into outpatient OT, where you work with hand or upper extremity conditions. School rankings are mostly based upon application and acceptance statistics, as well as attendance in classes. Do you hate the phrase, "that's not my job!"? And yet, despite making ABA therapy fun and positive, the underlying goals of ABA have not changed. I would love the opportunity to get good and confident in highly skilled areas such as making splints, or treating burns, and lymphedema. The school system had another student (very similar situation and age) whose parents were told that their son could not return to the school after he had been with the school for 3 yrs. I taught, I educated, and hopefully, I inspired those who attended to make changes and take control of their rehabilitative process. I do not feel that my FW or school prepared me at all. Let me know what you guys think about this. Why. I would agree. Of the roughly 43,400 jobs occupational therapy assistants held in 2021, nearly half - 45% - were based in offices of physical, occupational and speech therapists, and audiologists, according . You can make it work for you if this is what you really want. A session generally lasts for one hour. The top non-clinical occupational therapy jobs of 2022 1) Clinical/rehab liaison Pros Cons 2) Clinical educator/trainer Pros Cons 3) Educator/professor Pros Cons 4) Clinical informatics specialist Pros Cons 5) Management and operations Pros Cons 6) Telehealth Pros Cons 7) Utilization reviewer Pros Cons I am working through my BA at the age of 34. Alternatively, if you have already completed an undergraduate degree, complete a masters degree in occupational therapy. I would say as a massive generalisation nursing is a very medical model and quite prescriptive, OT is a therapeutic approach and relies on the skill of the the therapist to achieve joint goals. An occupational therapist may work with anyone suffering from a chronic mental health condition, learning disability or physical disability to help them live the best . I agree with the previous comment that says that people tend to be more verbal (or post things online) if they absolutely love their job or especially if they have a bone to pick. As with any relationship, there needs to be a good bond between the two parties. Now that I have a little bit of a routine and really really great working colleagues, I am pretty lucky and fine by now but it is hard as an OT. If you cannot handle this, you may want to consider another career. Nobody really knows what you do or they just say: "Oh you are just like a PT!" What would be most helpful for you? (My OT Spot), How to Deal with Burnout as an Occupational Therapist (My OT Spot), Burned Out in Occupational Therapy? Would I personally change my career choice? That way, your faculty are likely PhD's and can write you a recommendation if you want to do a PhD later on. 9 popular non-traditional OT jobs There are many avenues your non-traditional OT career could take, but here we highlight nine of the most common. Do any of you really think that an ot is a glorified CNA? You're just "go go go" all day long. If youre thinking about becoming a Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant (COTA) you will pay much less in tuition as it is now an Associates degree, but keep in mind this may be transitioned to a Bachelors degree in the near future. Crystal Smith, Occupational Therapist - Contact: csmith@skusd.k12.ca.us Paul Walker, Adapted Physical Education Specialist - Contact: pwalker@skusd.k12.ca.us Occupational Therapists: Use meaningful activities (occupations) to help children and youth participate in what they need and/or want to do in order to promote physical and mental health and well-being. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Maybe you need to think about how to leverage that skillset outside of traditional healthcare? A quick note: I first wrote this post several years prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, which now has to be one of the biggest factors of OT burnout, even several years after it all began. If you are not OK with this, you can opt-out if you wish. Local government? Wow this is a long threadAll the OTs and COTAs I've met and shadowed love their jobs! Writing Writing is one of the easiest switches you can make, but you have to be willing to put in lots of time, and you might take a pretty steep pay cut at the beginning. Or inpatient rehab. Because of this, any time that you arent treating (or even when you are treating) youre doing a lot of paperwork. The new school assistant principal informed the OT that there was not enough staff or funding to support the additional help my grandson needed. There are a lot of policy questions here: why isn't the government regulating these schools so that they can't charge 100k+ for a degree which will earn you 50k as an entry level practitioner? While it isnt for everyone, working contracts that are essentially paid fieldworks with long breaks between is awesome. Im doing travel right now and its hot. Unless you live in a big city, where in person courses might be offered, expect to have to travel. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Working a job with intense physical demands as well as high productivity challenges five days a week is really rough. Im only interested in outpatient rehab/hand therapy and Im unable to even get an interview. I don't believe I ever said that schools are businesses; I think they shouldn't be. Travel therapists LOVE taking time off between each three month contract to relax and recharge. I don't think a doctorate degree is any more advantageous in terms of clinical practice because everyone is entry level coming out. I personally use MedBridge Continuing Education for ideas since its all online and provides unlimited courses for the year. All of this is very true! So, without further ado, here are 10 things I hate about occupational therapy: 1. With that said, ALL professions have pros and cons, and the pros just have to outweigh cons for someone. I graduated with a MAOT in 2009 and am currently working in a SNF. I found this to be the case when I graduated, and ended up in a setting I wasnt crazy about. I just want to point out that I am changing careers, after getting a masters in one field and working in that field for over almost 14 years. doing what you love. even when they continually show me otherwise. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. So while you do get to provide meaningful treatments and help people achieve their goals, you do have to deal with the struggle of meeting your productivity on a daily basis. More new OTs does not automatically equal more positions being created to meet the demand, so many new grads are faced with the fact that they might have to move to another city to find a job. A CNA is there to dress, help with toileting, etc. This generally takes 4 years of full-time study. I let a client not pay for a session. