senoy, sansenoy and semangelof amulet

she said. They found her at the Red Sea, where she was giving birth daily to numerous demons. Eli Yassif, who studied the medieval stories of ben Sirah (or ben Sirach), claimed that the custom of writing amulets with the names of the angels dates back even earlier than the 8th century, its story intended to explain an existing custom. [7], The Septuagint translates both the reference to Lilith and the word for jackals or "wild beasts of the island" within the same verse into Greek as onokentauros, apparently assuming them as referring to the same creatures and omitting "wildcats/wild beasts of the desert" (so, instead of the wildcats or desert beasts meeting with the jackals or island beasts, the goat or "satyr" crying "to his fellow" and lilith or "screech owl" resting "there", it is the goat or "satyr", translated as daimonia "demons", and the jackals or island beasts "onocentaurs" meeting with each other and crying "one to the other" and the latter resting there in the translation). [102], The western mystery tradition associates Lilith with the Qliphoth of kabbalah. In 1881, the Lilith sonnet was renamed "Body's Beauty" in order to contrast it and Soul's Beauty. In this folk tradition that arose in the early Middle Ages Lilith, a dominant female demon, became identified with Asmodeus, King of Demons, as his queen. He also created a woman from the earth, as He had created Adam Senoy, Sansenoy & Semangelof symbols. . Another interesting text can be found in a manuscript which is part of the Bill Gross Collection and which received the rather generic title, Prayers Against the Plague. She gave birth to a host of demons and became known as their mother. In the text an amulet is inscribed with the names of three angels (Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof) and placed around the neck of newborn boys in order to protect them from the lilin until their circumcision. A third alternative version states that God originally created Adam and Lilith in a manner that the female creature was contained in the male. Scottish author George MacDonald also wrote a fantasy novel entitled Lilith, first published in 1895. Faust: [dancing with the young witch] This passage may be related to the mention of Lilith in Talmud Shabbath 151b (see above), and also to Talmud Eruvin 18b where nocturnal emissions are connected with the begettal of demons. Wycliffe's Bible (1395) preserves the Latin rendering lamia: Isa 34:15 Lamya schal ligge there, and foond rest there to hir silf. Stephen Skinner's 1671 Etymologicon Lingu Anglican], which asserts that the word lullaby originates from Lillu abi abi, a Hebrew incantation meaning "Lilith begone" recited by Jewish mothers over an infant's cradle. Tags. And the Serpent seduced Holy Eve, and enough said for him who understands. [87] The Angel Senoy,not much is Known of this mysterious being.Thought to have been trapped in a statue after YHVH sent Senoy,and his two brothers, Sansenoy and Semangelof to bring back Lilith to Adam. Of Adam's first wife, Lilith, it is told Whence it comes that the Jews are accustomed to write in the four corners of the chamber of a woman just delivered, "Adam, Eve, be gone from hence lilith." DouayRheims Bible (1582/1610) also preserves the Latin rendering lamia: Isa 34:14 And demons and monsters shall meet, and the hairy ones shall cry out one to another, there hath the lamia lain down, and found rest for herself. The angels very names Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof are seen as safeguards against Liliths actions. [13], Interpretations of Lilith found in later Jewish materials are plentiful, but little information has survived relating to the Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian view of this class of demons. Deciphering Jewish Manuscripts . 'I have been deserted by my helpmeet' God at once sent the angels Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof to fetch Lilith . Demon-Busting Magical Bowls from Babylon! Though the names are not completely identical, the same whispering, threatening motif can be heard here as well. And soft-shed kisses and soft sleep shall snare? [84] One source states simply that she is a daughter of the goddess Hecate, another, that Lamia was subsequently cursed by the goddess Hera to have stillborn children because of her association with Zeus; alternatively, Hera slew all of Lamia's children (except Scylla) in anger that Lamia slept with her husband, Zeus. The incantation bowls which have been analysed, are inscribed in the following languages, Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, Syriac, Mandaic, Middle Persian, and Arabic. He then created a woman for Adam, from the earth, as He had created Adam himself, and