nes top down shooter

Getting stuck in a corner with low ammo and masses of aliens coming towards you is never a good feeling! I'm a lifelong Samus Aran groupie. King's Knight is a variation on Konami's Knightmare which sold extremely well. BUY. Sound easy? Little Nemo's cover art of a tyke in his pajamas most likely resulted in it finding its way into the hands of many a NES gamer's little sister, which is where probably where I first chanced upon it (I had a strict "no girly games" policy when I was 10). I think I've got the same fond memory for this one as everyone else does: skinny dude, medium dude, and fat dude. And, like DuckTales, this led to a high quality NES platformer from Capcom. Interestingly, Micro Machines was also one of the rare, unlicensed-by-Nintendo releases for the NES – but the lack of the Seal of Quality or standard cartridge design didn't keep it from being a great game. I was totally paranoid that I'd come back from school (or day care or whatever) and the game would be turned off. And I get to hit him with a whip? Sink Again. - M3Kat/ Extending the gameplay to many times the length and difficulty of the original, Castlevania III allowed gamers to take the role of Trevor Belmont, Simon Belmont's ancestor, as well as the roles of three other playable characters that Trevor may meet during his quest. The paths you choose to take during the game will bring you to stages and events you might otherwise miss entirely. I spent hours tackling puzzles using different methods – to trap enemies or to drop them through flooring. Not too shabby. was a knock-out even without his celebrity status. Now, for anyone new to the site we follow a set of guidelines for all our lists. Then, Skate or Die 2 came along and trumped its predecessor in many ways, offering a full storyline adventure in addition to the standalone skating events as well as adding in the "Double Trouble" half pipe, a massive structure that spanned two full game screens and let you pull off highly stylish (for the time) vert skating tricks. Let's be honest – if you are going to play Maniac Mansion, you really should try the uncensored Commodore 64 version. The ability to choose your own path had my permanent attention. For a time, I remembered an entire 33-character password for a maxxed out character in this game. As someone who has gone through the effort of tracking down this neglected gem of a Game Pak, I can affirm that Little Samson can hold his own with the Belmonts, Mega Men and Master Higgins' of the era. Taking cues from open-ended adventure games like Metroid, you'll need to find certain weapons and equipment to progress in Bionic Commando, and that sometimes means returning to area you've previously visited to take care of unfinished business. I played this game for the first time on a vacation to Wisconsin (that was back when most kids had three NES games total, and liked it), and dug the game so much I had to own it. All right guys, this is a big step forward in trying to push my Let's Play series forward. As was the case with Tetris, Dr. Mario got fast and furious the further into the game you got. The new Rush Adaptors combined Mega Man with his robotic dog into one unit for the first time, and yes, Dr. Wily is again behind the robotic destruction coursing through the game, this time masquerading as the ill-disguised Mr. X. It looked extremely impressive for its time and I loved the soundtrack. The game simply used the convenient foundation of the sport to construct a deceptively deep, endlessly addictive gameplay design that's all about pattern recognition, fast reaction times and comically over-the-top cartoon personalities. For many, the NES was the machine that played Mario. While it clearly adopted its non-linear level select structure from Mega Man, the similarities end there. The Ice Climbers, as the two starring characters are popularly known, are relentless lovers of the alpine trek, and they'll stop at nothing to climb mountain after mountain just to reach its apex, where untold valuable items can be found. I guess some things never change, eh Ikari Warriors? Mine is Heavy Barrel, just looking for some other opinions and maybe some hidden gems. The first Double Dragon for the NES was a capable and compelling coin-op conversion, but this sequel was superior to that original in many ways, primarily because it kept a core feature of the franchise, co-op play, intact on the home system. Many gamers wanted a port of Konami's arcade beat-'em-up of the same name instead, but had to wait until 1991, when a port of the arcade classic came to the NES under the TMNT 2 moniker. And back in 1987, the franchise started off with a bang with one of the most ambitious replica-gold-plated cartridges to ever grace the NES. I lived in Maine when Mega Man 5 came out, which was an SNES-dominated era in my life. Pro-Am, and cast players as the captains of a high-speed, heavily-armored attack ship cutting through tropical waters to take on sharks, rival watercrafts and giant sea serpents. But the action/platforming was a lot of play to fun regardless. It was one of the first games published by Square Soft (now one-half of Square Enix). It was the first game I ever played with an NES Advantage. Really, really good. Little touches like enemy explosions are highly detailed, and the bosses at the end of the top-down stages are mammoth. But when one of my favorite childhood icons, Mario, appeared in his own variety of puzzle game, I