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You can whine and complain or you can make it better. C) The area you end up loving might not even be on your radar nowa lot of OT students dream of working in the schools. I find those posts extremely depressing and I wonder if most of those people were in OT for the money or to gain status like a doctor without going to medical schoolthose are the kind of people who will get disgruntled like that because OT is not always a glamorous field. I honestly thought all through school I was going to work in peds. Keep applying, and dont give up! I have contracted to local schools with very low rates. Maybe in business roles, like HR? This way you get the variety of two different settings part time instead of only one setting full time. Watch this free webinar to learn why outcomes-tracking is crucial to our future success. Having second thoughts. I hate how OT services are viewed as a "privilege," creating a lack of accessibility, especially for clients living in rural areas. I can't really give advice because I quit the profession for similar reasons. Reading about the ethical concerns on this forum (I've forgotten which forum or post, maybe it was this one), causes great concern for me. It was really not a good fit for me, though I knew what I was getting myself into by the time I pursued the masters. I work in a SNF so theyre pretty lonely and the fact that youre there to try whatever it is youve got means a lot to them. Im always on my toes switching back and forth from inpatient rehab to very different diagnoses and treatments in acute care. I would like some of you guys thoughts on the future of ot. I really hate this because in college I couldn't decide between healthcare and behavioral health and when I found out about OT I was psyched to find out I could do both! These are some of the realities Ive discovered after becoming an occupational therapist. Occupational Therapist/Practice Consultant (2086) Norfolk County Council 3.7. Mental health. I've also chatted with many OTs. Like many things in life, consistency is key. Use no tear soap. Ive certainly been in this situation. I love the theory of OT and what it stands for but if the world does not understand the value of it, will it be one of the first occupations to go? We moved my grandson to his home school system, and he has made 360-degree progress and loves schools. Occupational therapy addressing mental & behavioral health in non-psychiatric settings 08/24/2022 Occupational therapy can benefit our community by addressing mental and behavioral health concerns in every practice setting. Every career has its ups and downs. While it can still be stressful to get done documenting in time, I love that I can actually pay attention to my patients and provide them with solid treatments. Tips to Reclaim your Practice, The Best Splinting Guide for Occupational Therapists. Completely different roles. It's always best to work with a therapist you connect with. I think being an OT part time is very difficult as the work load is rarely reduced on a proportional basis especially in a community role. I have been reading the Indeed boards a lot and they are usually so negative. Plus I am fascinated with the human body and how the brain works! Additionally, some states may require that a person using distance therapy be located in the same state in which the therapist is licensed. With rehab-based occupational therapists and COTAs, a big focus is transfer training. If you have any additional strategies that have helped you combat burnout in your practice, please be sure to share them in the comments below. I agree with OTROX, if the majority of your exposure to OT is coming from these forums then you need to do a little more research on the career. It will make you a more well rounded applicant. Maybe in community organizing? If you are burning out in one area (yes it happens) there are many other areas to switch to. This post was originally published on March 25, 2017 and updated on June 15, 2019 and February 28, 2023. Buy Hate Being Sexy But I'm Funny Occupational Therapist Therapy T-Shirt: Shop top fashion brands T-Shirts at Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases Amazon.com: Hate Being Sexy But I'm Funny Occupational Therapist Therapy T-Shirt : Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry I love the broadness of OT but I'm wondering if I should choose something more specialized. Or narrow your search. He might be the one who melts you quicker than snow in June. and visual impairments. ), and it can certainly be emotionally draining given the complexity of the patients we see. In order to practice in the United States, you must pass the National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) examination. This can range from working with patients who require very little physical assist to patients that are dependent. Is it non-clinical? What type of sites/jobs would be the best fit? I work for the government now. If I could have done it all over again, I would have applied to medical school, as I had the same aptitude and academic grades. To become an occupational therapist, you'll need a degree in occupational therapy, which usually takes three years full time or up to six years part time. There is a raging debate about the OTD within our field. I agree with this. OT is a complex, growing field, and who knows how it will evolve in our lifetime. Are OTs really disrespected by other professionals and seen as a jack of all trades, who interfere with other professionals' areas of practice such as psyc, pt, and speech? I found that my aptitude and academic achievement was equivalent to, if not higher, than some medical students, who then became, obviously, physicans; yet, in my first year of employment I earned about $30,000 ($15/hour). If youre passionate about becoming an occupational therapist, you wont regret it! The great thing about our profession is that we have theflexibilityto work when we want. stipend for their residency work. Active jobs keep the body in better shape, the mind clearer, and leave you with more . As OTs we are trained to analyze and assess-the individual, their skills/needs, the demands of each task, and determine the ways to either bring the person back to a functional state or adapt the task/environment/tools to facilitate success. Almost every setting has productivity requirements, with some settings less strict than others. If you come into it unsure or you're just doing it for the money, you're gonna have doubts and be disappointed. I contracted another local OT to work with my grandson as to keep his services apart from me. Working a job with intense physical demands as well as high productivity challenges five days a week is rough. Given the complexity of the ending ( a german poem that I poorly translated to ). Work in peds & # x27 ; s more willing to push through regardless then this is glorified... Poorly translated to english ) a desperate need for occupational therapists ) Norfolk County 3.7! And bad OT jobs, etc is! community or support therapist you connect with I LOVE!, 2019 and February 28, 2023 get an interview school system, and I honestly thought all school. Explain every single day for everyone, working contracts that are dependent will evolve our... 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i hate being an occupational therapist