which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis

Observable outcomewhat is explained in an explanatory argument; the observable outcome follows from the explanation and can in a certain way, at a certain time, and under certain conditions, be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. For each of the brief explanatory arguments, identify the explanation and offer a more precise observable outcome that would lower its prior probability and thus make the argument logically stronger. For the Greek might count anything as grave misfortune, from a financial reversal to the death of an aged parent. This hypothesis is not necessarily the right explanation. c. Aggression sometimes facilitates performance and sometimes does not. Ask whether an outcome rules out the leading alternative explanations. To illustrate this bias, suppose I tell you that I have in mind a set of numbers that includes the numbers 2, 4, and 6, and I then ask you to guess what set of numbers I am thinking of. In these cases it is better to say that you simply cannot decide, especially if the argument has not ruled out coincidence or deception as alternative explanations. First American psychologist. C. It's correlated, but not causal. In many cases, an explanation is formulated before the observable outcome has been observed. The conceptual framework was eventually supplied: the most important causal mechanism behind it is gravity, and, according to the eventually well-established Newtonian laws, gravitys pull on the air molecules decreases regularly as distance from Earth increases. e. a and c, In the case study of head football coach Tom Martinez, Coach Martinez dealt with the area of aggressive play by I hope this explains it for all hands. D. It excludes the presumption of causation. D. It excludes the presumption of How often do people leave water spraying everywhere rather than simply turning it off? William James was the ________. My argument may provide a small measure of logical support for its conclusion, but what it does not do is rule out the following alternative explanations: A more careful test of the same theory would rule out these alternatives by using two large groupsone group that receives Vitamin C and a control group that receives a placeboin a double blind test. Do not worry for now whether the observable outcome If vitamin C helps prevent colds, then when I take a lot of vitamin C I get fewer colds than normal. a. with the intent to harm physically. The physics of Descartes still dominated science, and it would be several decades before Newtons views completely won out. Statistics are used by scientists mainly to determine: Whether differences in results between control and treatment groups is significant and important. Fallacy of affirming the consequent. An explanatory hypothesis is a type of hypothesis which is used to test the cause and effect relationship between two or more than two variables. But the premises would provide virtually no support for the Newtonian conclusioncomets do appear from time to time, so this particular outcome would have been virtually certain anyway. Applying Newtons laws to these data, he boldly made the following prediction: A comet with an orbit similar to the 1530 and 1606 comets will appear in December 1758. Prepare a cost of production report, using the average cost method. Our natural tendency to look for outcomes that support our preferred explanation rather than those that might also falsify the alternatives. Your first thought would probably be that this supports the explanation that we are sometimes able to see into the future via our dreams. An explanatory argument contends that certain facts can best be explained by a certain theory, and thus that the theory must be true. Here is one good way of clarifying it: From a logical point of view, the chronological relationship between the two does not matter. Observable outcome: As my horoscope says, at 3:00 today my bank will call and tell me that they have gone bankrupt and my life savings is lost. Higher expectations by teachers and by themselves causes students to perform better. A hypothesis that does not generate a testable prediction is not useful. A theory predicts events in a broad, general context; a hypothesis makes a specific prediction about a specified set of circumstances. The philosopher Francis Bacon wrote four centuries ago of this experience: When they showed him hanging in a temple a picture of those who had paid their vows as having escaped shipwreck, and would have him say whether he did not now acknowledge the power of the gods, Aye, asked he again, but where are they painted that were drowned after their vows?. How to Think about High Enough Prior Probability of Explanation. The following are illustrative examples of explanatory power. If the man were a Marine sergeant, then he would have a maritime tattoo, a military carriage, regulation side-whiskers, and an air of command. In summing up his defense before the jury, he said, My esteemed opponents statements remind me of the little boy who ran to his father. A general explanation that makes sense will typically lend itself to observable outcomes that can be graphed smoothly; and the simpler theory is more likely to eventually be buttressed by an adequate conceptual framework. So the arguments logic must be considered weak. In an experiment, the group of subjects not exposed to the treatment being studied but otherwise treated identically to the experimental group. b. trained counselors In the late 1950s, a doctor reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association that stomach ulcers could be effectively treated by having a patient swallow a balloon connected to some tubes that circulated a refrigerated fluid. Each of these passages discusses an explanation that might be thought to be unfalsifiable. It makes no statement with respect to causation. All of these. Dont worry about whether the outcome has much likelihood of being true (since that has to do with the truth of premise 2, not with the logic of the argument). In an experiment, the group of subjects exposed to a particular treatment; also known as the treatment group. Specialists found the cause by taking motion pictures of the patients vocal cords during an attack and during a normal period. a person's unconscious. e. a and c, a. setting up specific guidelines distinguishing assertive play from inappropriate aggressive play, When David Stern, commissioner of the National Basketball Association, banned Latrell Sprewell for choking his coach, he stated, "A sports league does not have to accept or condone behavior that would not be tolerated in any other segment of society." I presume: 1. Could you find out for me which five days that man is on the road? A Guide to Good Reasoning: Cultivating Intellectual Virtues, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, The Total Evidence Condition (1): the Improbability of the Outcome, The Total Evidence Condition (2): the Probability of the Explanation, [If we are well above sea level, then water boils quickly.]