was hooked. Mario receives some amazing gear in his third game, including the Raccoon Suit that allows him to soar high above the game's carefully crafted levels. Perhaps the most interesting tidbit of all about Duck Hunt, however, was the stand-alone product's incredibly small size. I thought I knew Ninja Gaiden until I saw my friend spawning red clones that mimicked his actions. Thankfully, Rad Racer turned out to be a great racing game that was my second-favorite racer of the generation, right after OutRun on the Master System. Why is Baseball Stars so important? It's still a blast to this day and Tecmo should bring it back. No other NES game ever earned that honor, but it's easy to see why Crystalis did – this post-apocalyptic tale of thermonuclear aftermath skillfully blended fantasy and science-fiction into one dynamic story. Because I was the kind of nerd that kept track of developer names, when I saw that the creator of Pitfall was behind Boy and His Blob, I was sold. He then leaps down a nearby hole in the ground and disappears into a vast subterranean labyrinth without a trace. Everyone remembers the simple, but effective cinematic in which series hero Ryu Hayabusa stands atop a mountaintop and stares off into the distant landscape. Tubular stuff, Niki. Choreographing delicate rescue operations with my cousin was a blast, sending one Jeep to collect P.O.W.s while the other threw out cover in the form of myriad bullets and grenades. One of the last handfuls of great games to be released for the NES in America, Gargoyle's Quest II had the misfortune of showing up around a year after the 16-bit SNES had gone on sale. The two player mode is also especially compulsive stuff. 30 comments. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a smash phenomenon in the late 1980s. Go find a movie of it if you don't believe me – it's amazing. Other elements of Super Mario Bros. 2 have been assimilated into the greater Mario universe as well – Shy Guys, Birdo, Bob-ombs, POW blocks – making the game seem less like the oddball of the series it's been pegged as. It's one of the earliest games that convinced me that RPGs were my favorite. No longer bound by primitive side-scrolling constraints, the levels of SMB2 can be freely explored, with secret areas, warps and more to discover. Weird, right? The drama surrounding Tetris is one of the most storied sagas in the history of the NES. But man, the game delivered. Rocket? share. Opening up the initial level of Robot Masters from six, as seen in the first game, to eight as seen in each subsequent Classic Series title, Mega Man 2 was also the only Classic Mega Man game to have a difficulty setting. Anyone who's spent any time on the site probably knows that I love this game, it's a brilliant fusion of shmup and platforming styles which works really well, with you shooting at the multitudes of enemies one second, and doing daring leaps across moving platforms the next. Probably the best classic style top down shooter on the NES. Totally killer! The original video gameplay archive and reference directory for every game released in the US for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System. Soaring around as Mario in raccoon form simply cannot be beat. Mega Man is one of the few franchises on the NES that made it to four games. Platformers were my favorite genre during the 8-bit generation thanks to Mario and Alex Kidd, so why wouldn't I fall for Castlevania? The fourth game in the franchise had little to offer fans that was different, other than a new cast of interesting Robot Masters, a new character (Eddie) and a new ability for Mega Man to exploit (charging your arm cannon). It wasn't even that compelling. My mom and one of my sisters were out all day, and when they came home, my mom had an NES box in her hand. It was the number one video game console in the world from the mid 1980s to early 1990s. One year later it was ported to NES and Commodore 64. Something about Adventures of Link scared me–maybe the dark backgrounds in the forest stages, or the increased detail in the enemy designs. There are over a hundred single-screen levels to conquer in Bubble Bobble, clear all the enemies before you timer is up and you are safe to move on. Fun Fact: This was the very first Konami game to … In addition to exceptionally hard feats of platforming, Ninja Gaiden's fast and furious action was made all the more difficult by its vast army of wily enemies. But those few weeks I spent with Metal Storm remain precious. It was so much fun to play that we didn't know many people who cared that it didn't look quite as good as its source material. While maintaining breakneck speed, your suave, Bond-inspired spymobile is beset on all sides by reckless limousines, bullet-proof coups and even a helicopter dead set on chipping your pristine paint job. Perhaps the one NES classic most on the minds of gamers in 2009 thanks to the recent release of its incredible Wii sequel/remake, Punch-Out!! When that happened, the gameplay actually switched away from the hockey design and into a one-on-one versus fighter while the two mad men slugged it out. The sequel features the same great stuff as the first: catchy, mead-swilling tunes; stylized fantasy graphics; and the peculiar use of "ye olde Engrish." What's funny about The Legend of Zelda's title was that the gamer played as a character named Link, who was in turn trying to save the famed princess named Zelda. And talk about difficult – if