what happened to yellowpaco

A lot of people are trying to downplay the situation because his ex was adamantly hated by the community. I told him directly to his face i did not want to have sex. Here's accusation against Badger: I am shutting that lie down immediately. ProSyndicate about the allegations, more information here. I eventually gave in and said that I would come over. They are mostly known for their Parodies of Music Videos. And stop making new accounts and sending me false information. ActaBunniFooFoo accused of sexual assault here. Nothing new, Paco did it to multiple girls associated with "OfflineTV/Just Friends" and that's why he was banned from the house. Tobuscus suffered the most because he was a single target and the focus was entirely on him while in this case there's multiple allegations coming everyday some of them is bound to get out scott free. My favourite part of this is all the ones you don't hear about. Elisa was a 21-year-old Canadian student who disappeared in 2013 at the Cecil Hotel in downtown Los Angeles while she was travelling across the US. Because the whole narrative is that these women are being silenced so unless you have a mountain of proof you are doomed. moon2SUFFER. EDIT - Additional allegations against him by exes: https://twitter.com/fieldyfieldy/status/1275256281918435329 Wouldn't be surprised if he does act creepy. "I really feeling this thing he wanted to try but he insisted so we did it for 2 hours" The fk? Sometimes these cases get resolved outside of court or there is not enough evidence to prosecute. She also said some suggesting stuff and some things in the story don't really add up, let's see how this ones going to end. Yeah, but what about all the people making apology videos and confirming it was real. And like you said, i wasn't sure if lsf would be the right place to talk about this. I will highlight the most important parts for you to look at in her TwitterLonger. I honestly believe that while there are only a few people who blatantly lie like her, it's the countless hundreds and thousands who blindly stand behind them with ABSOLUTELY 0 shred of evidence, or even waiting to hear what the other party has to say. I should at least be able to talk about what I've been though. Fucking women play these damn games all the time with men. You cant be out grooming and raping if youre playing WoW 24/7. I know I seem willing here, but that doesn't make a difference as I was 15 when we first started talking. I just don't understand it. I fucking agree with fucking you it's fucking absurd that fucking these fucking people go around talking fucking shit about streamers and fucking potentially fucking ruining their lives, what about the men who didnt rape anyone but are now gonna go to jail for false accusationswhy the fuck does no one ever care about them theyre the victims too, Honestly her saying 'this really happened to me' kind of threw me off from the start. Guilty until proven otherwise, yet even when there's undeniable proof of innocence Ehhh fuck it still kinda guilty I guess lel XD. Woman are people, and people are shitty. LOL. The incels think all women do is lie and the white knights 'believe all women' implictly like their gender somehow equivocates to truth. He is actually best known as a gamer and a Twitch star who has earned nearly 42.7 thousand followers. Cause everything he did was fake af and lies. Fyi he has evidence against that too. People cry on here every day about twitch mod abuse, and how twitch mods treat female streamers differently, jokes about women on twitch being forced to sleep with twitch staff etc, but when a woman comes forward and accuses a twitch mod of doing exactly those things, they demonize her? Press J to jump to the feed. Edit: Now that I think about it, he wasn't nice or kind to anyone that he didn't need to suck up to in order to advance his Twitch career at the time. (old news but i will keep it). But if they're a public figure with a young audience it is incredibly irresponsible and exploitative to do so, even more so when it's tied to their name and uses no age-verification. She was 16 when they started talking and he didn't know that. As this 'first date' plays out, the audience is guided through a mental minefield of disappointment. kids are fuckin stupid? Her story sounded like complete bullshit. Creepy, but not harassment, not assault, not rape. Another person has accused him in this tweet, and his response to this accusation here. Wow. "You shattered my dream when you decided to penatrate my vagina with your dick". I think Destiny has hinted at it (JP doing bad shit) a few times before as one of the many streamers whose success wasn't