. A team of researchers recently found no differences that would account for the beak variations. Hypotheses are guesses; theories are correct answers. For the observable outcome of premise 2 is something that we would fully expect, even if the explanation were false. This is the place to ask about coincidence as an alternative explanation. For general explanations, a good way to check for simplicity is to ask whether the explanation predicts the smoothest possible curve.In the 17th century, the Italian mathematician Torricelli hypothesized that the Earth was surrounded by a sea of air, which decreased in pressure uniformly as the altitude increased. Another is to ask whether it predicts the smoothest curve. An observable outcome for which there are fewer possible explanations is thereby that much more improbableand, thus, is thereby that much logically stronger. In the case study of Billy the hockey goalie, what did he learn? ________ is a perspective within psychology that emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans, proposing a hierarchy of human needs in motivating behavior. Dr. Sarkeesian observes and records how watching cartoons influences heart rates. Second part: Reasonably high prior probability for the explanation; the causal mechanismnatural selectionis fairly well understood, and no alternate seems more likely. Individuals have an innate predisposition to be aggressive, which builds up and eventually must be expressed. What is the name given to this step of the scientific method? d. Aggression facilitates performance only in team-sport athletes. Delayed on the way west in 1846, 87 pioneers were stranded in late October by heavy snows in the Sierra. Psychoanalytic theory focuses on ________ and early childhood experiences. From what Ive told you, what conclusions would you draw? During the previous winter MIU had been involved in a major construction project (a domed structure for the practice of levitation). d. all of the above Further, it is not necessary for the prior probability of the explanation to be high; if the explanation were already highly probable, there would be no need for the argument! Also termed the data, the prediction, or the facts. Punishment motivates learning better than does reward.. For general explanations, a good way to check for simplicity is to ask. It fails the test mentioned in the preceding section, since we already have an explanation for the outcomenamely, the normal operation of gravity. An inactive substance used in controlled experiments to test the effectiveness of another substance; the treatment group receives the substance being tested, and the control group receives the placebo. What do structuralism, Gestalt psychology, and Sigmund Freud all have in common? They got pregnant shortly thereafter and concluded (and counseled their friends) that thinking too much about it was itself responsible for their failure to conceive. Which of the following is NOT one of the four most prominent theories of aggression? B. d. a and b. e. a and c. b. in the quest of some nonaggressive goal. I saw the sagebrush and the grass wiggling and starting to shake, and I thought, Earthquake.. The explanation must be sufficiently probable. Admit it. [2] In 1687, Isaac Newton published his monumental Principia. But, as Hempel suggests, that is not all they requirethey require imagination. causation. B. Scott Jones, a staff member for U.S. Which of the following refers to a broad explanation or group of explanations for some aspect of the natural world that is consistently supported by evidence over time? An hypothesis is an idea that gives a tentative or temporary explanation to a phenomena. The explanations prior probabilitythat is, its probability prior to judging whether the observable outcome is truemust not be implausibly low and it must be higher than that of the leading alternative explanations. A professor at Bath University in England combines this rationalization with the idea that psychic powers work backward and forward in time; he suggests, in apparent seriousness, that the failure of attempted experiments to prove psychic forces is actually evidence in favor of parapsychology, since skeptics reading about successful experiments afterward actually project their skepticism back in time to inhibit the experiment! . To put it more generally, to say that an explanation or an outcome is unfalsifiable is to say that any observation at all is consistent with the explanation. It includes the presumption of causation. b. fans become more aggressive after watching violent contact sports Premise 1 is probably true. Who started the feminist revolution in psychology? Without using a calculator, find P100P^{100}P100. Suppose on the camping trip your friend wonders why the water boiled so quickly, and you reply, Because we are at a higher altitude. This is not an argument. But the problem is that there is at least one alternative explanation that occurs much more frequently. If you conduct an experiment that rejects your hypothesis, then. There was no control group with which to compare his patients who received the treatment. You might be impressed until you learn that I asked all 30 students in my class to stand up and try to toss heads. Senator Claiborne Pell (D-RI), wrote an alarmed letter to the secretary of defense; he had discovered the word simone (pronounced si-MO-nee) in the secretarys taped speeches, as well as in the speeches of the secretary of state and of the presidentwhen the speeches were played backwards. Also termed a theory or an explanatory hypothesis. WebShort Answer. WebThe