rappers that don't believe in god

I call myself atheist because people then know that I'm serious. <- #9 ngelo Martnez grew up in an Ethiopian Orthodox home that sheltered him from everything worldly outside of his abusive step-father. Let me tell you something about FAITH. What a stupid statement. In fact, it explicitly distinguished that he identifies as agnostic.for now. and in anguish of spirit they will groan, and say, Carl B Grant you are so lost. Don't fall on my faith, oh (Haha) Don't fall on my fate (It's too easy) [Verse 3: Eminem] Just remember, I was here before . Have you defined religion then ? Allah sent Islam that is why it is not like those other religions. It enslaves your brain completely like a virus or parasite. He gave us free will, and the choices we make in life will be the blueprint to our final home. Just too easy. Sounds like hell is much more favorable than heaven or do you ommitt things to make you feel better about god? You think she's hot don't you? All the information was completely controlled by the church. That is why your so lost. You don't know the origins of your own religion/faith. and I have someone to live for other than myself. I don't believe God I believe only me. I tell them, "Hey! God wants to have a relationship with all of us, open your hearts and allow Him to reveal Himself to you and He will! Savannah Gardiner You see, the problem with your statement is that you're preventing yourself from learning when you automatically shut yourself off on the basis of fear. Thereby, experiences are not evidence. You are so brainwashed honey. "Astronaut In The Ocean" doesn't seem like a meme song. 2: something believed; especially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group grow up. No, you don't know science ancient or modern. [13] So we also, as soon as we were born, ceased to be, Thank you O merciful one. Cheryl South it's also a major part of being an atheistthank you very much. The Qur'an proves itself in various ways with everything that is recorded in it. But nor do I care to try to invalidate atheism to the atheist, or validate Christianity to the Christian. But I also think that those that believe should not behave as if every black person goes to church and is religious. Y'all spend to much time trying to make "US" out to be some hateful ppl, however all "We" do is spread Love, it's just in "Our" natureBe Blessed n' Be a Blessing . Because a person has to reach adulthood first (mentally and emotionally) before they can make the decision for themselves whether to do that junk. Isa Massi Exactly, segregation was also something justified by the bible in the same way that slavery was. You have no answers and you can't answer. EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVER TONGUE SHALL CONFESSBUT ISNT THIS JUDGING SOMEONE? One day we will all know. Where the hell yuo getting that from with out a way there is nothing! Belief is assertion and claim without objective evidence/proof to back it up. if you cant see God you can see His organised system in the structure of the universe, the universe does not just exist but it is fashioned in a way more than a built house with furniture and whatever, Can your brain ever accept that a built house can ever exist without been built by someone? You believ it but how do you know? Question: How many other scriptures do you know? ..ariane barnes. Either way good luck to you in your endeavors. You cannot prove "God" doesn't exist. 8 people who know how to "think" for themselves and look beyond a religious book to give them morals , *Cheers* to them. Check it out ^_~. what trial?u die and theres nothing more to it! Owning people as property and being backed by the infallible magic book sure is awesome. The only other word that's close is "non-theist," & to me, is just a longer way to say atheist, & usually requires explanation. It is very sad indeed. Get yourself a good one. It's very interesting to me that people base their entire life off of information we read in "books". What we have concluded is that know one knows and man's best explanation has yet to come. That's what all of you say now you're just fools. The very mention of ARMY,says so much about religion , All powerful God needs an army made up ignorant humans!! Yet 2000+ year dead men had all the answers which is why they created God in the first place. People who's moral belief system has been undermined and are not afraid of the legal repercussions are dangerous. I am not here to force at all. What objective evidence do you have that proves & shows that Islam is the oldest religion/faith? When asked if he believed in God, Lee said, "To be perfectly frank, I really do not." MMA fighter Frank Mir called religion "the retarded stepchild of philosophy." If Jesus is white and Jesus is god, that means that white people are god. It's not a "thought" that God is a figment of every believer's imagination. Michael Asbury Devil go sit down somewhere. Continue proving me right. Kamilah.you are a member of DST which was founded by members of OES who were first AKAs, yet you are a "stupid atheists" as they call them. Jody Javiera Andrew To simply say, "Look around you" is a cop-out because you're seeking an answer that is immediate & most convenient for you, as opposed to researching for one that is based on reality. in the presence of those who have afflicted him, He refers to himself as an "airport atheist" in the song "Won't Stop," noting, "Airport atheist, though may pray when there's turbulence.". What a shame! i am happy you are saved by grace but can't show the same for others who don't believe what you believe. Bummer. You've never had one. That guy Andrew Bryant Bristol is a Pervert! This article says that Religion is ingrained in the black culture. All of the authors of scriptures was not there. We use religion and science to try to comprehend the incomprehensible, but it is beyond our limits. Were He Himself created than you may have a ground to stand upon, but Allah is our Creator so we certainly are not above Him. Everything that they are talking about confirms everything Jesus Christ mentioned before he was crucified. Lecrae Devaughn Moore, also known as Lecrae, is an American Christian rapper, singer, and songwriter from Houston, Texas. Mike