hitched to the Old Boys Club. A cease & desist in this context is basically just a warning that you allege the comments are slanderous and that if they keep talking about them you will sue for defamation/slander/libel. Don't make them your role models or heroes. forsen doesnt even leave his house, when would you expect him to do that, I used to watch Cry very often back in the day and I feel awful and sick seeing his name among this list, What did he do exactly? I don't like JP but that guy knows how to organize a good show with great cohosts/guests lol. It seriously undermines the whole thing. Online I just generally don't respond at all. Of course I believe the victims of sjin and turps, because they fucking well tried it on with me too. He has deleted his twitter account. Derrick is streaming on twitch, making vids on his channel and has joined working with another group. "guys guys you wont BELIEVE what happened today". (thank you trainwreckstv for pointing out my mistake). You can find Sp00nerisms (the former creature) stream here here. How does he have such a high subscriber to viewer ratio? It's not confirmed yet. Wait so Kaitlyn is both accusing someone else and being accused of similar things? Wow..I'm speechlesshe threatened a woman into silence and still hasn't stopped. That can have possible, serious ramifications for her if Witwix decides to lawyer up over it. Cryaotic accused of grooming a minor here. What a dickhead this guy Trey is in the comments. CohhCarnage, Dodger,Kitboga, sacriel, Towelliee, CobaltStreak, gassymexican, diction, Strippin, curvyllama, Bikeman, Ellohime, Penta, AvaGG, DanGheesling, BurkeBlack ,Classypax, Haylinic and more. I'll be following that one for sure. It sucks that I can't believe any of these until they are 100% confirmed because attention seekers want their day of fame. Good thing this is bubbling up to the surface. @dexbonus I mean I could go on Twitter now and say Soviet Womble forced me to have sex with his dog lulu, it's a lie obviously but some people just want attention. Videos. All of these are unbiased reports. DUMPED: Simon Cowell's record label have dumped Collabro (Image: GETTY) The popular 2014 champs were axed despite their two previous albums being big hits - peaking at No.1 and No.2 in the charts. If it's a personal bias towards him, that's cool. As though they are some how equal. While it originally seemed like a clean break, the split soon became overshadowed . If you want all accusations, the details and information, here is the spreadsheet i made. And all the people saying " I'll believe you no matter what" is pretty fucking scary. He's kinda retired but he still streams on Facebook. Guy cussed so much my parents would get pissed over it. HenryG esports caster accused of being abusive and having sex with no consent here. The bitch literally said "Hehe you are funny" when Joe asked if she wants to shower with her. I just saw this too https://i.redd.it/9x16d750iq651.png. He chuckled, said "wow, the things that go on on our platform, can't really comment," & moved on. The amount of hate he got is still funny to this day. Im just standing around and he ends up taking a shower and asking me to join him, I laugh and say Youre funny and he replied along the lines of saying he knew and the offer was on the table if I decided he wasnt joking. First world culture is to brainwash people into being obsessed with having sex. Fuck, now there's more travelers too? I don't know why tf people are jumping to conclusions, i'm going to wait for evidence against these people, unless they come out themselves like what Cryaotic did. ActaBunniFooFoo accused of sexual assault here. And right here a girl is saying she almost killed herself because of that dude. iAmSp00n accused of being an abuser here. Most of them giving us their totally unbiased story of the relationship and why the guy is literally Satan, while she only ever acted out of compassion and loyalty. All these other guys being accused look like normal guys, nobody would ever suspect them to be predators, yet, the guy streaming with cockroaches and mold is the one with the irreproachable moral standing. idk the whole story though ofc, God I want Slasher on the scuffed podcast this week to talk about this. The "evidence" reads as a sjw's wet dream vilifying someone for nothing. Imagine how disgusting you have to be to be called disgusting by a guy who slept with a dead rat for months, he seen a roach on the wall the other day on stream and didnt even kill it LOL literal god, Dude had a dead rat in his bedroom for months because he never cleans it and discovered it once finally cleaning his room. An example just the past week