vegan chocolate cheesecake

It all starts with a simple, nut-free raw chocolate-coconut crust. Affiliate links turn orange when you hover over them. You can unsubscribe at any time. One other thing you could try is using a mix of cacao butter and coconut oil (maybe a 50-50 mix), which would reduce the cost, but keep some of the richness and firm-setting qualities of the cacao butter. As such, I was determined to make this recipe without the help of any shop-bought vegan cream cheese. You might need to play with the balance of flavours a little, but I can definitely see it working out. What a birthday cake. Then try our classic vanilla cheesecake recipe. I made this and it came out Insanely Good! Packed with the goodness of cacao butter and cacao powder, one serve of this heavenly concoction delivers a generous dose of healthy fats. Much appreciated! I prefer kibbles or flakes because then I don’t have to grate it myself. A VEGAN CHOCOLATE CAKE The Cheesecake Shop JavaScript seems to … Can’t wait to try it tho. I have a question – the cAke in the picture is taken out of the mold. You can also stop blending as soon as the mix starts to steam just a little. Remove the crust from the freezer, and … It's great for large batches and dishes that need texture and just makes "cooking" so much faster. Thanks for the detailed info. Just saying! I totally love it and everybody who tried it! You should be able to buy raw organic cacao butter from your local health food store. So only go as far as you need to until the ingredients are well combined and the dates are chopped finely, but no more. Berry Cheesecake: If you swap the cacao powder for freeze-dried berry powder, either in the filling-only, or even in the crust and the filling, you could create a really nice berry-flavoured nut-free raw vegan cheesecake. Should have I blended it for longer? You might also be able to swap some of the cacao butter for coconut oil, although that would mean that the filling doesn’t set as well, and it will readily melt once it comes out of the fridge or freezer. I will say that you do need to blend it VERY well to make it super smooth and to warm it up enough that all of the oils melt completely. Again I haven’t tried this, but maybe one day…. Enter your details and click the big orange button to join my email list. It will depend a bit on how big your food processor is, how well it contains liquids and how well it copes with running for extended periods until the contents warm up. Just in time for my birthday, too. Firstly, if you over-process the shredded coconut and medjool dates, it can turn into more of a smooth, sticky paste. I couldn't live without mine. Here’s some options from Amazon to get you started: The cacao butter is a key ingredient for getting this raw cheesecake to set properly. Can I ask where you get your cacao butter from in Australia? ? Then you just chuck the filling ingredients in the blender, and in another five minutes, you’ve got yourself the perfect nut-free chocolate cheesecake filling. If you don't wish to support my site, please don't click on any ads or affiliate links. I've always had a passion for natural health, having grown up with asthma, eczema and numerous food allergies, and I wanted to help my kids avoid the same issues. And to help you make the most of this delicious recipe, I've also thrown in all of the super-handy tips, FAQs and suggestions for variations. Thanks ? All the best and let me know how it goes. Looking forward to trying the variations Thanks so much x. I’m so glad to hear that you loved it. Of course the walnuts and pecans would mean that this dessert is no longer nut-free. Around 15-25% is great, 10% is on the low side but should still work. There’s so many things to love about this cheesecake, that I can’t decide where to begin. 24 oz cream cheese, such as TJ vegan or Tofutti OR vegan cream cheese. I’d love to know how it goes when you’ve let it set and slice it up. … Recipe looks great. Remove your cheesecake and let it cool for 15 minutes before sticking it in the … Thanks for letting me know how much you love it! This Baked Vegan Chocolate Cheesecake is one of my favorite desserts in recent memory, and I am so excited to share the recipe with you! I’ve got cacao butter buttons at home, would they be ok to use, instead of the block? Of course, there was no way we were going to throw out a batch of chocolate, so instead we threw in a tin of coconut milk (minus the tin), and discovered this amazing nut-free filling that’s a lot like chocolate mousse. Check out his expert guide to cooking with vegan ingredients here. Not surprisingly, because it is insanely chocolatey – a chocolate crust, with a chocolate cheesecake filling and topped with grated raw vegan chocolate. At least it tastes good! from a 1L UHT container instead of a 400ml tin) or that it didn’t have a high enough fat content (i.e. It will be a regular dessert I think! Cover the base of the prepared cake tin with the Oreo mixture, pressing to compact. It doesn’t cut very well straight from the freezer, so I recommend leaving it to thaw in the fridge for several hours before trying to divvy it up. Have to try this for the kids in the house. I use my powerful food processor three or four times a week, for making nut butters, desserts, sauces, burgers and more. 1 tbsp lemon juice. A few licks of the bowl tells me it’s yummy! I also live in Australia, so would like to get the right one. To make the base, roughly crush the Oreos in a food processor or by putting in a sandwich bag and crushing with a rolling pin. With its chocolate almond crust, creamy mint cashew filling, chocolate swirls, and pile of chocolate curls on top, it’s the ultimate treat for mint chocolate … How to make this Vegan Chocolate Cheesecake You’ll need to use a food processor to make both the crust and the filling – don’t worry, there’s no need to wash it out in between. Any tips? They’re used to hold the base together, so you could try other sweeteners, but as I understand it, all sweeteners are not ideal on a ketogenic diet, so I really don’t have a better alternative. I’m sure they’ll all be delicious. Caramel Cheesecake: You could try substituting the cacao powder for