Battle The very obvious place where you can follow Samantha is called Hell. 9:5; Psalms 146:4). woot woot I love him! I can proudly say that I will never confess to something that is not true. If it has not been for pieces of paper, you would not have known of God in the first place even though he doesn't exist and it's all in your head. Have blessed day. FB was created by an atheist so thank one for allowing you a place to share your wonderful bs fool haha. You all don't need to be left alone as long as there is bad in the world created by your theism and the theism of others. Though they are a little more the average racist. I think you need to read Matthew 5:22. Time and space/place have no beginning and no end. Why do you think there is a legal drinking age? So u are "interesting" to say the least. Put two and two together. Jody Javiera Andrew you're living a delusion and you're still a slave. Bet you and people like you still think that Eve was the first woman created by God and that women are 2nd class citizens according to scripture. WAKE UP!! Despite what you or I may think of religion as it is taught religion as a whole serves a purpose, it allows people to seek their better angels. If I can read Harry Potter without believing it is all real and true you should be able to do the same with the bible, Koran, and any other mythological (religious) texts. He does exist pray to him everyday and he will reach you. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. Peace!". judge much? Why do African Americans believe in such garbage After all Christianity was force on our ancestors as it was also used to justify slavery Even one step further have you really read your bible, and do you follow all of what it teaches, or do you cherry pick certain scriptures to your benefit. I do pray for the non believers but as a believer I have to spread the Gospel "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1 NIV). Can you consistently demonstrate that with sufficient evidence to make me believe that the world is older than 5 minutes??? So how did we get Jesus? The difference is the atheist helps with no expectations of being rewarded in the after life. You know what that is called? Tell me why, the galaxies are perfectly and precisely distanced from each other. Let me ask you Christians a few simple questions. Atheism is a conclusion based on objective evidence & proof vastly supporting that there is no such and has never, ever been a such thing as "God" or anything "supernatural." You rappers ain't hungry like us They talk about me like I'm here, they talk about you like you was, woo! In other words (with no pun intended), "Not all are created equally." Modern science has more than proven that there must be an afterlife and that Allah is real. wish more black people wake the f*&*&K up. I have discussions with atheists before many of whom are scienctist with doctorate degrees. Don't fall on my faith, oh (I won't) Don't fall on my fate (Line 'em up!) Too bad you're oblivious to that. I'm not a distraction for that. Until then, I suggest you find a chair somewhere and go sit down. Fact is religion is nothing but belief systems. I'm para-phrasing but Allah puts forth this challenge in the book. It's so much easier to claim that you know there is a god than it is to prove it. Carl B Grant , That's a good point. Yeah. Never have and never will. We thought that his life was madness Knowing is knowledge learned. That or you have but are so severely mentally ill and deranged you cannot tell the difference. Praying for you bro ! It must be scary to live the way you do, thinking that your life is ruled by spirits. Only they're selling you something that you never asked for in the first place & can actually do without. Winfred Theteacher Wills There is far more evidence for the big bang theory and evolution than for the existence of even a man called Jesus, let alone for Jesus the son of God. Choose life over religion. Gosh I hate that more than anything else ugh!!! Personally I believe in treating people the way I want to be treated. Every Race and culture had their on gods made in their image and culture. Or is it because of science: that the "chances" are Mars is too far from the Sun, & Venus is too close to the Sun. You think she's hot don't you? After all, religion is A BUSINESS like anything else! Oh yeah the laws of thermodynamics don't agree with your theory. Jody Javiera Andrew Hey Jody. We have chanted for improved social relationships and better health and have used these sorts of approaches mainly to show proof of our practice. Chris Rock is painfully right. lol. I'd confess Lady Gaga was lord after enough torture. Anyway, I just know better and I don't go by 2000+ year dead men's words like you. Satan had 2 creators God by scripture and humans by their imaginations. Too bad you failed science and world history in addition to possibly having failed or never taken religious studies. I failed to see the logic so I didn't believe. Islam is unlike the rest of those religions anyway because the Qur'an is the primary source. So far your response "i don't know". I can accept that if you believe that,.Then you can believe in the non existence of God, the way the universe is organised and coordinated in a systematic manner show no doubt in the existence of God and if you dont believe in the existence of God then you should not believe in your own existence also, what makes you exist and think that God cannot exist.? Of course, you don't care what a Non-Muslim woman thinks because being a Muslim woman is all about being a pawn in a grand masculism scheme. Do your research and you will find out a lot you think you know really is a staged Show! I'm not a Christian, but I help others when and where I can. And they want to tell you about it It comes off as terribly insecure, like an overweight chick who recently lost a lot of weight and cant stop wearing skimpy dresses or stop talking about how HOT they look After a while you start questioning to yourself, "do you RELLY believe in your hotness?" For you sir, are a bigot. Are you surprised that atheism is so prominent in hip-hop? Love everything you said. ?, no ?, id didnt thinkso!!!! Rappers, experts say, have their own relationships with God, which show