9 of wands reversed as feelings

You might feel scared of the big wide world but the fear only comes from the unknown. airy Swords want you to stop worrying when you get The Knight of Wands often represents a sudden shift in your life, whether in your career, where you live, or anything else. All rights reserved. youve almost reached a goal or conclusion, and good discipline will see you to Youve set restrictions that are unreasonable either rest of the spread and on the question. We cannot mend pain from the past by bandaging it over with a new relationship so soon. While there will be bumps along the ride, youll be able to cope knowing that youve weathered the worst. Divination practices such as cartomancy can help us make decisions, offer guidance, and help us tune into our intuition when we are at a crossroads in our lives. If you enjoyed this article and would like to browse some awesometarot decksthat havehelpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease, Ive writtenthis other articlethat may give you some inspiration! require you to look inward so you can get past an internal block. This can wands nine tarot card meanings reversed meaning cards biddytarot If you dont have enough for whatever reason, then dont suffer in silence, let someone know first. WebThe Nine of Wands Reversed can signal someone who creates enemies that don't exist. This can lead to you feeling paranoid and suspicious of others, and you may find it difficult to trust anyone. Free for you to enjoy at your own leisure! Then, the next, they want to abandon this concept entirely. The Knight of Wands is a card that represents bravery, charm, vitality, and quick tempers. You, me, and countless others have searched for answers all of our lives. The 56 lesser arcana cards relate to the day-to-day events of our lives, the more mundane aspects of our existence. You have the skills needed to overcome these obstacles, but life has made you doubt yourself time and time again. Outside the weird and wonderful world of my craft, I like to cosplay and fully dive into the fantasy genre across all forms, from books to video games and everything in between. Keep in mind that dropping your guard isnt the same as letting everybody in. link to 101 Best Questions To Ask Your Tarot Cards (The Ultimate List), link to 11 Best Tarot Decks For Love And Relationship Readings, The 3 Of Wands As feelings In Combination With Other Cards. Determination is key. WebWhen the 3 of Wands appears in the upright position, it generally signifies that someone is feeling very inspired by you. But first. If you cannot see any end in sight, then get help hire a personal assistant or a housecleaner, enlist the support of your loved ones, or work with a coach or therapist to help you manage. You dont need to give up, the end is in sight even if you cant see it. Querent question: Will I achieve my current goals?. Each wand he has acquired was hard won, and is a trophy proving his accomplishment. Just know that you are oh-so-close to completing this challenge. Just when you think you are making progress, you suffer another setback. way to handle it and get it over with as quickly as possible. Be careful not to live your life in a comfy bubble. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition, The Tarot Readers Blueprint for Attracting Clients. Were always afraid of what we dont know, because we cant accurately predict what itll do or how things will go. Are you looking for the acceptance of others for validation of your worth? As a personality archetype, the Nine of Wands represents someone that has been through the rigmarole in one way or another, and overall this has left them quite guarded and defensive as a person at times! The man holds a long stick, and he leans into it. list of the 56 minor arcana tarot cards & their meanings. This information should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making major life-altering decisions. WebNine of Wands Reversed Meaning. You may find your best WebThe nine of wands reversed tarot card means if youre feeling lonely in life, stop considering that others are isolating you on purpose. interesting imagery. Stalemate, fatigue, stubbornness, failure to learn, weakness, giving up, the last one standing, struggle. All the preparations and work you have been doing in your romantic life may not Career Meaning - Reversed 9 of Wands. He has a sense of adventure and can always find something enjoyable to do. He has created a boundary with the eight wands standing behind him. If youre single the card is mainly telling you to consider your boundaries. Unfortunately, the Nine of Wands isnt the best omen when it comes to health-related questions as it can be related to something like experiencing chronic illness. The Nine of Wands tells you that Although a painful experience from the past can explain why this person is disgruntled, it does not give them license to be unkind or rude. They may mother you or try to take care of you in a very loving way. You might find yourself overwhelmed by your financial issues, and the idea to avoid them altogether might be reassuring. You came out with a few scrapes and bruises but the thing to keep in mind is that you conquered it, whatever it was. They use one of the wooden staffs to stabilise themselves as they look back to the other 8 wooden staffs standing tall behind them. What was the outcome? When pulled in the upright position, the Nine of Wands is associated with battle, feeling drained, perseverance, defending your corner, courage, persistence, stamina, and a last stand. The Knight of Wands reversed is an indication of being impatient and fickle for single people and those in new partnerships. However, after the convincing is complete, the thought of a stable and straightforward relationship turns them off. Feeling angry that your life is not easy is a self-limiting belief. situation that requires some major deep thinking and introspection to overcome WebThe Three of Wands tends to bring along a lot of luck and good fortune. This page is part of our comprehensive list of the 56 minor arcana tarot cards & their meanings. He has too much dignity to allow that to happen. The number 9 in the tarot shows youve completed You might just need some space and time apart for a few days, especially if its been heated up to now. They feel a sense of renewed energy and motivated to start working towards living their best life as well. He sees the proof of his worth. Either way, youre trapped by This individual is energetic and bold. Theyll do everything to get you. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. It seems as if life is all work and no play. Transferring to a new dwelling is another scenario in which the card appears. Are you in a There are paths ahead that you have to choose from but to go anywhere, you will need to put some effort in. Right now isnt the time to get stubborn about things; take a step back to breathe, fully reassess, see things from a clearer perspective again, and then push on. Those But time can not fix these problems alone, you need to take control. Its just an aspect of life that we all have to deal with. The 3 of Wands is generally a very positive card when it comes to feelings. You may feel that you are continuously under attack by the same group of people or that you are unfairly targeted. This individual is enthusiastic about you and is actively seeking you out. Try to better your situation. Reading Disclaimer | Privacy Policy |Contact | About LB | Safer Space Policy| Creators & Contributors Credit|Editorial Standards. In time they may come to be open and honest, they may feel comfortable enough to do so after finding that trust within you but until then, they may come across as defensive, so be gentle and give them the space they need to go through this journey for themselves. Sometimes its easier to look adversity in the face and decide to walk away, and perhaps this time has left you with a sour taste in your mouth about your relationship and/or your partner in general, but this Nine is reminding you that rough patches happen, walking away isnt always the best option, youve come through the worsthow things have beenit wont be like this forever. The reversed Nine of Wands can also be telling you that a large part of this exhaustion comes from a refusal to compromise or reach a middle ground. Querent question: Should I start my own business?. If we stayed comfortable and conflict-free throughout our lives, we would never grow or improve. Where the upright Nine of Wands is a card that reminds you are close to your goals despite the current setbacks its reversed counterpart is more complicated to read. That The Nine of Wands in regards to numerology may reflect how you are feeling right now. The Nine of Wands is the card of feeling pretty damn exhausted after being in the wars for quite some time! Thus it may be either you or your spouse. Play our free tarot game, Past The Nine of Wands in the Past position has represented a past period or event where you were required to put in a lot of effort. He Be honest and clear with yourself and others. In this article, we will discuss the meanings of the Nine of Wands in various tarot reading contexts as well as the different symbols and nuances that can be found within this court card. This combination often indicates that someone is feeling very sure of their feelings for you. This card may also come when you feel battered and bruised, having endured significant challenges and struggles along your path. On the same note, be aware that too many barriers will prevent others from getting close to you or helping you. Paranoia can come from many angles. They may be envious of your success or what you have accomplished. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. However, as long as give them time to process things and dont try to intervene, theres a great chance things will fall into place naturally again. Good things come to those that grit their teeth and keep their eyes locked on their goals. Its time to stand up to bullies in the outside world, and more importantly within your own head. The Nine of Wands shows an injured man, clutching a wand. of the card applies to you first before pinning it on anyone else. What happens if you keep picking the scab off a wound? Nine represents completion and resolution. Get clear on what you need in this situation to be successful and reach your goals, and then communicate those needs to others. Keep an eye on your heart. This can often lead to a lot of frustrating back-and-forth as they try to make up their mind. The stress youre feeling with regard to whats occurring wont last too much longer, so just plod on for now and know that the end is very near. The chase is what the Knight of Wands is all about. Remind yourself of why youre moving forward so that your feelings get on board too. Maybe theres If youre currently taking exams or going through a tough period at work, consider the hardest part over. This card appears when it is time to place boundaries up for the protection of all youve worked for. My goal is to provide you with helpful information and tools to reach your highest potential and a true sense of calm. Remain mindful that the unknown can spring up in front of us at any given second, so dont run forward blindly, keep trudging along but always remain prepared. Their lives do not allow them to commit to just one person. Its time to enjoy things that youve worked for, because you truly deserve them now. If youre feeling spontaneous, now is the time to just pack up some things and go explore. Want To Learn What The Nine of Wands Means For YOU? Finally, the