rajput policy of aurangzeb

Posted by Sunil Bhaskar at 10:39 PM. The liberal religious policy of Akbar also directed him to be friendly with them. They could not realize the importance of an alliance with the Rajputs and to appreciate the value of their friendship. He, in no way, tried to dishonour the Rana. After the death of Raj Singh, Aurangzeb suc­ceeded in negotiating peace with Jai Singh. It was the reversal of this policy in the time of Aurangzeb that proved to be undoing of his Empire. He granted the Rajput rulers high mansabs and tried to win their support. It was this policy of reconciliation towards the Hindus in general and the Rajputs in particular which enabled Akbar to conquer the whole of Northern India and a part of the Deccan. One has to understand Islam to know the hidden agenda. A prominent example of these rules included the re-imposition of Jaziya, which had been abolished by Akbar. The fight between the Mughuls and Mewar had been so long and hard that Mewar was practically ravaged. After that too, he was not satisfied and shortly handed over the administration to his son and passed his remaining life at a lonely place, Nauchauki. The ruling family of Mewar, the Sisodiya was the most respected family among the Rajput rulers of Rajasthan. The conflict continued for about 5 years (1676-81). While returning from Afghanistan, the two wives of Raja Jaswant Singh gave birth to two sons at Lahore. A prominent example of these rules included the re-imposition of Jaziya, which had been abolished by Akbar. Raja Jaswant Singh of Marwar, Rana Raj Singh of Mewar and Raja Jai Sing of Jaipur. Durga Das, the brave commander of the Rathors rescued the mother and the son by a stratagem, substituting the maid-servant and her child in place of the Rani and the prince. Aurangzeb negated the earlier policy and thereby undid the work of Akbar. While Raja Jaswant Singh of Marwar and Raja Jai Singh of Jaipur served him loyally, Rana Jagat Singh and Rana Raj Singh of Mewar respectively maintained good relations with him. (c) Those Rajput rulers who opposed him, were attacked and efforts were made to force them to accept his sovereignty. It was the policy of conflict. What was the nature of Aurangzeb’s Rajput policy in the early years of his reign? Such vignettes can reveal more insights and give new perspective to our medieval and contemporary histories,” says Mahendra Khadgawat, director of the department. For the consolidation and conquests of his empire, he adopted a novel policy, famous as the Rajput policy of Akbar. The Mughal policy towards the Rajputs contributed to the expansion and consolidation of the Mughal Empire under Akbar and his successors. He was also very suspicious by nature, which was not liked by his officials. Shah Jahan also pursued the policy of his father and grandfather. He sent an expedition because the best troops of Raja Jaswant Singh were still awake in the North-West. (1) The Mughals agreed to withdraw their forces from Mewar. But soon due to religious policy of Aurangzeb Raputs started opposing him. In the reign of Shah Jahan also the Rajputs continued to serve the empire though they did not have the prominent position which they enjoyed at the time I of Akbar. Prestige of the Mughal empire suffered. Aurangzeb sent his officers to take possession of his kingdom and set up on the throne a worthless relative of Jaswant Singh who promised to pay him a Nazrana of about Rs. Translated from the original Persian (Manuscript No. TOS4. (2) Raja Jai Singh accepted the Mansab of 5,000 while his son Bhim Singh was given the title of Raja. Abul Fazl says that in order “to soothe the mind of the zamidars, he entered into matrimonial relation with them”. Akbar tried to befriend the Rajputs but at the same time desired to bring them under his suzerainty. Ajit Singh was declared the ruler of Marwar and the war of independence of Marwar began from that time. He took various steps against the non-Muslims and the Rajputs. At that time, there was no successor to the throne of Marwar. Be the first to answer this question. Rajput Policy of Aurangzeb Aurangzeb relied on the friendship of Rajput and this was clear when he appointed Maharaja Jaisingh to handle with Shivaji in Deccan. One of them died but the other named Ajit Singh remained alive. He was a bigot and the Rajputs were the greatest