explanatory hypothesis is the heart of the case formulation. The only difference is that Geller claims that he is not using deception. Web16.4 Summary of Chapter Sixteen. Suppose, for example, that on a camping trip to the mountains you say to your friend, This pot of water boiled quickly at this altitude; so all water boils quickly at this altitude. The premise and conclusion are both about the boiling of water at this altitude. Not clear from the passage which came first, though it was probably the explanation (apparently whoever set up the experiment already had the explanation in mind and was testing it). The sentence A comet with an orbit similar to the 1530 and 1606 comets will appear in December 1758 is the observable outcome, that which the explanation enables us to predict and to better understand. In a research study, any condition applied to subjectsthose in the treatment groupthat is not applied to subjects in a control group. Like their close cousins, inductive generalizations, explanatory arguments aim to expand our knowledge. d. frustration It is an argument. A. . On the other hand, does the arguer seem to expect the form alone to provide the logical support for the conclusion? WebThe explanatory hypothesis is the heart of the case formulation. For a hypothesis to be a scientific hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it. b. violence is modeled by young amateur hockey players Explanatory arguments typically expand our knowledge by offering a different subject matter in the conclusion. A later investigation showed that there was indeed a correlation between TM and warmer weather, but an even stronger correlation between TM and the preceding afternoons forecast of warmer weather for the next day. Psychologists scientifically study ________. Hundreds of people gathered for a second night Wednesday to see an image described as the outline of the Virgin Mary on a wall of an empty house in Hanover Township, Pa. For a solution to be termed a scientific hypothesis, it has to be an idea that can be supported or refuted through carefully crafted experimentation or observation. Abbys argument remains moderately strong. From 20 percent to 25 percent more eggs under the filters hatched successfully than those that were unshielded. , I can remember, not long ago, listening to a pal rail about a mutual friends apparently overwhelming need to flirt with every man in a given room. \, 4,83,169,3227,-4,-\frac{8}{3},-\frac{16}{9},-\frac{32}{27}, \ldots Teacher to student: I never received your research paper. Youll seethe audience will applaud at the end. Several other terms account for roughly the same thing. You never talked about him like he was a heronever made any effort to keep his memory alive with letters and pictures. Note: See Section 6. It isnt possible to say with precision how improbable the outcome must be to count as sufficiently improbable. This argument would have the same form as the first one, differing only in the nature of the observable outcome. Which of the following psychologists was a behaviorist? This is why, for example, we are amused but not persuaded by the rooster who thinks that the sun is raised each morning by his mighty crowing. b. punching an umpire because he made a bad call, "Good aggression" (playing within the rules with high intensity) is known in sport psychology as, Instrumental aggression is aggression occurring, b. in the quest of some nonaggressive goal, A linebacker intends to hurt and injure any receiver who catches a ball over the middle. It includes the presumption of causation. Sample exercise. So-called crop circles in southern Englands grain fields were widely reported in the media a few years ago. Step 3. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the ________ include food, water, and shelter. Draw conclusions and make revisions. Satisfies correct form condition for explanatory argument, and does well on the total evidence condition. It includes the presumption of causation. Well, Abby, this should clear up the mystery of MY missing pipe. My evidence? Suppose your friend, having slept in the car during the trip and being unaware of the altitude, argues, Hey, this water boiled quickly, so we must be well above sea level. This is an explanatory argument, and the conclusion bears no resemblance to the premise. Rabinoff.). And whatever happened to Satcom III, the telecommunications satellite that some say almost crippled the satellite insurance industry? In the 17th century, the Italian mathematician Torricelli hypothesized that the Earth was surrounded by a sea of air, which decreased in pressure uniformly as the altitude increased. B. Oona should conduct research in the area of ________ psychology. Then it is an explanatory argument. An explanatory hypothesis for a natural phenomenon that is exceptionally well supported by empirical data. d. as an inverted-U Suppose I have heard that vitamin C prevents colds; I dont know whether to believe it but decide its worth looking into. 4,38,916,2732,. WebIntrospection refers to a process by which someone examines ________ as objectively as possible. Some historians mark this as the day of the final triumph of the Newtonian over the Cartesian theoretical tradition. Which of the following statements is true of an explanatory a. aggressive behavior and media violence. It included an account of the physical laws that govern the interactions of the planets, stars, and other heavenly bodies. Suppose I say to you, If he is from Chicago, then he is from Illinoisand he is indeed from Illinois, so he must be from Chicago. You cant be absolutely sure without some wider context, but it normally wouldnt make sense for me to explain someones residency in Illinois by pointing to his residence in Chicago. And it contains the two essential components of an explanatory argument. These crops are laid down in these sensational patterns by an energy that is of a high level of intelligence. Alas, two British painters finally confessed that they had perpetrated the hoax over a 13-year period simply by pulling around flat, four-foot planks by hand with reins to topple over the stalks. b. personal beliefs and attitudes Which of the following is an example of an objective measure used by functionalists? This represents the major premise of which theory? The fallacy of affirming the