called her Lilith. To avert danger, it was held wise to strike the sleeping child's lips with one finger-whereupon Lilith would vanish. Enter your e-mail below to receive the most interesting, quality content about the treasures preserved in the National Library! It made its way to the Land of Israel from Egypt around 541-542 AD. As opposed to the Kabbalists of Safed, who invoked the secret divine names to save themselves, the scribes of this manuscript decided to make use of canonical texts telling of the victories of God over the various plagues which threatened the People of Israel. If you placed an amulet with the name of the 3 Angels on it, and placed it on the baby, lilith could not harm it. According to the legend, if she can't destroy or claim the human infant, because of the angelic amulet, she may spitefully turn against her own children, the Lilim, in a fit of rage. Two main roles are attributed to this demoness: strangling young children in their sleep, and seducing men Lilith becomes pregnant with this wasted sperm, giving birth to demonic stepchildren. In the Zohar, however, Lilith is said to have succeeded in begetting offspring from Adam even during their short-lived sexual experience. She was notorious for being a vampiric spirit and loved sucking men's blood. Despite the threat from the three angels that if she didn't return to Adam one hundred of her sons would die every day, she refused, claiming that she was created expressly to harm newborn infants. The ancient Greeks knew these dangerous sorceresses by the name of lamiae, and they believed that they devoured children, or sucked away all their blood till they died. Before doing so, she attaches herself to Cain and bears him numerous spirits and demons. [60] The amulets used against Lilith that were thought to derive from this tradition are, in fact, dated as being much older. God at once sent the angels Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof to fetch Lilith back. The text begins with the words (I have placed the Lord before me constantly), followed immediately by Psalm 91, in which the speaker tells of the refuge provided by the wings of the Lord, while also citing the various evils from which he is protected, including devastating pestilence ( ). [45][46] However, John J. Collins[47] regards this identification as "intriguing" but that it is "safe to say" that (4Q184) is based on the strange woman of Proverbs 2, 5, 7, 9: Her house sinks down to death, The issue of these unions were demons and spirits called "the plagues of humankind", and the usual added explanation was that it was through Adam's own sin that Lilith overcame him against his will. All rights reserved The National Library of Israel 2017 , The story of the three angels charged with safeguarding newborn babies and their mothers. They told her God's word, but she did not wish to return. A lovely dream I dreamt one day First among these Talmudic demons is Samael, often referred to euphemistically as Sitra Achra The Other Side. the goat he-calls his- fellowlilit (lilith) she-rests and she-finds rest[d] The manuscript ends with a dedication to a young man: Yosef Tzemach Gabriel Donati, Over time, the Hebrew word for plague Magefa () has come to be associated with other meanings as well. Etymologically, we can trace the changes in the names of the angels/saints which have evolved over the years and which have been modified to suit any culture that embraced them. However, Lilith would become hateful toward the children born of the husband and wife and would seek to kill them. 47). They wouldn't force her to come back to Adam under one condition. And the Serpent, the Woman of Harlotry, incited and seduced Eve through the husks of Light which in itself is holiness. Throughout the 16th century, plague spread across different parts of the Middle East. Kabbalistic mysticism attempted to establish a more exact relationship between Lilith and God. Blair. They found her beside the Red Sea, a region abounding in lascivious demons. Said the Holy One to Adam, 'If she agrees to come back, what is made is good. The female side was Lilith, whereupon she flew to the Cities of the Sea and attacked humankind. Lilith's earliest appearance in the literature of the Romantic period (17891832) was in Goethe's 1808 work Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy. Lilith believed she could leave her husband, and as he refused to accept this decree of equality in their sex life apparently meaning that Lilith wished to be on top of her husband during intercourse, she fled from him and escaped.. [12] For example, in the 13th-century writings of Isaac ben Jacob ha-Cohen, Lilith left Adam after she refused to become subservient to him and then would not return to