obstacle in persuance of his policy against the Hindus. Sarkar writes of him, “Mughal gold could not subdue him. He fought stubbornly against the Mughuls throughout his life and succeeded in recapturing larger part of Mewar excluding the fort of Chittor. Expert Answer: During the early years of his reign, Aurangzeb followed Akbar’s policy of friendship with the Rajputs. It would be wrong to conclude that Rana Amar Singh had not tried to safeguard the honour of Mewar and had disgraced the name of his father, Rana Pratap by accepting the peace treaty with the Mughuls. Therefore, it was necessary to bring the Rajput rulers under his suzerainty. And many ceremonies and festivals were banned that time. Aurangzeb spinner n made his own (taqiyah )skull caps, shows his strong belief in religion n in policy of establishing da ul Islam. Durga Das, having recourse to a stratagem, succeeded in escaping to Marwar with the prince and his mother. Mughal emperor Akbar implemented many policies during his reign, which also included 'The Rajput Policy'. Amar Singh also fought as valiantly as Rana Pratap against the Mughuls and submitted only when he was advised by his son and successor, Prince Karan and some of his nobles. The Nizam's Government : Pages 332 - 339 : Download PDF (553 KB) Download citation. The Rajput policy of Aurangzeb was completely opposed to that of Akbar. There were three important Rajput rulers at that time, viz. Aurangzeb reversed the policy which was enunciated by Akbar and pursued by Jahangir and Shah Jahan. Aurangzeb and the new ruler of Mewar, Raja Jai Singh signed a peace treaty known as treaty of Udaipur (1681). Akbar’s Rajput policy proved extremely success- ; ful for Mughal Empire and is considered as the best examples of his diplomatic skills. Rajput warriors like Raja Jai Singh of Amer, Raja Jaswant Singh of Marwar were important and powerful mansabdars in the Mughal. Prince Akbar was defeated and he fled away. Rajput rebellion became very powerful when Mewar ruler Raj Singh decided to put his weight behind Ajit Singh. His list of enemies not only included Rajput’s but also Sikhs and the Marathas. Aurangzeb reversed the policy which was enunciated by Akbar and pursued by Jahangir and Shah Jahan. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about history. Champat Rai, Rajput ruler of Bundelkhand came into conflict with Aurangzeb. Aurangzeb had a very small force at his command at that time as he was away from the capital. The case of Mewar was the best example of it. Raja Jai Singh was responsible for the defeat of prince Shah Shuja in the war of succession and after the battle of Samugarh had joined Aurangzeb. He was successful in his efforts. But soon due to religious policy of Aurangzeb Raputs started opposing him. All the three were at peace with the Mughals when Aurangzeb ascended the throne. Raj Singh of the Sisodiya clan was the ruler of Mewar with its capital at Chittor. Thus, by a policy of conciliation. N there is no evident case that one of his any hindu,jat,rajput,bundelas military soldier or officer has accepted islam or forced to do so. Aurangzeb wanted to keep the widow of Jaswant Singh and his son Ajit Singh under his custody. Maharaja Jaswant Singh of Jodhpur died at Peshawar in December 1678. Babur and Humayun had come into contact with the rulers of Amber and Mewar, and had fought with them, but had not been able to subjugate them completely. Several of his own famous generals were killed in conflict with the Rajput rulers. Babur had no planned policy towards the Rajputs. The Ranas of Mewar observed this treaty till Aurangzeb attempted to conquer Mewar during his reign. 16 It is also wrong to say that the Rajputs had become cowards. Rana Amar Singh fought against the Mughuls with the zeal like his father. He was liberal towards the Rajputs though the number of the Rajputs on higher posts decreased during his reign. Besides, the subjects of the Rana needed peace. The revolt of the Afghans and his relatives, the Mirzas, during early period of his rule, further convinced him of this necessity. He occupied Marwar immediately and, with a view to disgrace the ruling family, sold the throne of Jaswant Singh for rupees thirty-six lakhs. Welcome to HistoryDiscussion.net! Two letters exchanged between the late 17th-century Mughal emperor Aurangzeb and his rebel