you were unlucky enough to lose all of your lives in the game's final stages (which gamers did over and over and over again), you'd have quite the trek in front of you to get back to where you were to try all over again. Unnecessary, sure, but so necessary. It wasn't until a decade or two later that I finally understood that a poor localization was responsible for the game's extreme weirdness. With the 8-bit rendition of the Cyndi Lauper theme from the movie blaring, lead Goony Mikey sets out to rescue the remaining kids, and, for some reason, a Mermaid, from the Fratelli family. Its top-down view makes it a bit of an action-shooter, while its emphasis on collecting items and upgrading weapons lends it more to the RPG and adventure crowd. It also had multiple fields-of-view, from top-down navigation to side-scrolling sequences, the perspectives were mixed up considerably at a time when games were usually from one outlook only. (previous page) () - Sam Claiborn, IGN Game Help Associate Editor. I remember getting this game like it was yesterday. save hide report. From simulated parallax – that means multiple backgrounds moving at varying speeds – to precise, multi-celled animation, this mech platformer pushes the NES to the very limits of its hardware capabilities. And so the Battletoads – Rash, Pimple, and Zits – were born (kids love acne, right?). Shadowgate's unique spin on the point-and-click concept spawned several spiritual successors like Deja Vu and The Uninvited on the NES, as well as its own direct sequel years later on the Nintendo 64. When I wasn't burning my eyes in playing 3D Rad Racer on my brother's water bed I was wasting my life away with this shooter. Haha, the box art to this game was awful (just a guy that looks like Iceman from Top Gun with enormous sunglasses). The Guardian must thwart the planet's demise by setting off Naju's self-destruct sequence before it reaches Earth. In an era of 8-bit graphics and MIDI music, Konami crafted a game that immersed you in the horror of Dracula's castle, while all you were looking at and hearing was an artful combination of the typical sights and sounds of the day. Nonetheless, the game remains an iconic entry in the NES catalog due to its simple race-or-die gameplay. It was essentially a late generation Mega Man-esque science-fiction platform/actioner at its best. technology that allows it to flip from floor to ceiling with abandon. But Section Z separated itself from the likes of Gradius and Life Force with a non-linear path to forward progress ¬– after each side-scrolling section you successfully survived, you'd be presented with two different teleporters. Nintendo had a fairly diverse lineup of sports titles introduced for the NES early on in the system's life cycle, including 8-bit interpretations of soccer, tennis, volleyball and even downhill slalom skiing. Punch-Out!! Admittedly, the exhilaration of burning past the beach-going VW beetles in your red Ferrari 328 (the F1 was significantly less radical) is indeed worthy of such high self praise. Fun Fact: This was the very first Konami game to … These mysterious monoliths eventually became a series standard. The level of detail in the side-scrolling sections goes beyond most any other game of the 8-bit generation. This was a defining day for my brother and I, though I'm sure neither of us knew it then. Fester's Quest also takes its cues from a hodgepodge of genres, which will appeal to many kinds of gamers. An item-based menu allowed you to equip gems, whips and special weapons. While not entirely innovative, Final Fantasy did make some interesting iterations on the RPG formula. but this Sunsoft sidescroller, which originally was supposed to be a licensed Terminator game, holds up well enough to make this list with absolutely no nostalgia from yours truly. Unlike DuckTales, however, Rescue Rangers is basically linear. Each world in SMB3 features a unique style, and Mario's quest takes him through desert, grasslands, above the clouds and below the sea – there's so much to explore that we still make discoveries every time we dust off the cartridge today. If the name "Willow" isn't immediately familiar to you, we suppose you can be forgiven – but you really should get to know it. River City offered a city to explore filled with rival gangs more than happy to smash things over your head if you happen into their territory. Haunting music and the constant fear of running out of torches usually kept me from playing more than a half hour at a time, but I kept going back to it. And that's where Lolo's difficult gameplay comes in, because it's getting those icons that are the true feat. Take your average shooter and replace all the enemies with spreading fire and malfunctioning robots, and you've probably got a pretty good idea of what The Firemen is all about. Just like Mega Man 4 pulled a bait-and-switch with Dr. Cossack, Protoman served the same function in Mega Man 5. What ensued was an NES classic combining side-scrolling, top-down gameplay, and one hell of a glitch for defeating four of the game’s underbosses. Those who already own the game on the PC will get the Ultimate expansion added to the game for free. With Contra III on the Super NES, this game didn't get the attention it deserved. Although it's actually the second entry in the predominately Japanese TwinBee series, the re-branded Stinger was the only entry that saw release on the North American NES. The NES had a handful of memorable