the Garden of Eden after she had coupled with the archangel Samael. She also agreed to have one hundred of her children die every day. [104], This article is about the Jewish religious figure Lilith. however, sent after her three angels-Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof by name,11 who soon located her in the same wild waters in which the Egyptians were to drown in the days of the Exodus. Two organisations that use initiations and magic associated with Lilith are the Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati and the Order of Phosphorus. The background and purpose of The Alphabet of Ben-Sira is unclear. Schrader's and Levy's view is therefore partly dependent on a later dating of Deutero-Isaiah to the 6th century BC, and the presence of Jews in Babylon which would coincide with the possible references to the Lltu in Babylonian demonology. [e], The early 5th-century Vulgate translated the same word as lamia. Source: Angels and Demons edited by Filip Vukosavovic. The two twin androgynous couples resembled each other and both "were like the image of Above"; that is, that they are reproduced in a visible form of an androgynous deity. The plague of archaeology, a pashkevil from 1980, Another pashkevil, seen here below, which dates to the period of the British Mandate, warns of the plague of eating and selling non-kosher meat, which had broken out among the Jewish community. The "Lilith" section contains thirteen poems exploring the Lilith myth and is central to the meaning of the collection as a whole. IV, 22), He is now destroying! [71], The marriage of Samael and Lilith is known as the "Angel Satan" or the "Other God", but it was not allowed to last. The 3 Angels names are Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof. I thought, 'If, despite this lie, he strips [65] Her creation is described in many alternative versions. Accordingly, every day one hundred demons perish, and for the same reason, we write the angels' names on the amulets of young children. Their names are Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof. (In English: Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof). According to Biblical mythology, Lilith was Adam's first companion and she abandoned him. ~Ari'el Share To take revenge on Adam, she pursues human children. The "screech owl" translation of the King James Version is, together with the "owl" (yanup, probably a water bird) in 34:11 and the "great owl" (qippoz, properly a snake) of 34:15, an attempt to render the passage by choosing suitable animals for difficult to translate Hebrew words. Although in the medieval Hebrew literature and folklore, especially that reflected on the protective amulets of various kinds, Chavvah ha-Rishonah was identified with Lilith, one should remain careful in transposing this equation to the Late Antiquity.[49]. Moses responds to a threat by God that He will destroy the Israelite people. She shall become an abode for jackals and a haunt for ostriches. [72] With Lilith being unable to fornicate with Samael anymore, she sought to couple with men who experience nocturnal emissions. [89] Symbols appearing in the painting allude to the "femme fatale" reputation of the Romantic Lilith: poppies (death and cold) and white roses (sterile passion). The Hebrew title appearing at the top reads This amulet is for plague from the holy ARI (The holy ARI was Rabbi Isaac Luria, Vitals teacher). Once they saddled for him two mules which stood on two bridges of the Rognag; and he jumped from one to the other, backward and forward, holding in his hands two cups of wine, pouring alternately from one to the other, and not a drop fell to the ground." Moses pleads before God, that God should not be like Lilith who kills her own children. Lilith claims that since she and Adam were created in the same way they were equal and she refuses to submit to him: After God created Adam, who was alone, He said, "It is not good for man to be alone." those of three angels, Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangeloph. [Here is] your divorce and writ and letter of separation, sent through holy angels. to ward of Lilith. In memory of Adam and Eve, excluding Lilith, a protective amulet against demons and harmful forces, from the exhibition book Back to the Shtetl An-Sky and the Jewish Ethnographic Expedition, The Israel Museum, 1994, How was this sense of equality manifested? The last manuscript which we will present also hails from 19th century Italy. "[93], The depiction of Lilith in Romanticism continues to be popular among Wiccans and in other modern Occultism. The three angels were made popular by the Alphabet of ben Sirah, while the illustrations of their images in various amulets also contributed to their fame. However, they are defeated by Methuselah, who slays thousands of them with a holy sword and forces Agrimas to give him the names of the rest, after which he casts them away to the sea and the mountains.[68]. Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof made a deal with Lilith. In the Akkadian language of Assyria and Babylonia, the terms lili and lltu mean spirits. Such an amulet would have been attached to the wall or door of the birthroom to protect the occupants. It would become evident that the child was not fathered by the husband, and the child would be looked down on. It is a collection of stories about heroes of the Bible and Talmud, it may have been a collection of folk-tales, a refutation of Christian, Karaite, or other separatist movements; its content seems so offensive to contemporary Jews that it was even suggested that it could be an anti-Jewish satire,[62] although, in any case, the text was accepted by the Jewish mystics of medieval Germany.[49]. The "first light", which is the light of Mercy (one of the Sefirot), appeared on the first day of creation when God said "Let there be light". Australian poet and scholar Christopher John Brennan (18701932), included a section titled "Lilith" in his major work "Poems: 1913" (Sydney: G. B. Philip and Son, 1914). hawks [kites, gledes] also they-gather, every one with its mate. A publication about birth customs by the Jewish Museum of Switzerland also includes oral accounts from 20th century Baden-Wrttemberg which likewise mention circling movements with a knife in order to protect a woman in childbirth.[82]. Lilith is also mentioned in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, by C. S. Lewis. The three angels were made popular by the Alphabet of ben Sirah, while the illustrations of their images in various amulets also contributed to their fame. The eyes are very large, as well as the hands (if depicted). [31], The Arslan Tash amulets are limestone plaques discovered in 1933 at Arslan Tash, the authenticity of which is disputed. Third, and despite the terseness of the biblical text in this regard, the erotic iniquities attributed to Eve constitute a separate category of her shortcomings. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, among the 19 fragments of Isaiah found at Qumran, the Great Isaiah Scroll (1Q1Isa) in 34:14 renders the creature as plural liliyyot (or liliyyoth). Lilit would seek revenge on the family by killing the children born to the husband and wife. She doesn't soon let go of them again. Another version[69] that was also current among Kabbalistic circles in the Middle Ages establishes Lilith as the first of Samael's four wives: Lilith, Naamah, Eisheth, and Agrat bat Mahlat. (Patai81:455f). Adam complained to God: "I have been deserted by my helpmeet." God at once sent the angels Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof to fetch Lilith back. This is the account of Lilith which was received by the Sages in the Secret Knowledge of the Palaces.[67]. Lilith's soul was lodged in the depths of the Great Abyss. This idea was further attested by Doreen Valiente, who cited her as a presiding goddess of the Craft: "the personification of erotic dreams, the suppressed desire for delights". The Krasmesser would be used by a midwife or by the husband to draw a magic circle around the pregnant or birthing woman to protect her from Lilith and the evil eye, which were considered to represent the greatest danger for children and pregnant women. And still she sits, young while the earth is old, These amulets are mentioned in the Ben Sirah, and in fact, the story probably exists to give a more religious justification for the otherwise pretty superstition-and-magic . On this bowl we find a text written by the author Duchtish Bat Bahrui, describing a character named Smamit, the mother of twelve sons who were killed by a brutal demon named Sideros. [80] Richardson did not endorse the theory and modern lexicographers consider it a false etymology. During this time "Pizna", either an alternate name for Lilith or a daughter of hers, desires his beauty and seduces him against his will. The first occurrence of plague in the recorded history of the Middle East was known as the Plague of Justinian, named after the Byzantine Emperor, Justinian I. I saw a green-leaved apple tree, . A thousand years later, the residents of the land were still dealing with fairly frequent outbreaks. amulet and asked "Who are these?" Ben Sira answered, "The angels who are in charge of medicine: Snvi, Snsvi, and Smnglof." [In English: Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof.] After a while, Lilith returned to the Garden of Eden but found that Adam had another partner, Eve. A similar set of charges appears in Genesis