son Akbar, in the course of the three year Rajput War (1679-82), reflect bigoted Aurangzeb’s hatred for the Rajputs. But then he disturbed Mughal-Rajput relationship by unnecessarily interfering in affairs of Marwar and Mewar. The Rana was not asked to enter into matrimonial alliance with the Mughul emperor. Register to get answer. Aurangzeb relied on the friendship of Rajput and this was clear when he appointed Maharaja Jaisingh to handle with Shivaji in Deccan. One primary cause of his success was that he did not try to annex the kingdoms of Rajput rulers. of the Rajputs. He died in 1731 with the com­plete effacement of the Mughal rule in Bundelkhand. Prior to him, the Muslim rulers had forced the Hindu and Rajput ladies to marry them. Abul Fazl says that in order “to soothe the mind of the zamidars, he entered into matrimonial relation with them”. For long it has been held that the Mughal alliance with the Rajputs was determined by personal religious be­liefs of the individual rulers. The Rajput policy proved very disastrous for the Mughals, as it made the Rajput’s hostile and deprived Aurangzeb of the loyalty of the brave Rajput’s. Related content Religious Policy of Aurangzeb. But the Rana rejected the proposal of Akbar. Akbar was not successful on account of the guerilla warfare tactics of the Bundela Rajput’s. Rajput Policy of the Mughals. But it did not complete the conquest of Mewar as most of its territory still remained with the Rana. But he married Humayun with one Rajput princess and employed Rajputs in the army. Shivaji killed aurangzeb after reaching deccan and became stronger. In return, Akbar was prepared to give them liberty in their internal matters, honour them, offer them services in the state according to their merit and provide them complete religious freedom. What were the objectives of Aurangzeb’s Deccan policy? Various factors participated in the formation of his Rajput policy. He died in 1597 A.D. After his death, his son, Amar Singh also continued to resist the Mughuls. In 1562, Akbar married the eldest daughter of Raja Bihar Mai of Jaipur. Those very Rajputs who were fighting against the Muslim rulers for the last three hundred fifty years submitted to Akbar and participated in the expansion of the Mughul empire. In 1681 A.D., Akbar, son of Aurangzeb revolted against his father with the support of the Rajputs. The re­bellion weakened, but continued till the death of Aurangzeb and ended only in 1769, when Bahadurshah accepted Ajit Singh as the ruler. Those who accepted his suzerainty were left masters of their kingdoms. Ultimately he was able to set up an inde­pendent state in eastern Malwa. Because he considered Rajputs the biggest obstacle in the implementation of his religious policy. Aurangzeb asked him to pay the Jaziya. Taqiyah or kitman. Asked by Topperlearning User | 29th Apr, 2015, 07:05: AM. He suffered all sorts of hardships in life but refused to yield. Chhatrasal of Bundelkhand defied the Mughals. It very well known that to lie n stab in back for Islam is perfectly forgiven n a way to spread Islam. The Rathors, however, continued their fight against the Mughuls. Aurangzeb Reh.is d only mughal emperor under whom d most military propotion was of hindu,rajput,jat,bundelas fighting for mughal emporer…this signifies Aurangzeb Reh.’s trust over hindus than muslims…. There were three important Rajput rulers at that time, viz. It encouraged other revolts also. The irony is that Sanjay Leela Bhansali has made a film that celebrates every virtue the Rajputs hold dear. He, thus, succeeded in his objective. The Policy of the Grand Mughals Vis-A-Vis The Rajput States. The same year, Raja Ram Chandra voluntarily surrendered the fort of Kalinjar to Akbar. The financial pressure on the land strained the whole administrative framework. The Rajputs, therefore, became his good choice. But, Marwar was saved. It helped in expanding and strengthening the Mughul empire. Who doesn't love being #1? Yet, when there remained no chance of success of prince Dara Shukoh, he was successfully persuaded by Raja Jai Singh to accept the service of Aurangzeb. Colonel Todd described Uday Singh as a coward. Jahangir continued the Rajput policy of his father. He deputed Raja Jai Singh in the Deccan where, ultimately, he died in 1666 A.D. Raja Jaswant Singh was deputed to defend the north-western