social vulnerability to disasters examples

2018. This indicates that any public service campaigns or emergency outreach plans should include print, telephone, or in-person communication. = All&field_dv2_incident_type_tid = 49124&field_dv2_declaration_type_value = DR&field_dv2_incident_begin_value%5Bvalue%5D%5Bmonth%5D=&field_dv2_incident_begin_value%5Bvalue%5D%5Byear%5D=2018&field_dv2_incident_end_value%5Bvalue%5D%5Bmonth%5D=&field_dv2_incident_end_value%5Bvalue%5D%5Byear%5D=2018. The Durbin-Watson statistics confirmed that the values of the residuals were independent, and the normal probability plot confirmed that the values of the residuals were normally distributed. These include the proportion of the homeowners with flood insurance and the median home values (US$). 2020. The median household income and the population older than 25 with a Bachelor’s degree were not predictors of the per capita valid registrations that reported emergency needs. In addition, Akerkar and Fordham (2017) conclude that gender differences in disasters are ubiquitous globally, even in societies that appear to have gender equality. The data used for this research consist of 406 zip codes in North Carolina and South Carolina that received major disaster declarations for Hurricane Florence with individual assistance and had valid registrations for the IHP. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. PolicyMap has health es…. Furthermore, Awondo et al. The adjusted R-squared value indicates that the variables have 45.1% of their variability in common. Social vulnerability assessments take into account that individuals and communities have different levels of access to resources to prepare for, cope with and recover from disasters. These figures summarize each of the individual variables that were selected for this analysis. An assessment of the cultural appropriateness of emergency preparedness education for low income minorities. Asking for help and receiving support after a disaster. Eastern Economic Journal 44(4): 576–593. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 50: Article 101716. Social Vulnerability Factors and Reported Post-Disaster Needs in the Aftermath of Hurricane Florence. Accessed 26 Jan 2020. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 10(1): 103–116. Vulnerability due to household composition includes people with disabilities, older adults, children, and single parent households—people who may face health risks or challenges with evacuations or sudden moves. Health concerns of women and infants in times of natural disasters: Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina. Teo et al. significant correlations between social vulnerability and disaster losses (p[0.05), indi- cating the impact of disasters was also related to the intensity of hazards and exposure. Disaster losses are only at first sight the result of the respective events. Interface (Botucatu) 22(1): 1387–1398. (2017) find that variation in the wealth of individual U.S. counties alone explained 12.4% of the impacts of natural hazard-induced disasters between counties. Such stresses include natural or human-caused disasters, or disease outbreaks. Modeling impact of natural hazard-induced disasters on income distribution in the United States. The state responds with resources, often deploying the National Guard and teams that conduct damage assessments. Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, 28723, USA, You can also search for this author in In the post-disaster environment, Fothergill (1998) suggests that men are more likely to view financial aid as a stigma because the payments challenge their role as the breadwinner. Hamideh, S., and J. Rongerude. It is possible that a disproportionately higher number of groups from vulnerable populations had specific post-hurricane needs, but did not register as a result of accessibility issues, a lack of knowledge about the registration process, or a variety of additional reasons. UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). (2009) examined gender disparities in the context of the disaster recovery process following Hurricane Katrina. 2016; Ran et al. The peak gusts, distance to the coast, homeowners with flood insurance, median home value, female population, population over 65, population aged 5 and under, population over age 5 that does not speak English, and the minority population were all predictors of the per capita valid registrations that reported emergency needs following Hurricane Florence. Land and Hummel (2013) analyzed two regions in the West African Sahel that have been heavily impacted by climate change and environmental degradation. 2013. Variables that can potentially mitigate flood damage were also added to the analysis to control for an individual home’s susceptibility to flood damage. 