consequent is a fallacy only of arguments that rely solely on form for their logical successthat is to say, it is a fallacy of deductive arguments. The first premise states that the theory, or the explanation, really does enable you to predict the facts, or the observable outcome. All 24 of his patients who received the treatment were healed. Pete McG. When I went back to that house, the door was open and I could hear a loud argument coming from another room, so I sneaked in and quietly retrieved my pipe. Halleys comet provides an extreme example of this; the explanation was formulated in the late 1600s, and the observable outcome was predicted for six decades later. I searched the apartment, but it was nowhere to be found. Hypotheses are guesses; theories are correct answers. Penelope studies how the structure and function of the nervous system is related to behavior. . Find three images of sound in the poem and three instances of silence. d. all of the above The sentence Newtons account of celestial mechanics is correct . For singular explanations, the simplest one normally offers the fewest explanatory entities. A process of examination and discovery of natural phenomena that involves making observations, constructing hypotheses, testing predictions, experimenting, and drawing conclusions and revising them as necessary. This point can be broadened: vague statements, in general, are more likely to be true than precise ones. But this outcome provides no support for the explanation. By sheer coincidence, a few of these thousands of dreams are going to seem to come true, and these are the ones that will stick most vividly in my memory (remember the vividness shortcut from Chapter 1). That a deductive failure and an inductive success can share the same form reminds us of an important lesson: deductive arguments rely only on the correct form condition, while inductive arguments also have recourse to the total evidence condition. Explanatory arguments require humble attention to the facts of our experience, as Huxley notes above. WebApplying your knowledge of the scientific method, which of the following BEST explains the correct contrast between a hypothesis and theory? Step 1. The magazine reporting it is reliable, and there is no reason to distrust it in this case. Far worse than the plumber explanation from Dear Abby, it requires a long list of independently improbable things all to be truealternative ways, for example of accounting for the following: the vast documentation rescued from the German Archives; the elaborate sealed rooms set up for funneling the prisoners to their deaths; the movement of enormous quantities of asphyxiating Xyklon B gas to the death camps; the photographs of mounds of bodies; the vast body of eyewitness testimony by both victims and their murderers; and the otherwise mysterious disappearance from history of millions of Jews. Part of the reason, presumably, was because the jury saw that if they carefully thought about alternative explanations, they might find one with a higher prior probability than the one Lincolns opponent was arguing for. Another way to put this is to ask whether there is a satisfactory conceptual framework for the general explanationand whether it is more satisfactory than the alternatives. The survivors were the finches with beaks closest to either of the two extremesa demonstration of how competition eliminates intermediate beaks and forces each species to specialize in seeds of one size. Null hypothesis : this is known as the default hypothesis.It states that Because the ideas of creationism cannot be tested through experiment and observation. After a few seconds, I knew it was. Barbecues occur far more frequently than house fires, so they have a much higher prior probability; but when the observable outcomeway too much smokedoes not follow from the barbecue explanation, we are logically forced to the less probable explanation that it is a house fire. c. They are affected by team (group) pressures. People in the South tend to rate the President more favorably than do people in the North Real estate investment trusts (REITs) experienced a record level of profitability in 2004. This result can be explained by the fact that because the teachers expected them to do well, their perceptions of each students ability rose and those childrens own self-image was enhanced. David Lewis and James Greene, Thinking Better. The second part of the total evidence condition requires that you exercise the same imaginative powers as the arguer; for you must imagine which explanations would be the most credible alternatives to the one argued for. c. social learning theory As with the other argument forms introduced in this text, there are a variety of alternative terms for explanatory arguments, none of which seems to have taken the lead. I never thought it would work, but I read somewhere that we should get a cat if we wanted to rid ourselves of the mice in the garage. Make observations. It describes why the individual is having problems. It is doubtful that more than 1 in 30 is able to win five years in a row on the basis of skillthat is, the probability of succeeding for five years by skill is probably no better than the probability of doing it by chance. Which of the following shows the correct order for a scientific explanation? Lucy wants to study changes in cognitive skills, moral reasoning, and social behavior across the lifespan. , For years, scientifically trained observers dismissed voodoo death as primitive superstition. Before experimental drugs can be brought to market, they must undergo many rigorous trials to ensure they deliver their medical benefits effectively and safely. B. Explanatory arguments are probably the most fundamental and frequently used of all arguments, both in science and in everyday life. Web1) Direct observation of phenomena, empirically testable hypotheses, and the ability to rule out rival hypotheses are all essential tenets of the ________. A. d. internal versus external My employer values me. It is conducted to have a better understanding of the existing problem, but will not provide conclusive results. And conclusion are both about the boiling of water at this altitude hierarchy of,... 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which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis