can you eat hay

How Much Food Alpacas Can Eat? According to, steak and other meats may be combined with low and non-starchy vegetables such as asparagus 1. As far as the Hay Diet is concerned, all foods fall into one of three categories, says the netfit website. Although steak may not seem like a diet food because it is high in fat and calories, it is permissible on the Hay Diet if combined correctly 1 3. used as a substitute for professional medical advice, Get your answers by asking now. Alpacas have 2 sets of … Is it selfish for a vegetarian to host guests for dinner and fail to provide them with meat? Beet pulp. Other than that, it should be safe. What's the difference between us and the cow? Grass hay (e.g. So don’t take it for granted that they can eat it, as not all hays are equal. Jessica began her writing career in 1995 and is Senior Editor at a London communications agency, where she writes and edits corporate publications covering health, I.T., banking and finance. Many fruits, as already said: pears, cherries WITHOUT the pits, grapes, peaches, oranges, melon (some especially like watermelon rind), strawberries. While this diet is promoted as a way of life, some books, such as the "7 Day Hay Diet Plan" by Carolyn Humphries, suggest using the same diet as a detox, for one week only, says the weightlossforgood website. There could be ecoli on it. :), I'm interested in finding out more on this too. to ask advice. As with any diet or drastic change to your eating habits, it is important to seek medical advice before you get started on the Hay Diet to ensure it is safe for you. Does anybody know what category these foods go to? My previous horse liked peanut butter sandwiches. any of the products or services that are advertised on the web site. The Hay Diet, or food combining, is based on the idea that you should avoid eating certain foods together because some combinations hinder digestion and increase levels of acidity in your system, says the netfit website. You may substitute artichokes, cabbage or broccoli for the … These germs are microorganisms that we can see only with a microscope. There are two main problems with a grass diet. Bamboo is considered a grass too. Soll Leisure Magazine: The Seven-Day Hay Diet Plan, PARTNER & LICENSEE OF THE LIVESTRONG FOUNDATION. In fact, in high concentrations, protein and dairy products can raise your cholesterol levels, while limiting your intake of carbohydrates can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies. You can buy it in pet shops. Fruits and vegetables, for example, are alkali foods that help balance your body's acidity levels. The Hay Diet, or food combining, is based on the idea that you should avoid eating certain foods together because some combinations hinder digestion and increase levels of acidity in your system, says the netfit website. Weirdest food -- my first mare stole a piece of pizza out of a little girl's hand at a barn picnic. Oat hay or other cereal grain hay is an excellent choice when cut while still green, as opposed to waiting for the seed heads to mature. It was surprising when we first got our Kune Kunes to see how much grass they eat. Grass and other plants have plenty of the chemicals that we need to live and grow, but our digestive tracts can't digest them and so we can't use those nutrients. Jessica holds a Bachelor of Arts in English literature and journalism from the University of Queensland. As you’ll probably be aware, hay fever can make life unbearable during the spring and summer as you battle a runny nose, blocked nose, watery eyes, itchy … For more foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat… Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the LIVESTRONG.COM Regarding bedding, its affordable, comfortable and warm for your rabbits and it can be very effective at soaking up … If you are certain you'd like to feed an alternative then you can look to feed: Oat straw (no more than 30% of their total forage ration) Alfalfa chaff/pellets Unmolasses sugarbeet HAPPY … The difference with Oxbow Western timothy hay is the attention they clearly paid to what the bunnies want, not just what they need. 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Unsurprisingly, this research found that horses take longer to eat hay in smaller holed haynets - using a hay net with 3.2 cm holes meant horses took on average 6.5 hours to eat their ration, compared to 3.1 hours for presumably the same size ration when fed on the ground and 3.4 hours when using a large holed haynet: But a cow will eat grass or hay and little else and do just fine. diagnosis or treatment. It's softer and easier to chew. Paper bags filled with hay – they love working out how to get through the bag to eat the hay. Lots of rabbits get the bad habit of just … Its success is due to the fact you do not have to stop eating the foods you enjoy, instead change when it is you are eating them. They often also like bread products, oatmeal cookies, ginger snaps, granola bars, and other snacks. When he'd finished laughing he assured me that aside from a sore bottom when it all went through and maybe a bit of belly ache he would probably be fine, he had no reaction whatsoever! Hay serves multiple purposes – the main ones being bedding and food.. Although you may not think it, horse and donkey dietary requirements are very different. It is very rich and can make them scour. Can you still eat it? Needless to say she keeps her distance when eating now lol. An adult horse that is simply maintaining body weight can probably eat only grass hay. Good quality, hand-selected hay is the goal, whether it’s Timothy, orchard, or alfalfa hay for rabbits. You hamster will also need constant access to clean, fresh water. I save them for him now :D) My horse once stuck his head through the open top door of a horse box into the living area and relieved my daughter of her spicy pizza! That way he starts to get the taste of it, and as he grows he'll accept it in larger pieces. advertisements are served by third party advertising companies. In principle, people can eat grass; it is non-toxic and edible. ... Zucchini tends to be used in hot dishes, so there’s less chance you’ll experience OAS unless you eat … Copyright © Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Unless it has pesticides or something else on it, it shouldn't be unsafe. Within this food group, you should eat moderate amounts of grains and wholewheat bread and pasta, says the netfit website. While this diet is promoted as a way of life, some books, such as the "7 Day Hay Diet Plan" Seven-Day Hay Diet … According to the Alpaca Owners Association, You can feed fodder or recent pasture 1.5% of the animal’s weight daily. This is a bit of a bizarre question, but is it safe for humans to eat hay? Under the Hay Diet, milk is also considered a protein, but you should not have it with meat, says the Synergy website. Donkeys love to graze all day but will eat everything in sight if they can, so if you’re looking after donkeys, it’s important to feed them a healthy diet. The answer is in those extra "stomachs" and what lives there. If your rabbit is under 1 year old, you can also offer alfalfa hay. How come vegans, peta, DxE don't want to listen to reason? This is a special variety of hay that’s full of fibre and is ideal for small pets. Although I don't know why you would want to - there is very little nutrition in it, mainly just fiber. Jessica has also written for consumer magazines including "Cosmopolitan" and travel, home/lifestyle and bridal titles. Eating hay is still preferred as it will take longer to chew and digest so they will be able to eat for longer than a shorter chop or mash. Another mammal does eat it, so it seems pretty impossible for it to be unsafe. Hay is usually fed to an animal in place of allowing the animal to graze on grasses in a pasture, particularly in the winter or during times when drought or other conditions make pasture unavailable.Animals that can eat hay … The Hay Diet can help! . All grasses are non-poisonous (not really considered "edible" but they won't poison you). The Cases for Each Type of Hay. The problem is it’s difficult to digest and absorb nutrients. There is no scientific evidence that the premise behind the Hay Diet is accurate, says the Soll Leisure Magazine website. If they bolt it, it can impact and cause colic. I got very bored in class and started chewing on some hay from my pocket (which I ended up eating because I was also very hungry), and I want to know, was that a bad idea? There are a lot of good brands of hay out there which have the perfect nutritional balance for your rabbit, and are nice-smelling and easy to serve out. , If you own rabbits, you’ll soon learn that hay is one of the most useful, beneficial and versatile substances. On average, your rabbit should eat a portion of hay the same size as … Choosing Hay for Sulcata Tortoise. The foods to eat and avoid for Hay Fever is what has been discussed in detail below. Still have questions? I love chewing on alfalfa hay... has an amazingly sweet taste... though I don't actually eat the stalks/leaves (intentionally, anyway lol) , I do chew on it. Although not intended for human consumption, there is no reason you could not eat it (assuming it was not treated with pesticides). The Hay Diet is based on the idea that a diet that mainly includes these foods will enhance digestion and reduce harmful acidity levels that can lead to conditions such as constipation, indigestion and arthritis. Small amounts of fresh fruit, vegetables or herbs; Timothy hay. Also if you have a lami prone one the extra sugar will probably result in an attack. If we ate the grass on our lawn, it wouldn't do us much good - we would slowly starve if that were all we had to eat. A majority of KuneKunes diet is made up of grass and fresh greens. I also know of someone whose pony stole and ate an entire hot dog -- weiner, bun and all! The nutrients in grass are in the form of complicated big molecules that must be broken down into smaller pieces that can then be used by the cow's digestive tract and so used by the cow for growth of the body and to maintain life. I give my horse for variation to his diet: -carrots -apples -swede -turnips -tangerines (he LOVES these - he whinnies frantically when I start to get one out the bag lol) - The bottom bit from a cauliflower (I actually put this down for some chickens at our old yard, he walked past while I was taking him to the field and picked it up and ate it! Also, you can feed more grass hay to bunnies without worrying as much if they will be eating too many calories or gaining too much weight. I had some left over hay from the equestrian center that I had put in my pocket that I forgot to feed to some horses before I left. You can eat hay. I eat timothy hay a lot and it hasn't bothered me. 2020 Breakfast is considered the most essential meal under the Hay Diet, says The hay was lifted into the barn by a rope-operated hay fork pulled by the Jeep which my mother drove. Cover your degu for up to £2,000 of vet fees, to help cover those … While it probably isn't unhealthy, it's not a diet I would try. But, orchard hay has higher fiber content than timothy hay. Technically, this should not be surprising. Alpacas primarily eat grass or fodder. In this article, we want to explore the foods that could help you fight back against your hay fever and suggest ways you might introduce them into your diet. My daughter was more upset at losing her lunch! In the spring, summer and fall they will eat lots of fresh grass or pasture and durning the winter time they can eat grass hay or alfalfa hay. My job on those oh-so-hot summer nights was to go up in the high rafters of the barn with 100 pounds of salt for each ton of hay. Fruits and vegetables are alkali foods, which produce very little acid as they are digested and should therefore be the main part of every meal, says the netfit website. You might want to try bermuda hay or orchard grass hay first. Dabbing a little bit of a balm such as Vaseline under each nostril on … As a practical food source, however, your lawn leaves a lot to be desired. Try a balm. That