2015. CDC Social Vulnerability Index. These results also support the findings of Urmson et al. The neglect of gender in disaster work: An overview of the literature. Moreira, and A.C. Frota. Disaster linguicism: Linguistic minorities in disasters. Specifically, Figure 6-1 indicates the effects of a disaster are determined by three preimpact conditions—hazard exposure, physical vulnerability, and social vulnerability. For example, if a local government or organization is interested in improving community health before, during, and after hurricane evacuations in the southeastern United States, they could use the SVI to identify focus areas along the Atlantic or Gulf coast. Coble. An example set of factors used to assess social vulnerability at country level based on four main indices is : Disaster Deficit Index (DDI; expected financial loss and capacity). Ecology and Society 18(4): Article 14. 2. Fang et al. An analysis of social vulnerability to natural hazards in Nepal using a modified social vulnerability index. The application process for IHP begins with registration by the individual. How does the damage and loss to people occur and its causes? Kim and Bostwick (2020) found that the proportion of African American residents in Chicago communities has an independent effect on the COVID-19 death rate. Furthermore, Peacock and Girard (1997) assert that economically and socially disadvantaged individuals are more likely to reside in housing that is substandard and are at a greater risk of being damaged from a disaster event. 2001; Hamm and Bellows 2003). Har, N. 2016. Social vulnerability to environmental hazards. Google Scholar. 2 Nearly 80 percent of the U.S. population resides in urban areas, resulting in increasing population concentration in … Gall, M. 2013. Another suggestion involves including post-disaster assistance request processes as a component in local emergency response plans. These groups are considered socially vulnerable populations. (2019) surveyed 180 residents from a variety of ethnic and language backgrounds in Logan City, Australia, and found that policymakers need to give more consideration to how different ethnic groups understand and prepare for disasters. Income is another factor that is commonly described in the literature as a component of social vulnerability. Xian, S., K. Feng, N. Lin, R. She observed that many of the participants felt that accepting charity meant that they were no longer members of the middle class. It is important to note that “FEMA and the Federal Government cannot vouch for the data or analyses derived from these data after the data has been retrieved from the Agency’s website(s) and/or” (FEMA 2020b). Vulnerability Disaster or Shock. Farr, P.D. This literature addresses the role of social vulnerability, particularly as it pertains to the factors that were previously discussed. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 4(3): 1–23. The female population and the population component aged 5 and under were positive predictors of the per capita reported food needs such that the per capita reported food needs increased by 0.047 for each percent of the female population (B = 0.047, p < 0.001); and the per capita reported food needs increased by 0.028 for each percent of the population aged 5 and under (B = 0.028, p = 0.015). Kahn, M. 2005. The dependent variables consist of the reported per capita post-disaster needs related to emergencies, food, and shelter. Keep up with the latest on PolicyMap. Wilson, S.L., and M.A. The adjusted R-squared value indicates that the variables have 47.7% of their variability in common. Reducing social vulnerability can decrease both human suffering and economic loss. 2008. Other studies cite gender inequality as a characteristic of social vulnerability and its impacts on disaster response and recovery. Social vulnerability research has become a deeply interdisciplinary science, rooted in the modern realization that humans are the causal agents of disasters – i.e., disasters are never natural, but a consequence of human behavior. However, the homeowners with flood insurance and the median home value were not statistically significant predictors of the per capita reported shelter needs. Loyola Hummell, B.M. (2020)Cite this article. 2007. Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies 20(1): 3–14. reviews with special focus on the text of social vulnerability due to natural disasters. In this section, we demonstrate the potential value of the SVI for the response and recovery phases by using Hurricane Katrina’s impact on New Orleans … Cutter, and C.T. As the peak gusts increased, the per capita reported food needs increased (B = 3.189E−5, p < 0.001); as the distance to the coast decreased, the per capita reported food needs increased (B = − 6.206E−5, p < 0.001); as the homeowners with flood insurance decreased, the per capita reported food needs increased (B =− 0.768, p = 0.017); and as the median home value decreased, the per capita food needs increased (B = − 1.027E−8, p = 0.023). These groups are considered socially vulnerable populations. According to Cutter et al. This explains the variation in the impact of disasters and environmental emergencies all over the world. When controlling for the same variables, the proportion of the population older than 25 with a Bachelor’s degree, the proportion of the population that is female, the proportion of the population aged 5 and under, the proportion of the population over 5 years old that does not speak English, and the proportion of the population that are minorities were all predictors of the per capita reported post-disaster food needs. The Identify tool also provided information on the distance to the coast for each zip code. International Journal of Emergency Management 12(4): 366–391. Within society we construct categories, for example by class or gender, which are more exposed to risk (McLaughlin & Dietz, 2007). Social vulnerability arises from the community's "social … Hamilton, et al. When controlling for the same variables, the proportions of the population over the age of 25 with a Bachelor’s degree, the female population, the population aged 5 and under, the population above 5 years old that does not speak English, and the minority population were all predictors of the per capita reported food needs. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Social Vulnerability to Disasters. Vulnerability of older adults in disasters: Emergency department utilization by geriatric patients after Hurricane Sandy. The peak gusts and the distance to the coast predicted the per capita shelter needs such that as the peak gusts increased, the per capita reported shelter needs increased (B = 1.664E−5, p = 0.004), and as the distance to the coast decreased, the per capita reported shelter needs increased (B = − 2.795E−5, p < 0.001). Petrolia, D.R., C.E. Uekusa (2019) analyzed the complex experiences of linguistic minorities in the 2010–2011 Canterbury and Tohoku disaster events, and found that these groups confront unique disaster vulnerabilities, partly due to language barriers. Descriptive statistics were provided for the variables that pertain to the mean, standard deviation, and minimum and maximum values. Are older people more vulnerable to long-term impacts of disasters? The determination of program eligibility is based on the needs found during the damage assessment, and any other information that may be discovered at a later time (FEMA n.d.). 1998. 2001. The CDC created a Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) by identifying the specific populations most at risk because of their socioeconomic status, household composition, minority status and language, or housing and transportation. The adjusted R-squared value indicates that the variables have 45% of their variability in common. Many studies have proposed social vulnerability indices for measuring both the sensitivity of a population to natural hazards and its ability to respond and recover from them. Geneva: UNISDR. They conclude that this may inhibit personal resilience and the ability to cope with future events. Each of these four categories of vulnerability contributes to the overall Social Vulnerability Index. The magnitude of Hurricane Florence resulted in major disaster declarations for the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia (FEMA 2020a). Southern Economic Journal 61(2): 387–397. Haney and Gray-Scholz (2020) indicate that women are more likely to experience disrupted perceptions of order and security in the post-disaster environment, and Neumayer and Plumper (2007) assert that natural hazards and disasters lower the life expectancy of women more than that of men. Health Behavior & Education 47(4): 509–513. Lightfoot et al. Fronstin and Holtmann (1994) assessed the determinants of residential property damage following Hurricane Andrew, and found the assessed value of a given house to be inversely related to the probability of the home being uninhabitable after the storm. Hamm, M.W., and A.C. Bellows. The age variables were positive predictors of per capita reported shelter needs such that the per capita reported shelter needs increased by 0.033 for each percent of the population over 65 (B = 0.033, p < 0.001); and the per capita reported shelter needs increased by 0.034 for each percent of the population aged 5 and under (B = 0.034, p < 0.001). For example, some middle-class residents of the impacted zip codes might have viewed the need for disaster assistance as a threat to their middle-class status (Fothergill 2003), while other middle-class residents might have had no issues with making such a request (Urmson et al. 2020). The population older than 25 with a Bachelor’s degree, the population older than 5 that does not speak English, and the minority population were negative predictors of the per capita food needs such that the per capita reported food needs decreased by 0.013 for each percent of the population over 25 with a Bachelor’s degree (B = − 0.013, p = 0.005); the per capita reported food needs decreased by 0.026 for each percent of the population above 5 years old that does not speak English (B = − 0.026, p < 0.001); and the per capita reported food needs decreased by 0.005 for each percent of the minority population (B = − 0.005, p = 0.013). Griffin, M., M. Malsick, H. Mizzell, and L. Moore. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). 