Rabbah 17:8, according to which Eve's creation from Adam's rib rather than from the earth makes her inferior to Adam and never satisfied with anything. This promise is the foundation of the famous amulet used to this day by women following childbirth. Zeus was said to have given her the gift of sight. In Jewish mythology, Lilith is believed to be Adams first wife, who was banished before she was able to bear his children. This is why one hundred of Lilith's demon children die every day and why the names of the three angels, Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof, written on an amulet, protect people from her evil influence. The three angels cast her away from heaven, and are now protecting children and mothers. After Mephistopheles offers this warning to Faust, he then, quite ironically, encourages Faust to dance with "the Pretty Witch". "Return to Adam without delay," the angels said, "or we will drown you!" Lilith asked: "How can I return to Adam and . In this tradition it is made clear that Samael and Lilith were born as one, similar to the form of Adam and Eve who were also born as one, reflecting what is above. The Black Suitcase of Magical Amulets with a Mysterious History. The names of three angels, potent against Lilith, are mentioned - Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof - and those three names are inscribed in this print, in abbreviated forms: Snvi, Snsnvi, Smnglf. Again playing on the Hebrew phrase zot hapaam, Adam, according to the same midrash, declares: "it is she [zot] who is destined to strike the bell [zog] and to speak [in strife] against me, as you read, 'a golden bell [paamon] and a pomegranate' [Exodus 28:34] it is she who will trouble me [mefaamtani] all night" (Genesis Rabbah 18:4). Lilith leaves Adam in Eden, as she is not a suitable helpmate for him. God separated the female from Adam's side. [70] The marriage of archangel Samael and Lilith was arranged by Tanin'iver ("Blind Dragon"), who is the counterpart of "the dragon that is in the sea". C. L. Moore's 1940 story Fruit of Knowledge is written from Lilith's point of view. There are five references to Lilith in the Babylonian Talmud in Gemara on three separate Tractates of the Mishnah: The above statement by Hanina may be related to the belief that nocturnal emissions engendered the birth of demons: The Midrash Rabbah collection contains two references to Lilith. The image here is taken from a later printing of the book which includes various commentaries on the writings of Vital and Luria, but the amulet, or similar versions of it, appear in earlier printings as well. [66], An alternative story links Lilith with the creation of luminaries. And, subtly of herself contemplative, angels and Lilith is the basis for writing the names Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semange-lof on amulets hung around the necks of new-born babes: when Lilith sees the names, she remembers her . An amulet attributed to Isaac Luria, "The Holy ARI", 1855 The first occurrence of plague in the recorded history of the Middle East was known as the "Plague of Justinian", named after the Byzantine Emperor, Justinian I. Who Are You, Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof? (13) Her castles shall be overgrown with thorns, her fortresses with thistles and briers. This is the earliest Jewish amulet to appear in paper print. The text states that new areas are discovered from time to time, where the plague of archaeology has taken hold in the northern, southern and central regions. [63] Asmodeus was already well known by this time because of the legends about him in the Talmud. While God created Adam, who was alone, He said, "It is not good for man to be alone" (Genesis 2:18). The figures of Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof appear here from right to left The quest for a proven, functioning magical amulet, one whose supernatural powers can be trusted with certainty, has led buyers to prefer amulets ordained with fixed and familiar mystic formulas. Sea and attacked humankind, as she is not a suitable helpmate for him who understands popular among and! Tash, the same word as lamia. [ 67 ] created a woman for Adam, from the,! Those of three angels charged with safeguarding newborn babies and their mothers creation of.! Have succeeded in begetting offspring from Adam even during their short-lived sexual experience the hands ( If ). If depicted ) the account of Lilith in Romanticism continues to be popular among Wiccans and in modern. Myth and is central to the Garden of Eden but found that Adam had another partner,.... Lili and lltu mean spirits a woman from the earth, as he created... 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senoy, sansenoy and semangelof amulet