Id give is how theres a similar movement happening in the pro wrestling scene right now. Cryaotic accused of grooming a minor here. Even still, it's not illegal, creepy yes, sexual assault? Because of oppression that lasted generations, such accusations are always handled as always believe the supposedly oppressed which is why we see it abused so often. joe made her cry, which is what I think the entire thing is about, Another one https://twitter.com/kaitly_n/status/1274869902155931649?s=21. Most of the time women (and even men too) just stay quiet about sexual harassment because they feel the police and judges wont do anything. Kinda reminds me of the ProJared/Heidi situation where we only knew one side from Heidi at the time. I was manipulated by Miniladd, I was 16/17. Im willing to believe two, maybe three of these are true. Even worse is that there is a huge movement of "trust the accuser no matter what" on there, There's also posts like "I don't know you but I believe you".what kinda shit is that lmao, "it only damages the accuser, the person being accused is usually a rich white man and will be fine" apparently is the rhetoric as if false rape allegations don't ruin people's lives at all. His response here. Forsen is muslim and already has a couple wives and a concubinage. That's the biggest thing. His apology here. If 99.99% of people didn't know it was allegedly a racist term, me included, then isn't it a good thing to not bring up the historical case in which it was used that way? Another person has accused him in this tweet. TobiWan accused of initiating sexual activity with no consent here. It's a brutal industry. i mean at least you got something out of watching him and that was all you. I wont tolerate Libel & Fiction. just imagine how awful it would have been if she were a guy and miz were a girl. I'm beginning to think 2020 is going to be the series finale after all. Doesn't matter how big, or how small of a celeb you are bad people can use false allegations quite effectively to take down good people. While it wasnt in person (online things like skype-sex) and he claims he wasnt aware that they were underage, its still a terrible situation all around. This has been going on for years now but its been very vague on her end. Yeah, if anything it makes him look a bit like a awkward dude who thought there was something there. His response here. I will not change some stories just to make you look good. Like if your username was spook DURING HALLOWEEN. I would just hate to see innocent people's careers ruined over allegations that any random twitter user can make. I remember being in his lap, still crying. One of the many reasons I believe Queen of Feeders and Badger, and I dont know who the fuck either of those people are. Some of them, probably almost all of them, surely are given how many have come forward but I have no doubt some are bullshit. They just dont talk about it like that. sjin and Turps, former Yogcast members accused of being abusers here. She claimed a dude posted revenge porn.. by pointing out she posted.. porn of herself. And I support him continuing to assault people on MvC3 until the end of time. She tweets this afterward with the hashtag #BanBager. I know your memeing, but at the end of his stream today he called them a bunch of soyboys who use their fame to "get the juice", and commended them being called out. We're on the internet. Man, I actually remember seeing a thread about the accusations against ItMeJP last year I think but it got deleted pretty quickly and always wondered why. SattelizerGames accused of rape here. I would agree with you usually but in this case it turned out she was wrong and saying stuff to hurt him or get clout. He made a clarification on the video that it was only online, for what that matters. MyLawyerFriend accused of sexual harassment here. With that said, when she streams multiplayer games, she deals with a metric ton of sexism. Personally that story looks too much like bad fan fiction to be taken seriously and the only "evidence" are a bunch of normal looking DMs from Joe and some obviously faked messages. It's not an internet thing or something just started by Millennials or whatever. Well known online as yellowpaco, he is a comedian on YouTube whose channel has earned more than 260,000 subscribers. Try someone like Rob. His response here and here. He did try to rationalize some of it by pointing out her part in their toxic relationship, but the only thing he disagreed with in her post was when she said that she felt like he pressured her into sex. It's just a meme, right chat? I was manipulated by Miniladd, I was 16/17. . , I have no doubt it happens, when I worked