lead to hours of watching him for colic and a frantic call to the vet (it had chillies on it!) and What most folks want to know is can you eat the culms and blades (stems and leaves.) Hay has been around for a long time since it was the main source of food for animals during the winter and there are many varieties around. So cows can live on grass and we can't - and it's all because of those extra "stomachs" and their friendly germs! When choosing a hay for your sulcata, you want a high fiber, low protein hay. That is why horses graze all day long - because their food of choice has very little nutritional value and they must eat a lot of it to get enough to live on. Copyright Policy For the best answers, search on this site It should not be Changes in season can impact how you feed hay, how much you feed, and what else you might need to add to your horse’s diet. Lambs will grow more robustly and remain in better health when offered a quality mature legume hay, and can eat it more easily due to the fine and softer … How do you think about the answers? As you can see, it does depend on what hay it is as to whether guinea pigs can eat it or not. Examples of grass hay are: Timothy, orchard and oat. This is the gentlest food on the gut and will provide the fibre needed for the digestive process to function. Salmon Fish is the best example of a food that calms down inflammation and decreases the symptoms caused due to Hay Fever. The biggest part of the cow's stomach is called the "rumen" and it contains billions and billions of friendly germs. The LIVESTRONG Foundation and LIVESTRONG.COM do not endorse You can replicate this for your pet guinea pigs by hiding food around their enclosure for them to sniff out. The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. Also, why did you have hay in your pocket? The safest choices are Timothy hay, Alfalfa and Meadow hay. Conventional wisdom is to leave hay 6 months before feeding. Alfalfa hay: You can mix this in with your degu’s hay, however this should only be occasionally.Alfala Hay is high in protein and can lead to health problems if over eaten. The most appropriate feed for donkeys is straw, hay and grass in moderation. This is why pandas are munching away at them all the … They can be pretty addictive so it's a good thing that eating more nuts could be beneficial to hay fever sufferers. Starting a vegan diet. Hay should make up 85% of a rabbit’s diet. You can feed fresh cut hay - but it isn't good practice to do so. These germs - there are many different types in the rumen - are not harmful, in fact, they are badly needed by the cow so that it can use the nutrients in grass and other plants. We will talk more in depth about the best varieties for hamsters but also some of the ones you should keep them away from. A great source of highly digestible fiber, it provides about 9 percent … People do cook bamboo for consumption. You should leave four hours between a protein meal and one based on carbohydrates. Gnawing toys or treat kebabs. I need some advice/help. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. My current horse loves fig newtons and plantain chips. Leaf Group Ltd. Rabbits of every age should have access to unlimited grass hay. Max says: "Eating foods rich in antioxidants is believed to be helpful. As each forkful of hay … meadow or timothy) is the one food you should introduce from the start, even if your rabbit isn't already eating it. Cereal grain hays have a small risk of nitrate poisoning if they’re harvested after a growth spurt following a drought period, so consider getting the hay tested for nitrate content if you… Terms of Use This should be followed by two other meals throughout the day, with one meal consisting of alkaline foods only. Protein foods include meat, game, fish, eggs and cheese. You could possibly get food poisoning if it came from a pasture with cows and horses. Occasional treats, like nuts, boiled egg or mealworms. Fresh water: Your degu's water should be refreshed everyday. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-many of the You need to cut the hay into tiny pieces, and put a tiny amount in his food, mixed in. The germs can do that job of breaking down those plant molecules, and that is why they are so important. Hay Fever is quite common and everyone at some time or the other suffers from the symptoms of Hay Fever. cooked bamboo - Google Search Just like it, this plant has low nutrients. Many animals can digest foods that we people can't use at all. Restrict Your Rabbits Favorite Foods. Hay may not seem like a big deal, but it’s one of the biggest ways you can contribute to the health of your horse year-round, support overall wellness, and keep them at an optimal weight. You can buy these in pet shops. Privacy Policy Alcohol, such as red and white wine and cider, is also included in this category. Hay or grass is the foundation of the diet for all grazing animals and can provide as much as 100% of the fodder required for an animal. Rabbits and Hay. There was a whisk with whipped cream but it was in a bowl that had raw meat. If you are competing in endurance, for example, you would likely choose a mix of grass and legume hay (and some grain). If you can’t help but take a bite of banana, try baking it into banana bread for a yummy breakfast or making banana chips for a snack on the go. Mature sheep can garner most of the nutrients they need to remain healthy when grazing in a field of leafy alfalfa hay or even a grass hay that has not yet matured. The first one helps maintain the health of their digestive tract, cleans their teeth and reg… Seven-Day hay diet, says the Soll Leisure Magazine website old, you can offer... Purposes – the main ones being bedding and food twenty-five pounds of their weight per day a trademark! And cheese... /wellness/10-allergy-fighting-foods-to-help- how much food Alpacas can eat approximately 2 pounds per one hundred twenty-five pounds their! Billions of friendly germs in those extra `` stomachs '' and travel home/lifestyle. 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