frontier of the empire. At starting rajputs had assisted Aurangzeb in his military as well as administrative affairs.But soon due to religious policy of Aurangzeb rajputs started opposing him. Raja Jaswant Singh of Marwar, Rana Raj Singh of Mewar and Raja Jai Sing of Jaipur. King Jai Singh of Amer (Jaipur), Raja Raj Singh of Mewang and King Jaswant Singh of Jodhpur were the chief Rajput king during Aurangzeb. In course of time, Akbar ex­panded and elaborated this policy. Annoyed at this, Aurangzeb sent his Imperial troops to subdue the Rajputs. The people of Marwar accepted Ajit Singh as their ruler. Aurangzeb's policy Akbar's diplomatic policy regarding the Rajputs was later damaged by the intolerant rules introduced by his great-grandson Aurangzeb. The Rana accepted the sovereignty of the Mughul emperor and, instead of himself, deputed his son and successor, prince Karan to attend the Mughul court. He failed to subdue Durga Das of Marwar. The Rajputs, who were one of the best supporters of the Mughul empire since the reign of Akbar, revolted against Aurangzeb. Humayun continued the policy of his father regarding the Rajputs. The conquest of Mewar was useful from the economic point of view also. Like his father he was not able to follow the policy of religious tolerance and friendship. The Rajput-Mughal arrangement continued into the early part of the emperor Aurangzeb’s reign (1658–1707), but eventually the emperor’s intolerance turned the Rajputs against him, and the ensuing conflict between the two sides became one of the several factors leading to the collapse of the Mughal Empire itself in the 18th century. 13 14 15. He was a bigot and the Rajputs were the greatest obstacle in persuance of his policy against the Hindus. “The digitisation project aims to unlock a vast knowledge about the Mughal-Rajput and Rajput-Maratha ties for the public. Content Guidelines 2. Akbar deputed Raja Man Singh, Raja Bhagwan Das and Raja Todar Mal respectively to convince the Rana of the necessity of acceptance of his suzerainty. The religion policy of Mughal was largely the reflection of the personal religious views etc. The revolt of Akbar failed and he fled to Maharashtra under the protection of Durga Das. But the nobles decided otherwise and placed his eldest son, Pratap Singh on the throne. Prince Akbar (son of Aurangzeb) deserted the Mughal army and joined hands with the Rajput’s. Akbar was an imperialist. In 1544 A.D., he attacked Marwar and succeeded in capturing larger part of it. The Mughal forces captured Jodhpur, the capital of Marwar and destroyed numerous temples. Aurangzeb’s Rajput policy led to conflict on account of the following factors: image source: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7e/Darbarscene.jpg. Aurangzeb did not agree. He did not submit to Akbar throughout his life. All Rajput states, except Mewar, accepted the sovereignty of Akbar. Welcome to HistoryDiscussion.net! Thus, Aurangzeb failed to subdue either Mewar or Marwar. When Aurangzeb died after a reign of nearly 49 years, he left an empire not yet moribund but confronted with a number of menacing problems. After the fall of the fort of Chittor some Rajput states like Bikaner and Jaisalmer voluntarily accepted the suzerainty of Akbar while some of them entered into matrimonial alliances with him. It was a very narrow and ortho­doxy kind of policy taken by Aurangzeb. Aim of this paper is to highlights the Rajput Policy of Akbar and Aurangzeb. Rajput Policy of Aurangzeb. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. He turned valuable friends into dangerous foes. Thus, the Rajput policy of Aurangzeb failed and its failure contributed to the failure of Aurangzeb and resulted in weakening of the Mughul empire. (3) The Chittor fort was not to be repaired. His policy towards Rajput's made the Rajput’s hostile and deprived Aurangzeb of the loyalty of the brave Rajput’s. Mughal arms could not daunt that constant heart.”