wrestling sims, including Nintendo's own Pro Wrestling and WWF WrestleMania, the first wrestling game to ever license the use of real world performers, but from a gameplay standpoint, none of them ever trumped Tecmo World Wrestling. I found it hilarious that Nintendo had to shrink down Little Mac to a third the size of his replicate the arcade version's over-the-shoulder effect on the NES hardware, but even with the compromise, the game was better on the NES! Ok, now NES Shooters (top down/side scrollers) I have lifeforce and another whose name escapes me now for NES. The concept is actually no different from most top-down shooter games, where you “only” have to kill every enemy you meet. The very last project created by Irem for the NES, Kickle Cubicle appeared to be a straight rip-off of the aforementioned Adventures of Lolo, but had gameplay features of its own that made it a unique offering, and one worth anyone's time interested in the genre. And for the most part, franchises that did flood the NES were of a high quality. In it, there's a Qix-inspired mini-game, and in that instant, I remembered how much fun I had with the NES port during my childhood. The quintessential platformer, it's hard to imagine a video game industry today without Super Mario Bros. It was devastating playing through dozens of races only to have the game slowly start blanking out its colors until I was left with a locked-up, unplayable graphic mess on my screen. Friggin' troll, I've got only a copper coin! The original Battletoads was definitely awesome, but I seemed to favor the design that paired up those TMNT-ripoff characters with the classic brawler characters. Best of all though its not hampered by the unresponsive controls found in many of the top down shmups found on NES (Ikari Warriors and Commando I'm looking at you) with Guerilla War you always feel like you can turn on a dime, and are totally in control. I came back the next day to challenge Joker, but I don't think we ever beat him. I still believe that the NES original is the greatest top-down racer ever developed. Rad Racer doesn't disguise its arcade origins; in fact, it unabashedly rips off SEGA's arcade contemporary, Out Run. The great thing about TMNT was its ability to let gamers use all four Ninja Turtles at will, even though it was only a one-player action game. - Matt Casamassina, IGN Nintendo Editor-in-Chief. And if you somehow run out of those, you can always steal one from your unsuspecting partner. Even though Dragon Warrior IV approached the act of storytelling in a unique way, most of Dragon Warrior's gameplay conventions remained unchanged. Perhaps the NES's only intentional B-game, Zombie Nation is actually pretty fun, and always good for a laugh. But while the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were starring in lame TV and movie spin-offs on the NES, Rare actually spent time crafting Battletoads into a surprisingly arcade-like beat-'em-up. And never got anywhere. Go back and grab it, either on cartridge or through the Wii's Virtual Console, and experience for yourself the defining console debut for one of the Big N's biggest mascots. However, word of mouth combined with a Nintendo Power promotion that sent copies of the game around the country allowed it to blow up. Wizards & Warriors is the debut title of a classic, if depressingly anti-climatic NES trilogy. Starting out in fairly straightforward space environments, things soon got weird in Gradius, with levels filled with Moais shooting donut rings. Batman didn't try to do anything unique, but rather took a cue from a few already-established NES staples to make Batman a fun, worthwhile experience. The North American sequel to everyone's favorite game does not disappoint. Some of them are good. Oops. These days, though, I can't help but chuckle at the highly suggestive between-round power-ups. Welcome to our Top 100 Best NES games. I was playing the amazing Super Mario Bros. in a 7-eleven game room months before the NES was even announced in the US. In fact, I liked Willow so much that I'd put it up there on my top list of NES RPG favorites with games like Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy and Crystalis. The Boy was virtually helpless without his Blob and his stash of flavored Jellybeans, making this title an interesting mix of action-adventure and puzzle gameplay. After a few minutes with Contra's militant anthems you'll want to put your controller down and headbang along. As the Vic Viper fight against the Bacterions and Moai heads in 7 stages of shoot 'em action. Mega Man's unique approach is what initially made it so interesting to gamers. What were they thinking? Another of Rare's excellent pre-second-party efforts on the NES, Snake Rattle 'n' Roll was an isometric action/adventure with a curious goal, and more curious controls. Tengen, an ambitious Atari-associated game developer, began releasing official NES games in 1988. Game Boy-shmameboy! Batman taught me the meaning of "envy;" I went to a neighbor's house and played it all day, mastering the diabolical wall jump platforming challenges, and I wanted the game for myself. Well it wasn't. I used to apply the Konami code to every game from Konami just to see what would happen. It was a well known title that at it's core, was for the Amiga in which one or two players battled in a top down shooter genre against the evil creations of the titular Chaos Engine. 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