their appreciation may come from a variety of sources. And while I'm an atheist myself, Chris Rock can have a seat. Oops, I spotted an error: Neil deGrasse Tyson IS god. It has nothing to do with measurement of smarts. Samantha A. Christian I agree. He is the source of Peace and Perfection. [3] They will speak to one another in repentance, The bible itself is enough proof/evidence to know that there is a supernatual being around. You really do sound ridiculous! Any objective reading of the various religious texts (Bible, Koran, Torah etc) ought to make clear the absurdity of these belief systems, I speak as someone who has read for no man is an island and if it was not for God you would not exist. Alright, alright. I also don't care so much that these "celebrities" don't believe or are questioning the cult following.However it is nice that this is even being spotlighted.It is more than past time black stop grasping on to magic and focus on reality. Khalil Tahir Yes! I don't beg for shit. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Christian hip hop is having a moment: 6 rappers you should know, including chart-topper NF. P.S. We're beyond sick & tired of ignorance, stupidity, bigotry that's negatively impacting our world via theism/religion including yours. Tell me why, earth's gravity (-9.8m/s^2) is perfect, whereby we are not objects being sunked in by black holes or floating objects, as if we were on the moon. There is no afterlife. The whole thing about Satan convincing people be doesn't exist is a line from a Shakespeare play, not the Bible. 1) Atheism is not a religion. Lil side note,, I MAY B A CHRISTIAN, BUT I'M HOOD STILL..Y'ALL BRING IT OUTTA ME#!!! You like to think that everything "requires a builder, designer, plan, & so did Earth & Heaven." And it happened. I take full responsibility and accountability for my actions. Oops. Read a history book. Christianity which was brought forth to the world by a dark colored man from the middle east who was convicted and put to death by the Roman government of insighting the people to riot with his peace and love for fellow man teachings, has now been coopted and corrupted and watered down. Right. MAKING BILLIONS A DAY OFF OF OUR SUFFERING. The first christian rapper I have ever heard, and he has changed my life with his music. God bless you'll! It was obvious. Read about Lord Krishna!!! does it make me look fat? Another lasting difference between us and the Abrahamic faiths is that we see this time as a beginning of a new era whereas they were seeing the last 14 years as an end to the world. "You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. . Good Christian morals, what a joke. no evidence of its passage is found; Most Americans are so blind its just hilarious!!! A year later, he was telling Vibe, "I don't believe in religion and giving it all up to Jesus and stuff like that. apparently you haven't been paying attention, grooveand just like most religious heads i know, you're saying so won't make it sohow about you give us proof how this will be true?been hearing this crap about jesus coming back since i was a kid, and so has my mom, and her mom and dad, and their moms and dads, so forth and so onshit, our people wouldn't be christian if it weren't for our slave mastersand unless you're gonna tell me that jesus and this God are ok with slavery, i don't want to hear itand if they are OK with slavery, what kind of God is this?, a question for you, markhow come this all powerful God, who is responsible for everything under the sun, still has his creations wondering what he looks like?real talk, there hasn't been not ONE actual sighting of this God, everthe only thing you religious folk fall back on are these tired lines passed down to us from generations before usthey prove NOTHINGand real talk, if you are a person of color YOU wouldn't have anything to do with christianity if it weren't for your slave masterjust the same as your name would be markgive them back their shitall of it. One famous atheist rapper often advocates for social change. If it had been the case that mankind could have come to Islam on their own Allah would have allowed them to do so. It's all game. It the savage nature of mankind. To answer your question less vaguely, God is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. You honestly have no clue. Supernatural CAN NOT exist without God! It's all been disproven objectively over centuries. Or maybe he texts you? As long as you worship a white god you will always be a slave. Fun fact "A shaman anti-christ" is a perfect anagram of Samantha Christian. However, it was Allah who sent any wisdom into the world that eventually became the other 2 false Abrahamic religions. Guys.. most of us know most Christian rappers are bad at rapping or rap too much about themselves and not God. There was a study that show a direct the least education a person has the more likely they are to be religious. Don't give us your source, without giving your facts or opinion; few care, unless we know you Barry Piece. Because you challenge the existence of what is obvious. It's what only you have that are unproven assertions, assumptions, & presumptions. Check it out bro. Well, if Jesus can over come all, then all the impoverished Blacks, who Bill Cosby criticize, have to do is pray to Jesus to rescue them from poverty and it shall be done. Achieving nothing but ignorance forever more. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Christianity is the disease forced upon our ancestors by their slave-masters. Some women . There arent strong voices in rap that represent the other view, that theres a rational explanation for all this!. There are agnostic theist scientists as well. I can't see my brain but I know it is there, somewhere. Loving other's, helping other's is a major part of being a Christian. Now with that said, I refuse to call myself an atheist, because that would infer I know for a FACT there is no God, I don't know that for a fact, the only thing I know for fact is right now, at this moment I'm sitting behind a keyboard. I would post links to these studies but I wouldn't want the one with the 10 year olds to make you feel inferior.

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rappers that don't believe in god