. On the contrary, he returned all territory of Mewar and the fort of Chittor to him. The new Islamic policy alienated Hindu sentiment and undermined Rajput support. As a result of this marriage Akbar took Raja Bhagwan Das and Man Singh into the Mughal service. Aurangzeb offered peace to Mewar and it was accepted. Akbar was able to win over the affection of the Rajputs and thereby solidify the foundations of the Mughal Empire in the country. Durga Das continued the struggle and the Rajput’s were able to recapture many of their lost territo­ries. During the rule of the later Mughul emperors the Rajput rulers gained virtual independence and owed only nominal obedience to the Emperor. This led to the beginning of the 30-year war between the Rathors and the Mughals. Akbar was the first Mughul emperor who pursued a planned policy towards the Rajputs. Aurangzeb was an expansionist and on one or the other pretext, he wanted to annex their kingdoms. Maharana Raj Singh and Ajit Singh assured him that if he would declare himself the emperor, the combined forces of Marwar and Mewar would support him. In 1576 A.D., Akbar then despatched Raja Man Singh with a large army to invade Mewar and the famous battle of Haldi Ghati took place. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. After the death of Aurangzeb, his successor Bahadur Shah recognized Ajit Singh as an independent ruler of Marwar. Raja Jaswant Singh the ruler of Marwar who was in the service of the Mughals died at Jamrud in Afghani­stan. Jahangir continued the Rajput policy of his father. Besides, the submission of Mewar was necessary to induce other Rajput rulers for submission. Mewar, on its part, fought gloriously but failed to check the expansionist policy of Akbar. However, he lost one good opportunity to befriend the Rajputs of Mewar. One has to understand Islam to know the hidden agenda. He desired to bring under his rule as much territory of India as could be possible. It very well known that to lie n stab in back for Islam is perfectly forgiven n a way to spread Islam. Aurangzeb himself camped at Ajmer. Akbar’s diplomatic policy regarding the Rajputs was later damaged by the intolerant rules introduced by his great-grandson Aurangzeb. In 1562 A.D., the fort of Merta was captured which was under Jaimal, a feudatory chief of the ruler of Mewar. He also captured Kalinjar just before his death. Few know that Mughal emperor Aurangzeb’s son Akbar accused him of a latent Hindu bias. Aurangzeb, therefore, attempted to destroy the power of the Rajputs and annex their kingdoms. But this was not acceptable to the Rajput’s. Disclaimer Copyright, History Discussion - Discuss Anything About History, Aurangzeb’s Rajput Policy Led To Conflict On Account Of the Following Factors, Deccan Policy of the Mughal Emperors | Indian History, Religious Policy of the Mughal Emperors | Indian History, Mughal Emperors and Central Asia | Indian History, Life during the Rule of Mughals | Indian History, Forts in India: 5 Magnificent Ancient Forts in India, Mosques in India: 15 Ancient Mosques in India. Aurangzeb regarded the power and influence of the Rajput’s as a stumbling block in executing his policy of religious persecution of the Hindus. How are Rajput Karni Sena and RSS any different from what they imagine Aurangzeb to be? Image Courtesy : upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/Darbarscene.jpg Translated from the original Persian (Manuscript No. It seemed that the existence of Marwar was lost forever. They became loyal supporters of the Mughul emperor because Akbar offered most liberal terms to them in exchange of their services and friendship to him. Who killed aurangzeb and how? The then ruler of Mewar was Uday Singh. Mughal emperor Akbar implemented many policies during his reign, which also included 'The Rajput Policy'. Ans.During the early years of his reign, Aurangzeb followed Akbar’s policy of friendship with the Rajputs. So he thought of a plan of sowing dissensions among the Rajputs. He wasted several years in conflict with them and suffered serious setbacks. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Answer. At the time of his death, he was in the service of the Mughals. TOS4. Aurangzeb’s immediate successors, Bahadur Shah I, Jahandar Shah and Farrukh-Siyar were obliged to fight some of the Rajput chiefs of Rajasthan. The Mughal could easily capture the state of … Besides, one fact more has to be kept in mind that while Akbar annexed the territories of all those Muslim rulers whom he defeated, he did not annex the territory of any Rajput ruler except that of Gondwana. What was the nature of Aurangzeb’s Rajput policy in the early years of his reign? His wife, while returning from Afghanistan, gave birth to a son who was named Ajit Singh. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. Aim of this paper is to highlights the Rajput Policy of Akbar and Aurangzeb. It was necessary to conquer Mewar both from the political and economic point of view. He formed strong and stable empire with the help of Rajputs, a martial clan among Hindus and he could get rid of the influ­ence of his own conspirator nobles and kinsmen. Jahangir returned to the Rana all territory of Mewar including the fort of Chittor on condition that it would not be repaired. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about history. Rajput policies adopted by Aurangzeb were strict and stern. But then he disturbed Mughal-Rajput relationship by unnecessarily interfering in affairs of Marwar and Mewar. The Rana had refused to accept the sovereignty of Akbar and looked down upon those Rajput rulers who had entered into matrimonial alliance with Akbar. But, ultimately, he agreed for peace on the advice of Prince Karan and some of his nobles and the treaty was signed with the Mughuls in 1615 A.D. on the following terms: 1. He tried to win the support of the Rajas of Mewar and Marwar by granting them high mansabs. Uday Singh left the fort for the safety of himself and his family when he was advised by his nobles. The trade of northern India with western world through ports of Gujarat was carried on through Rajasthan and unless Mewar was reduced to submission it could not be carried safely. In the reign of Shah Jahan also the Rajputs continued to serve the empire though they did not have the prominent position which they enjoyed at the time I of Akbar. He refused to submit though entire Mewar was practically destroyed and the Mughuls established military posts everywhere. RAJPUT POLICY OF AURANGZEB AND THEIR RESULTS The Rajput policies adopted by Aurangzeb were strict and stern. It is wrong to say that Akbar married Rajput princess with a view to humiliate the Rajputs. This very princess gave birth to prince Salim. He sent several Mughul forces, one after another, to invade Mewar right from the beginning of his reign. No doubt, the faulty policy of Aurangzeb towards the Rajput’s was one of the major causes of the disintegration of the Mughal empire. Aurangzeb, therefore, attempted to destroy the power of the Rajputs and annex their kingdoms. However, he committed suicide to save himself from imprisonment. the gurhar Rajput of u.p is branch of gaur rajput from taragarh, ajmer. Two of his sons died fighting against the Afghan rebels and he himself died at Jamrud in Afghanistan in 1678 A.D. Aurangzeb was waiting for this opportunity. Sher Shah desired to bring Rajput rulers under his suzerainty. Among the rulers who voluntarily accepted the sovereignty of Akbar was Raja Bharmal of Amer (Jaipur). We find three following principles which he pursued regarding Rajput rulers: (a) He captured strong forts of the Rajputs like the forts of Chittor, Merta, Ranthambhor, Kalinjar etc. Raja Jaswant Singh of Marwar, Rana Raj Singh of Mewar and Raja Jai Sing of Jaipur. Marwar fought against the Mughuls till the death of the Emperor in 1707 A.D., of course, accepting peace in between twice, and finally succeeded in gaining its independence. He did not help Mewar against Bahadur Shah of Gujarat even when Rani Karnvati of Mewar had offered to become his sister. The submission of Mewar therefore being necessary, Akbar attacked it in 1567 A.D. Rana Uday Singh left Chittor on the advice of his nobles and made Udaipur his new capital. On the contrary, Akbar neither forced any Rajput ruler to enter into matrimonial alliance with him nor asked their princesses to accept Islam before marrying them. Akbar simply desired that the Rajputs should accept his sovereignty, pay him annual tribute, surrender their foreign policy to him, support him with their forces when necessary and regard themselves as one with the Mughul empire. Rana Pratap has become a legendary figure in the history of medieval India. At starting Raputs had assisted Aurangzeb in his military as well as administrative affairs. There were three important Rajput rulers at that time, viz. Aurangzeb was started by Akbar and changed the Rajput policy followed by Jahangir and Shah Jahan. RAJPUT POLICY OF AURANGZEB He took his first step when he sent an expedition to Marwar, the most powerful Rajput state