smoking daughters discussion forum

LOL, I'd be f ucking great if Teges got flattened by a f uck'n bus.April, Izzy and that f ucking drag queen Logan must've f ucked off together. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. All because you snitched on me for smoking in school uniform and I've seen you smoking in uniform. Thank you!!! My dad smokes with me all the time. Are you in contact with this family? Of course it is reflective of the parenting skills of the mother. We love smoking too much for that. All i have done is post a thread saying i choose as an adult to smoke and i don't see why i should stop just cos my mother doesn't like it. My mil does smoke and also does in her house. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. 3. If it was anyone else who wasn't going to see dd a lot I would let it slide. I have never read a post be anyone who has said anything about regretting their decision to get their child smoking young. Copyright 20052023 quite alot of parents are kids themselves or just couldnt care less about there offspring! Debates related with teen smoking in general are also allowed. We're talking the babies to the Gold Coast this morning but I'll be able to reply. Obviously you are exhausted and feeling at the end of your tether but smoking at this age can be something with much more far reaching consequences. Beef Sep 5, 2022. . Take up a hobby and stop keeping a close eye on your neighbours. Some forums can only be seen by registered members. When I see my GD's 4 year old face as she pulls her smoke deep down into her lungs a look of utter contentment and comfort. I'm pregnant and so happy and proud of myself. Follow us for the best, hand picked confessions. We were hoping to avoid an awkward no smoking or no baby moment but it seems to be inevitable! Thanks guys. The minimum age for consumption in public is 16, however there is no age limit for consumption in private. Chloe , Leah ThanQ bay-bee. Subject: A tiny list of pro-smoking boards As of this time, the More board is the only Voy smoking board with a brand as the main topic. More worrying would be if she was drinking. MY GD smokes regularly during the day, tells me she feels safe and cozy when she smokes and that she never wants to quit. Followers 0. When she was about to leave she handed Hannah back to me and my daughter smelled like she had smoked a cigarette herself! It is illegal to sell tobacco to anyone under the age of 18 in England and Wales. Its weird she's got friends my age haha. Recommended Posts. Love you sis give your little Jake a long smooch from his Auntie Bella .Isabella xxxxxxx, Teges ,Let mommy know I've messaged her please sis.Bella xxxxxxx, Teges ,Sorry I didn't write yesterday I slept so much from like 9pm Wednesday to bout 4.30pm Thursday, Leah was like we couldn't wake you up so she called Grandpa and I woke up to him pinching the sh*it out me. Neato! While I wouldn't suggest that by letting a child smoke or drink would make a bad parent, it is certainly not a part of growing up for most people. It feels so much more lovely for a child to start smoking safely with the love and guidance of their mom etc. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. Even if she gets caught no fu*cker is going to do anything cos shes 4, all you'd have to say omg I didn't know haha. gonna make a thousand bucks when Matt watches her being f ucked by Matt, wow that's a sh*t load of money . Make a podcast, YouTube or TikTok videos about our confessions and we'll promote your content, free! I loved to see her My husband hates smoking and I did too. You can't do anything here but lead by example. Like, any other topic would have been better to troll. The results of the poll are amazing, with a total of 1059 mothers who helped their child become a fully addicted smoker at the age of 5 or younger, 156 at 5-6, and 240 when their child was 7-8. You think i should stop for my mothers sake? don't think i have to explain any further. All rights reserved. Show your support by donating any amount. Why the f uck didn't they take that c unt Tegan with 'emOksana. Although females AND males of ALL ages can post on here, fetish posts and debates that turn into flame debates will be deleted. The girl will have to help herself. Re: 16 and luvin it!! That q**** Leah talked about her health being serious 7 days ago. Grandpa does cuss but only around his buddy's but he doesn't cuss when he's speaking to me or my girls, but we don't cuss any less when he's with us.Isla and Aria were cute yesterday , Isla had Aria in her lap cuddling her, cos Isla was naked as is usual for her, Aria decided to see if Isla had any milk for her, so she moved her mouth to Isla's nipple, even tho she had got no milk she kept trying, they were both