2018). The third model with per capita valid registrations that reported shelter needs as the dependent variable differed from the previous two models in terms of the control variables. A study conducted by Rivera (2016) demonstrated a potential negative relationship between an individual’s educational status and whether they were likely to apply for home assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2019) observed that homebuyers pay an average premium of 7% for homes with windstorm loss mitigation features. Talking of vulnerability in business can mean the inabilities of the business or organization to withstand the competitive marketing environment while vulnerability in an individual is facing hostile situation in work relationships, social relationships, racism and others. “Social vulnerability highlights differences in the human capacity to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. Brief communication: Rapid assessment of damaged residential buildings in the Florida Keys after Hurricane Irma. In the United States, the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act organizes federal aid to state and local governments that have been devastated by disaster events (FEMA n.d.). 2016. Language in Society 48(3): 353–375. If the state needs additional assistance, the Governor can request a major disaster declaration from the federal government. The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) defines vulnerability as “the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard” (UNISDR 2009, p. 30). The overall results of this research indicate that when controlling for peak gusts (mph), the distance to the coast (mi), the proportion of homeowners with flood insurance, and median home value (US$), the proportion of the population that is female, the proportion of the population over 65, the proportion of the population aged 5 and under, the proportion of the population over 5 years old not speaking English, and the proportion of the population that are minorities were all predictors of the per capita reported emergency needs following Hurricane Florence. Cutter, C.T. It is recommended that local emergency management agencies reach out to these groups in advance. W.G. Anastario et al. 2007). In fact, many reasons for increasingly common cascading disasters are grounded in social systems, including: (1) global phenomena, such as globalization, urbanization, and climate change, and (2) socioeconomic risks including aging societies, economic inequality, unplanned and disjointed development, and unequal access to education and healthcare systems [ 21 ]. Sustaining our nation’s seniors through federal food and nutrition programs. Emrich, and P. Shi. Awondo, S., H. Hollans, L. Powell, and C. Wade. On a similar note, Kahn (2005) concludes that the average quantities of post-disaster deaths, injuries, and homelessness are reduced as income increases. Using system dynamics to model social vulnerability and resilience to coastal hazards. After defining and locating vulnerable populations, the next step is to reach people. Vulnerability is made up of the characteristics of a per son or group and their situation that influence their capa city to anticipate, to cope with, resist and recover from the impact of a natural hazard. As a negative predictor of the reported post-disaster food needs, the over 25 year old population with a Bachelor’s degree corresponds with previous studies that suggest requests for disaster assistance decreases as education increases (Rivera 2016). Measures of food insecurity/security. Social vulnerability is determined by various factors such as physical, social, economic, and environmental factors or processes, which increase the susceptibility of a community to the impact of hazards. A valid registration requires that an individual is a resident of the state and county that received a major disaster declaration, and that the registration is completed within the designated FEMA registration period (Grube et al. The determinants of residential property damage caused by Hurricane Andrew. Aksha et al. Accessed 5 Apr 2020. In addition, lower-income individuals are more susceptible to hurricane damage because they are more likely to live in substandard housing (Peacock and Girard 1997), but higher-income individuals are more likely to live in coastal areas (Sadowski and Sutter 2005), which also increases their vulnerability. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 14(1): 33–56. Kim, S.J., and W. Bostwick. Sadowski and Sutter (2005) offer a conflicting explanation of the role of income, however, and suggest that an increase in income will increase coastal populations, which in turn increases hurricane damage. reviews with special focus on the text of social vulnerability due to natural disasters. Similarly, Har (2016) asserts that older adults have increased morbidity and mortality in the post-disaster environment due to factors like preexisting physical and mental illnesses, disabilities, and specific care needs at an individual level. Storr. Disaster events are global occurrences, but the individual impacts are often influenced by vulnerability. Teo, M., A. Gooneteilleke, K. Deilami, A. Ahankoob, and M. Lawie. 