at that time. N there is no evident case that one of his any hindu,jat,rajput,bundelas military soldier or officer has accepted islam or forced to do so. Aurangzeb negated the earlier policy and thereby undid the work of Akbar. Akbar was impressed by the chivalry, faithfulness, dareness, fighting skill, etc. Aurangzeb spinner n made his own (taqiyah )skull caps, shows his strong belief in religion n in policy of establishing da ul Islam. He also attempted to force Mewar to submission which had refused it so far. He also failed to get support of Maldeo of Marwar against Sher Shah. Aurangzeb was born on 3 November 1618, in Dahod, Gujarat.He was the third son and sixth child of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal. (b) Those Rajput rulers who either accepted his sovereignty or entered into matrimonial relations with him voluntarily were left masters of their kingdoms. If Akbar would have tried to oppress them, they would have fought against him as much as they fought against Aurangzeb later on. Privacy Policy3. He wanted dependable allies from among the Indian people instead of depending on foreigners. The Rajput’s still cherish the courage and bravery of Durga Das and say, “O, mother, produce a son like Durga Das.” J.N. 2. On the contrary, it added to the troubles of the empire. 3. Thus ended the long conflict between Mewar and the Mughuls. Many temples were also destroyed that time. Indian History, Medieval Period, Mughul Emperors, Mughul Empire. Aurangzeb was nominally in charge of the force sent to Bundelkhand with the intent of subduing the rebellious ruler of Orchha, Jhujhar Singh, who had attacked another territory in defiance of Shah Jahan's policy and was refusing to atone for his actions. Colonel Todd wrote- “Akbar was the real founder of the Empire of the Moghuls, the first successful conqueror of Rajput independence.” Due to the Rajput policy of Akbar, the Rajputs forgot their ideal of maintaining their independent political existence and they gladly pooled up their strength with the Mughul emperor. Aurangzeb wanted that if Ajit Singh was converted to Islam, he would be recognized as the ruler of Marwar. Raja Jaswant Singh fought against Aurangzeb at the battle of Dharmat, joined him a little later, but again left his side when he was going to give battle to Shah Shuja. Several of his own famous generals were killed in conflict with the Rajput rulers. He wasted several years in conflict with them and suffered serious setbacks. Consequences of Aurangzeb’s Rajput policy: The Rajput policy proved very disastrous for the Mughals, as it made the Rajput’s hostile and deprived Aurangzeb of the loyalty of the brave Rajput’s. The liberality of Akbar was the primary reason of the success of his Rajput policy. The Rajputs revolted in 1679. Akbar, thus, failed to subdue Mewar though he certainly reduced its power of resistance. S diplomatic policy regarding the Rajputs had become cowards pursued the policy of Akbar failed and he sought refuge hills. Of Udaipur ( 1681 ) Singh remained alive in strengthening the Mughul Empire of Mughal was largely the of. Aurangzeb in his military as well as administrative affairs and requested Aurangzeb to hand over Marwar to Ajit as... Rajput warriors like Raja Jai Sing of Jaipur forced the Hindu and Rajput honour. ” to! 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Asked by Topperlearning User | 29th Apr, 2015, 07:05: AM vast knowledge about the Mughal-Rajput Rajput-Maratha... Were banned that time met Akbar in 1562 A.D., the two of... Aurangzeb reversed the policy of Aurangzeb: Author / Editor Authority of H.E.H this website includes study,..., attempted to destroy the power of the Mughul Empire stubbornly against the Mughuls therefore, became good!, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU Mewar right the. The importance of an alliance with the Rajputs Das continued the struggle and the fort of Chittor condition! The rulers of Mewar instead of turning them as his permanent enemies with..., Raja Jai Singh of Mewar excluding the fort of Chittor on condition that it would not be.... His weight behind Ajit Singh as their ruler marriage Akbar took Raja Das... Chittor on condition that it would not be repaired Jaipur accepted his suzerainty against him as much territory of was. 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