giggling cos Isla said it tickled. So we are just looking for any possible solutions you can think of! Being shown by your mom, aunty, gran etc. She is the most unlikely of girls you would expect to pick up a smoking habit, generally a sweet innocent girl. We're coming back on Sunday.Love Tegan , Leah That's terrible news. She has been pretty much a lifelong smoker, and I think this influenced me to become one too in the past. I know for certain my body feels so much better since I quit smoking. I just rAng mommy and she said if you want to email her, then use mommys email but make sure Bella is ok with it bc she doesn't want to upset her. The best thing the dad can do is not allow the daughter to smoke around him. manchild May 13, 2016 | 10:49. Some people don't deserve children.. This morning I got Isla to share her cig with Aria by giving her smokey kisses, that was fu*cking hot to see tbh If you speak to Mommy please send her kisses & hugs from me, I did message her about 4/5 days ago.Love you my sl*utty sis,Isabella xxxxxxx, Anonymous confessions, stories and advice. I know smoking isn't very healthy, but at her age, I guess it isn't doing all that much harm. - Best keep your nose out really - They're not exactly beating the child. That's just other people's perception then. What the F***. Need advice. My neighbour openly lets her 13 year old Daughter smoke. I guess it means I'm a lazy cu*nt haha.Awww how fu*cking cute is Libby taking what she fu*cking wants from the store. Was i too harsh on her. I've been a smoker since I was 18 and recently my 24 year old Daughter, Emma wants to start smoking but I don't like the idea of her inhaling all the dangerous chemicals in normal cigarettes. to get their little one smoking.Lots of warm smoke-filled blessing to you all xxxx. So is it when the mother etc. Wonder if even gave my daughter too much punishment. So it has been 24 hours since my last analog, now my SO wants an ecig! I wish she would stop but I know she's not going to unless it's what she decides. Registered in England. She's not being a brat about it are anything, she saw me using the e-gig and asked if she could start smoking. 16 and luvin it!! The purpose of this board is to serve as a forum for teens to discuss smoking issues - whether to start smoking, how to smoke, social issues related to smoking, etc. I caught my thirteen year old daughter smokeing two weeks ago. Jake has been getting plenty of smoky kisses from Libby, Summer, Brett and me just like Aria gets them from you, Leah, Olivia and IslaYour big sis Teges , Babe Bella,Does grandpa cuss. The EMT's arrived and took her to hospital. I am a s** addict. She's very much like me, copying, I started because my friends has a teenager got me into cigarettes and since then smoked. 2 . i vote no on the cigs, and especially no on the vaping. As long as she likes it, she should smoke as much as she likes. I took Jake to the mall the other day with the twins and we went into a kids dress shop, well that f ucking their Libby helped herself to a Frozen little girls outfit complete with crown and everything the little c unt didn't pay for it. Me and my DH are far from awkward and will tell you like it is. Many times I've said no, she goes "Well why do you and dad do it then?" I told her it was OK for her to smoke. I'm sure you've got the girl's best interest at heart, but at the end of the day if shes not being beaten black and blue and then forced to smoke a pack of 20 then its nobody else is buisness. Link for those who want to see smoking links and smoking galleries, Link for those who want to see smoking links and smoking galleries, Re: Smoking Girls are cool..(Cindy is Sexy), Re: Smoking Girls are cool..(Linda is cool) :). I could just shake him some days!! A link that will let you reset your password has been emailed to you. Ask her if she actually wants to have an addiction, because that's what she's getting into. She's grounded for two weeks with early bedtime at 7 for next two weeks and a bare bum spanking before bed every evening before bed You did the right thing. I wish my dad would smoke with me. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. I told her if she wanted anything to do with her grand daughter she'd quit. She got out of the Car today smoking and her Mum was driving. Let her check out this site, she'll never want to touch a cigarette and she will probably enjoy vaping to., Wife-Swap: Pagan wife from Salem swaps with CA wife, Parents charged with killing UNDERAGE DAUGHTER'S pimp, The following errors occurred with your submission. That's disgusting. 100 Young Girls Smoking Cigarettes Premium Video Footage Browse 100 young girls smoking cigarettes stock videos and clips available to use in your projects or start a new search to explore more stock footage and b-roll video clips. I head though they are not recommended for none smokers, is this true? In fact, I take it much farther. lol He says he does it for stress relief. My husband flat out didn't care if she smoked or not. Copyright2002-2022 All rights reserved. Nebraska: Come for the corn, stay for the fun! She sits there masturbating on the sofa with her 6-inch d**** smoking on a cigarette all the time. I have not spanked her in over a year. Just leave it as I'm sure you don't want to start arguements and be classed as "nosy". She put it in Jake's pram and covered it up with his blanket and she walked straight out of the store with it. Leah , Hey Lilly, Ren and Isabella,Remember me, it's Pippa I'm the 12 year old whose gf writes for me coz my English is up the s***. I state in my OP that i can appreciate why a parent might worry. I'm 28 and have been smoking for a while now which has met with some considerable disapproval from my mother. I am 40 years old and have been married My wife used to smoke a half pack a day of Marlboro Reds. She just doesn't want you to have any health issues or, god forbid, die before she does. Learn more about. He even buys them cigarettes and and a couple of bottles of alcohol once in a while. But I still went back to sleep bout 10pm. If you do not receive your email shortly, please check your spam folder. I don't see why it's funny?, you smoke, so you stink of it - as you live in your house your house stinks of it as well. Shes upset over loosening privileges, early bedtime and not getting too go to her friends party on friday. The other morning when she was staying with us, we had a sleep in, and when we went into GD's room, she was snuggled up in front of the heater playing with her dolls and even thought it was just 8:30 in the morning, she told us she lit her first smoke in bed as soon as she woke up, and loved it so much that she had kept lighting herself up and she had 5 butts in her ashtray.Our GD after just 3 months is up to a pack a a half a day, and we love nothing more than seeing her adorable little face as she smokes throughout the day. Livvy is. If youd like to join in, please sign in or register. Even in this forum there are such cretins. You cannot be with them 24/7 and unfortunately at 11 we make some choices that are not good for us. The toxins of a cigarette stick to EVERYTHING. I would hate it because of the health implications not to mention the cost. However, I do have the option of making posts moderated on here. I kno it's very blunt, but we don't smoke so why should my newborn child be around it or even inhale the smell. Tldr, op is stupid and spent way too much time on that repetitive garbage. I am proud of my GD now that she is a full time smoker. Has been around but a change. Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? I love supporting my children :). My in-laws smoke but will no longer smoke in there house or smoke before they come here or we go there. Everyday at lunchtime, we pick her up outside the school gate so she can come to our place and feed her addiction. I spent my lunch money on cigarettes, or aquired them through dubious means. My husband has tried talking to her about the health risks and she just defended herself saying that she raised 3 kids and smoked and they are all fine. I've smoked in front of my mom before too weird. Most of my family smokes but my ex-husband and I do not. There are so many people like us, and this is a great place to share our stories and encourage other moms etc. Archived discussions are usually a bit older and not as active as other community content. I find myself enjoying cigarettes way more if i take a few hours in between. I can't say what I think of people who smoke, as I'll be banned again. August 10, 2020 | by beebej97. Follow us for the best, hand picked confessions. We shud be in bed together Love you guysTegan, Tegan,I wish I had good news, but Isabella's condition is still very serious and she's still hasn't woken up.Sorry I haven't posted but I been at hospital nearly all day every day. She then held her granddaughter for about an hour while she slept. Besides, how can I tell her not to smoke if I keep puffing away at 2 packs per day. please let me know. Its so cool that they are little fu*cking who*res and having so much fun while they are at yours. Forums; Groups; . Why are you even posting this? I love you sis Tegan , Leah, I'm not okay. It was nothing to do with hating my mum, I had no family trauma that could have been a factor, and there was absolutely nothing going on in my life other than I had reached puberty, wanted to be more grown up, and at that age smoking is deemed "cool" (oh what fools we smokers are.. but at 11 we think we know better than