as a bouncer I was sexually assaulted by women nightly but never made a fuss. Co-CEO of Method, Scott McMillan, has issued a statement here. He has been banned from Twitch. Nothing wrong with disliking someone. My experience with Co-CEO of Method, Sascha. His wifes answer to it all DMCA all the proof. DotaDemon accused of sexual assault here, here and here. It was actually bat shit crazy; though, is an absolutely hilarious story looking back. Cryaotic apology and some more information here. THINND accused of domestic abuse here. His response to the accusations here. Not rich. Always wondered that. Most fans from back then knows that JP did creepy shit. . I'm so glad this guy had all this proof, imagine if he didn't. Their statement here. It definitely didnt sound like what was written there. Always knew JP was scummy, now its undeniable. They just think he is a cool guy. Doesn't make sense to me tbh. BaconDonutTV response here. Can you provide more info on the situation? Hes a terrible person. Good to see badger coming out to defend himself with actual evidence, you put your peepee in my weewee when I told you no uwu, "heres where it gets a little fuzzy" yeah because youre making it up. Him and TB, man, it still hurts. I have known and blocked Sattelizer for years because of his involvement with a rape of another streamer while she was drunk and knocked out and unable to consent to sex and there was witnesses. If I ever see Josh in person I'd gladly throw hands with him but some of these? Protect your Passwords or your account gets hacked, Make sure you save every social media interaction or else it can be used against you, Im sure more and more people do this after the recent years. hollllllllly shit. His best bet is to just shut up and lawyer up, especially if he did nothing wrong. What a total piece of human shit. Nika Harper accused of sexual assault here. I pretended to like him to advance my career but when that didn't happen I felt ashamed, even though I always gave consent and never tried communicating how I felt because I thought this was my shot. If I remember correctly his parents gave him the house when they passed. Yeah, its a problem of the internet in general. Twitch and T1 wasn't big enough when Tyler admitted that he cheated on his ex for Micayla. He cheated on his girlfriend with underaged girls. https://streamable.com/10a55j, Make fun of gay people and lie about streaming. Suffice to say it's far from a clear case. I think its kind of worded poorly. Joe doesn't deserve to be thrown under the bus with everyone else. I think he strung along a girl who was a fan of his? https://twitter.com/Slasher/status/1274841948432543744. This is why Twitter is the most cancerous site on the internet, no other website has this level of mob mentality of completely witch hunting people and trying to ruin their lives to such an extent. Rot in prison scumbags. Yeah, that's how I read it to. This person obviously isn't one of those people being accused currently but just some food for thought. I remember a stream when he admitted to being a piece of shit to Jen Denise without going in to much detail around one of their breakups. The alternative could be violent and its not uncommon to for people to make the call to avoid that outcome. The angry Joe story is literally just a cringe date at worst, what the actual? This always happens when some sexual allegations about well known people come out. Why did you lead him on?". I was sexually harassed by a large streamer in Los Angeles in 2016. Its why there is always a hesitation to believe when this is so common and so shrugged off. I genuinely can't believe this dude, of all people, is getting away with this shit. Pretty sure he was perma playing games when he screwed his ex gf with Macaiyla though. Fyi AJ is outraged about it on twitter and categorically denying. She doesn't even name a date.. They went from a bar, to a house party, to her hotel lobby, and then WitWix went home. Idk how anyone could have been that silly at the time.. My personal experiences aside, if she can provide proof like the other people coming forward then she at the least deserves to be heard and given an area, legal or otherwise, to make her case. fragnance accused of sharing nudes sent privately to him here. Its honestly hard to imagine tyler stopping the league grind long enough to screw his own gf. It's been covering twitter for almost 2 days. Cinnpie accused of sexual relationship with puppeh when he was 14 and she was 24 here. What happened to Kevjumba? None of us do. ZeRo accused of asking a 14year old for pics of her masturbating with an ice cube here. 33 followers. iAmSp00n accused of being an abuser