2016). Urmson, K.A., D.M. Resler, and Y. Zhang. Ethnic and racial inequalities in hurricane damage and insurance settlements. For example, recent work in the Clear Creek watershed on the Texas Coast demonstrated that upwards of 40 percent of flood claims between 1999 to 2009 came from outside of the currently configured floodplain. The predictor variables as a group predicted the per capita total valid registrations that reported emergency needs, F (11, 394) = 31.259, p < 0.001, f2 = 0.82. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 2009. Wilson and Kershaw (2008) surveyed childcare personnel in 14 Florida counties. Florence has been ranked among the 10 costliest hurricanes in U.S. history with approximately 50% of the damage attributed to uninsured losses caused by residential flooding (Paul et al. (2015) combined disaster, exposure, and social vulnerability to explain the social vulnerability to flooding disasters in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Building off of that insight, Ogie and Pradhan (2019) describe the multiple dimensions of social vulnerability that are influenced by the income factor. These results highlight disproportionate post-hurricane needs for specific community characteristics, and suggest that more emphasis should be placed on these groups when planning for disaster response and recovery operations. (2015) combined disaster, exposure, and social vulnerability to explain the social vulnerability to flooding disasters in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 2003. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 3(1): 18–26. This research examines the relationship between social vulnerability factors and reported needs following Hurricane Florence. In contrast, Urmson et al. Get access to thousands of place-based indicators. Gergerich, E., M. Shobe, and K. Christy. Population growth and distribution, especially increased population density and urbanization, increases vulnerability to disasters. Disasters 44(2): 262–284. (2016) that age was not a hindrance towards an individual’s comfort with seeking help. Social vulnerability to natural hazards in Brazil. For Hurricane Florence, select counties in Virginia were eligible to apply for public assistance only, but in North Carolina and South Carolina, some counties were eligible to apply for both public assistance and individual assistance (FEMA 2020a). 2019. (2018) conclude that the level of social vulnerability of the elderly to disasters is highly influenced by other factors, which include individual characteristics, economic conditions, culture, and residence. de Andrade, J.B. de Aguiar, A.E.M.M. Doran, and C.R. 1994. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 8(4): 435–444. An additional social vulnerability factor that is frequently cited in the literature consists of race and ethnicity. 2016). These figures were obtained by importing the HURREVAC (Hurricane Evacuation) storm advisory for Hurricane Florence in the impacted regions, and running an analysis for the hurricane model in Hazus. Journal of Black Studies 37(4): 539–554. Several studies have examined the relationship between social vulnerability and resilience (Gall 2013; Bergstrand et al. The Role of Hazard Vulnerability Analyses in Disaster Preparedness and Prevention. Hales. In contrast, Rafiey et al. The results suggest that more attention should be given to these vulnerable populations in the pre-disaster planning process. Failing to identify and support the most vulnerable communities is a recipe for disaster. Jamieson, S.J. Crisis communication, race, and natural disasters. Finally, the predictor variables as a group predicted the per capita total valid registrations that reported shelter needs, F (11, 394) = 31.099, p < 0.001, f2 = 0.82. Fronstin, P., and A.G. Holtmann. The CDC has outlined an approach for emergency managers to create more resilient communities by defining, locating, and reaching at-risk populations, relying in part on the SVI. Brief communication: Analysis of the fatalities and socio-economic impacts caused by Hurricane Florence. In the event of natural disasters and extreme weather events, some groups are especially prone to poor health, hospitalization, or even death, due to their socioeconomic status, household composition, limited English-speaking ability, substandard housing, or substandard transportation. Natural hazards pose significant threats to different communities and various places around the world. This research paper is based on the various reviews with special focus on the text of social vulner ability due to natural disasters. Of Geriatric care and research 3 ( 1 ): Article 134486 USA east fishing! Times of natural disasters: the strength-based approach applied to Wollongong, Australia Change! ), concerns regarding deportation ( Horton 2012 ) regarding language barriers proved to be particularly high levels of among! International Quarterly 75 ( 3 ): 271–284 of this study is to examine and compare the being. 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