our parents). Both when I became a smoker at 7, my own girls at 4 and 6, and my GD at 4, each of us as little smokers quickly knew we wanted to get heavily addicted and each of us, as we sat their with our burning smokes between our little fingers, knew within a few days of smoking how beautiful it felt for us to now have no choice but to keep feeding our growing need for smoke. Hi, im new to here.Im 45 and have been a light to heavier smoker over the years depending on head space and circumstances over the years.Im so over my smoking story, yet am still leaning on the smoke screen and want to empower myself by ditching it for good. Congrats! Too be honest i cried after spanking her. We keep them up because there are a ton of great conversations here and we believe you deserve to see them all. I feel a bit guilty but not too much, for some reason. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Its a fine balance, almost like caffeine in a way. I know from my own first-hand experiences, and from all of the hundreds of posts that becoming a smoker as a child is the best time of all to begin smoking.. We know they love your t*ts so much. There are multiple confessions on this webpage about parents, especially mothers, who love to smoke and have helped their kids to become smokers when they are just little. I consciously thought if I hurt myself I was hurting my mother - we had a turbulent relationship for my teen years and beyond. Subject Author Date Msgs More sharing options. is a community of food lovers dedicated to . After you create your account, . She really likes to smoke. [quote name='jorlyfish' timestamp='1309016467' post='513613']. It's our go to for all the little things we come across. here's my advice: its just a sign of the times. F uck I hope she's gonna be okay. canucklehead Apr 30, 2020 Forums Main category Pipe Tobacco Discussion Not open for further replies. She said she'll email you sometime today little sis. Your a disgrace. Though I strongly wouldn't suggest starting smoking, the way I see it, is if she is going to do it anyways. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Sorry but don't let her hold your baby. When she was about to leave she handed Hannah back to me and my daughter smelled like she had smoked a cigarette herself! She said she'll try to do that tomorrow.Love you babe Take care beautiful girl Tegan, Tegan,It's your girl Leah here, Isabella has had to go to the hospital.When me & Olivia came home from Matt's, Isabella was in bed with Aria but Aria was awake and Isabella was asleep. Twin Chloe You're the best fu^cking twin ever! She then held her granddaughter for about an hour while she slept. smoking at 13. binge drinking by 14 no doubt having sex by 15 too some guy who will do a runner when he gets her pregnant. Try for her sake to prevent it! I've tried to get him to a few times - he smokes cigars - but he's against it for reasons I don't know. I let her smoke. Her daughter smokes. I've always had to bite my tongue about how many ear infections my dh had when he was in her care! I'm asking for my Mom. Thank you all so much, all of our friends without kids keep telling us to just let it be. She is health conscious and there's no new boyfriend on the scene either. I hope the OP enjoys his cigarettes in prison. Copyright2002-2022 All rights reserved. Even better is the feeling for the family once the little girl gets herself a heavy adult addiction. I Bet my cuz Chloe was same as her twin Olivia who was well jello and fu*cking fuming when she found out the twins were already making good dollar. New Posts: No New Posts: Forum Information & Statistics. She lives with me and I don't let her smoke in the house, something she used to moan about but she knows I'm not going to change my mind about that. Log In:: Register:: Search. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). Ugg, such a tough choice to make. My son is 18. DJ'ing Tribal House music. I bet she's missing you & Jake sis?Love ya babe Isabella xxxxxxx, Isabella Mommy said she owes her daughter (you) an email but she's not been well. My mum hates me smoking, she walks in my house and claims she can smell smoke all throughout despite it never once being smoked in. My children all want to eat as much sugar and play with dangerous items as much as they want, so we just happily help them. As long as she likes it, is this true friends without kids keep us! Masturbating on the sofa with her grand daughter she 'd quit many people like us, and this a... My DH had when he was in her house will probably enjoy vaping to and especially no the. Smoking, the way i see it, is if she wanted anything to do with her 6-inch d *... 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smoking daughters discussion forum