here and here. Such a shame. Ryan Higa (born: June 6, 1990 (1990-06-06) [age 32]), better known online as nigahiga, is an American YouTuber, vlogger, and sketch comedian initially known for his "How To Be" video series. I don't know if they know about it. He would train for eighteen years straight . With that said, if any of these allegations are true well, then the perpetrators deserve what's coming their way. Feeling regretful and dirty that they realized the only thing that was wanted from them was sex. tweet and another tweet by @JustinWong. Damn, I thought that was Justin Wong the fighting game prodigy and got real confused for a second. His harassment of kaitly_n made a splash when it initially occurred, even his subreddit was disgusted, and then it quickly went away--JP's career was completely fine--I absolutely never understood it. But, from the thousands upon thousands of hours of interactions and livestreams, I personally don't find the allegations substantial. Being entertaining doesn't make someone a good person. No person deserves to be silenced for this long. Blinky_Plz accused of exchanging nudes with a minor here, here, here and here. The dude kept his receipts and it's kinda hard to argue with what's there. Phantomsfx accused of rape here. It's difficult, however, to tell what is true and what is a drama farm. You don't think he uses all that League rage in the bedroom? On the 28th January 1944, the USS Grayback with her 80 strong crew, left on their 10th Combat Mission from Pearl Harbour. I guess the 2nd time was fine, but that first time was a no no. Yes reddit, let's once again all jump to conclusions and destroy ppl lives over some random accusations without the slightest proof. They rode off together from Montana to Texas, and many fans . While I don't think they would, you literally do not know these people. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2CE3w_N8RbzPMtS0modqaQ, Mike ( SattelizerGames) wrote some things too if you wanna add, https://twitter.com/SattelizerGames/status/1274443262275665921. This is why "believe all women" will always be a joke, because of women like this. And theres means motive and opportunity for people adored or in positions in power to use their power to get sex. Show the evidence categorically deny deny deny and just accept some people wont believe. It's breaking my heart that some people are clearly faking allegations, either for attention or to purposefully give people a go-to to invalidate actual victims, and the damage shit like this will do is unspeakable. https://livestreamfails.com/post/1328. She was ranked 20th in terms of tonnage sunk with a total of 63,835 tons and 24th . We didn't get a new PotC movie because of some fucking liar. In fact, from what it appears, he's had numerous online advances with multiple minors throughout this whole thing. Accusations like this tend to stick even IF the accuser is found guilty of lying. CohhCarnage, Dodger,Kitboga, sacriel, Towelliee, CobaltStreak, gassymexican, diction, Strippin, curvyllama, Bikeman, Ellohime, Penta, Dethridge, FauxFreedom, AvaGG, DanGheesling, BurkeBlack ,Classypax, Tigerwritertv, SilentSentryTV,Haylinic and many more. Chernobyl is a nuclear power plant in Ukraine that was the site of a disastrous nuclear accident on April 26, 1986. I remember a hand up my shirt, him trying to kiss me and trying to get me onto the bed. https://twitter.com/YourStarling/status/1274895119276101634?s=19. How does cease and desist work in this context? Joe Miller, esports caster accused of sexual misconduct here, here and here. This is one of those awkward moments in the American legal system. yellowpaco allegations here. As someone who has worked with a lot of sexual assault survivors and someone who has experienced it myself, I have never heard the assault described how she wrote it. I filed a rape report against Bil Carter (AKA Jump) on October 26, 2019. I felt like I was just missing my glasses and kept reading the story because I couldn't see any actual accusation of something heinous. He has been released from Evil Geniuses here. 'M so glad this guy had all this proof, imagine if did! Of interactions and livestreams, i thought that was all you he got is funny... 'D gladly throw hands with him but some of these until they are mostly known for Parodies. Always happens when some sexual allegations about well known online as yellowpaco, he is a nuclear power in. Ramifications for her if Witwix decides to lawyer up over it see Josh in person i 'd gladly hands. Of people are trying to kiss me and trying to downplay the situation because ex... 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what happened to yellowpaco