advice of the Nine of Wands is to establish your boundaries and fiercely protect those lines. When the 3 of Wands shows itself in reversed position, it can indicate that someone is feeling a bit jealous of you. Have you ever had a reading where the Nine Of Wands appeared? bottom as if the wands extended down to the ground in a leaf pile. You have It may be strange to hear, but you might be worrying that your life is going too well. Good enough is never good enough. two of those skills be preferred, rather than required? Amelie Rose Estrela is a gifted psychic and lead author for tarot-explained. Love this deck? When two parties both dig their heels in and remain stubborn, progression cannot be made. Life has been static too long for you and some change would be good. This individual is enthusiastic about you and is actively seeking you out. Spirituality and Mentality The Nine of Wands tarot card in spirituality means that now might be a good time to just relax and not trouble yourself with deeper matters. They may be unsure of how to express these feelings just yet, but you may start to notice them acting differently around you. Dont dim your light because of others insecurities. However, Think carefully about how many projects you are already handling and how taxing they prove for you. It seems as if life is all work and no play. Whatever you need right now you need to listen to yourself, to your priorities and focus on the outcome that you want for yourself. Find ways to improve your mood in other aspects of your life, be it hobbies, loved ones, or friends. You feel no enthusiasm for something despite everyone telling you that you should. Embrace the part of you that is strong and stand up for what you know is right. You have the inner resources necessary to overcome any difficulty you encounter, even though it may seem impossible at the time. In this context the card is asking you if you need more things on your plate. WebIn Conclusion. When it comes to feelings, or how someone feels about you, the 3 of Wands can provide some meaningful insights. Youll rarely see this card popping up as a no as it mainly appears as a maybe. They may look up to you as a role model or be in awe of your accomplishments. The Nine of Wands reversed indicates a messy Youre feeling drained and exhausted, youve been battling on for quite some time now, but you need to carry on just that little bit longer victory is in sight! wands dont reach the top margin of the card. Work / Education The Nine of Wands in regards to workcan strongly suggest tension and conflict. Whatever issues youre facing at work currently, whether thats to do with feeling the stress of your current workload or the project at hand, know that it will ease up soon! You may look at others and think they have it easier, but do you really know all their personal struggles and losses or the ones they have yet to experience? Due to the nature of the Nine of Wands, it isnt explicitly a yes or no, and to be honest its not seen as a yes card in general anyways. Below are some of my interpretations, as an experienced tarot practitioner, based on different types of questions: Card interpretation: Its unlikely, right now, that youll be walking into a new job/career anytime soon if you just leave it at a job interview. He will complete his goal, whatever it may be. Feeling angry that your life is not easy is a self-limiting belief. If youre in a relationship, then its more than likely that you and your partner have been going through a considerable rough patch recently, is that right? When the 3 of Wands appears in the upright position, it generally signifies that someone is feeling very inspired by you. In the reversed position, the Nine of Wands suggests that you are feeling overwhelmed and burdened. Recent setbacks probably soured your mood towards work, and you might feel drained of any positivity towards your job. sprout out of the upper margin of the reversed card, and the leaves are at the Things have clearly been heated and its evident that theres been a lot of arguments happening and its now reached a point where neither of you is willing to back down, and compromise. Sometimes past events cause us to take a step back from the world, but its important to learn how to move on. He is bumped and bruised but he is still standing. This person is likely very eager to see where your relationship is headed. Maybe your boundaries are too harsh boundaries are good and necessary, 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only), Everything You Need to Know About Birth Chart Readings, Taurus Horoscope and Predictions for 2023. Or are your own beliefs keeping you here? The Knight of Wands is powerful, brave, and ready to battle for whats theirs. It signals a perfect time to travel when it occurs. The card can also represent that you are the last person standing, and in that case, you must think why this came to be. relaxation or procrastination is going to cost you if you dont get real. Card interpretation: There may be a guarded aspect between the two of you in this friendship/connection, and if its coming from their side then perhaps theyve experienced a lot of hurt from others in the past, and this makes it quite hard for them to trust others. This Magician together with the 3 of Wands suggests that someone is feeling confident about their feelings. WebIn the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the Nine of Wands shows a man who is weary from battle. Its hard, its hurtful, and its been exhausting. Their fury is just as intense, however. Easy is a gifted psychic and lead author for tarot-explained staffs standing tall them... If you need to give up, the next, they want to abandon this concept entirely complete the... 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9 of wands reversed as feelings