mesquite powder, or even lucuma powder to create a caramelly-flavoured cheesecake. It also includes a handy Recipe Prep Checklist, to make sure you have everything you need on hand to get cooking. It is insanely good! Awesome! For the filling, melt the chocolate and coconut oil in a heatproof bowl over a pan of gently it was a “light” coconut milk). Anyway I thought I’m going to put it back in the stand mixer and put a tea towel to cover it, half the butter ended up on the tea towel and it had separated in the bowl. I just ordered another 3kg of cocoa butter…so let the fun begin :) I used the crust recipe for energie bites I eat during my longer cycling routes. Cacao butter is also pretty expensive here in Australia, where it can be more than $50 a kilogram. Put all ingredients into a high-speed blender in the order listed. Line the base and sides of a deep 20cm springform cake tin. Let me know if you were after something different. Crust 2 1/4 cups (180g) 3 tbsp* (60ml) 1 tsp 1 1/2 cups (360g) , pitted Pinch Filling 1 cup (168g) , grated 1/2 cup (50g) 1/4 cup (80g) 400ml 1/4 tsp 1/64 tsp , finely ground Topping 2 squares of your favourite. Have an awesome day and enjoy the chocolate bliss! I’ve certainly used carob in place of chocolate in many of my own recipes, although admittedly not in this one (yet). I studied Biochemistry and Genetics at Monash University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science, with Honours. Vegan chocolate cake layered and coated in vegan chocolate cream and finished with a delicious vegan chocolate glaze. Simple, 10-ingredient, 1-Bowl White Chocolate Lemon Cheesecake made entirely in the food processor or blender! Be sure to use a coconut oil which is ‘deodorised’ or ‘refined’ in order to avoid any unwanted coconut flavour.”. Thank you! This creamy, melt-in-the-mouth chocolate strawberry cheesecake is vegan, gluten-free, refined sugar-free, and simple to make with just 11 ingredients! You could use any liquid sweetener you prefer – like maple syrup, coconut nectar or yacon syrup. I did add a bit of rice malt syrup as a sweetener. I am a pescetarian and a few friends and my neice are Vegan. Not sure how to measure that. If you’re not sure how to check the temperature of your mix as it blends, there’s a few options. This raw vegan chocolate cheesecake is completely nut-free, making it perfect for social occasions where people might have allergies to nuts. Here’s a link to one of the products that I’ve used in the past: Organic Virgin Cacao Butter from Loving Earth. Consequently, the crust doesn’t use graham crackers or butter, unlike traditional cheesecake recipes. For the base, I’m wondering if maybe you processed it for longer than I do, or maybe your dates (and even your coconut) were wetter than mine. If you want better accuracy, you can use a kitchen thermometer, and for speed and convenience, I highly recommend getting yourself an. If your filling hasn’t set, it might be because the coconut milk you used was either too watery (i.e. I’ve found that the higher to fat content of the coconut milk, the more it seems to trap air bubbles in my raw vegan recipes, so check your fat content, and use a higher one if you want to get the “whipped” effect in your filling. Your costs may vary quite a bit depending on whether you buy in small or large quantities, as conventional or organic, and the time of year. What makes this even more amazing are those first two words: no bake. You can check the fat content of your coconut milk by looking at the nutritional panel and seeing how much fat there is per 100ml. I wanted to make a dessert for them. Beat till thickened and fluffy (it won't thicken as much as regular dairy whipped cream) then spoon over the chilled cheesecake. I’m so glad it’s become one of your favourites! It’s also a 1/4 of a 1/4 of a 1/4 teaspoon, so you could take a 1/4 teaspoon of salt, split it into quarters, and then take one of those quarters, and split it into quarters, to give you 1/64 of a teaspoon of salt. I’m really sorry it turned out like that. Place the prepared wrapped pan in a larger baking pan. Hopefully one of those options is workable for you. Basically leave out the cacao powder from the crust and the filling, and see how it goes. Could not get enough of this cheesecake. I use my 5-tray Excalibur dehydrator once or twice a week, for crackers, breads, biscuits, cakes or even just for thawing things. … This is a Nutritarian take on a traditional dish where we have replaced all the toxic animal products and sugar with nutrient-packed whole food goodness and eye watering flavors! I normally can squish 240g of medjool dates into my 250ml cup measure, and the cocoa butter might look different depending on how it was grated, but my weights are pretty accurate (I tend cook by weight, especially for a fiddlier dish like this). This was sensational. Add a gorgeous-looking ready-to-print version of my Raw Vegan Chocolate Cheesecake recipe to your recipe collection. I use cacao butter, which you can find in specialty shops, the Source Bulk Foods, or online. This is probably for the same reasons as above – the fat content of your coconut milk. This was a huge hit! This recipe comes from vegan expert Richard Makin aka School Night Vegan. If you’ve never made a raw cheesecake before, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is. Made with coconut milk, dates and coconut sugar, this no-bake cheesecake is a little healthier than a traditional one. Thank you. With this raw vegan cheesecake recipe you should be able to use any liquid sweetener you want to. To make a full-sized cheesecake, double the recipe and form it in an 8 or 9" springform pan; it will take longer to set, so I recommend putting it in the freezer until firm enough to slice (let slices sit at room temperature until softened, 15-30 minutes, before serving). Once set, sprinkle with a few sea salt flakes before slicing and serving. Put shredded coconut, cacao powder, vanilla and salt into a food processor and pulse briefly to mix. OMGGGG… This is divine! Have you tried my macadamia and walnut cake? Just make sure to buy high quality unrefined organic shea butter, so it’s suitable for eating. It is pretty divine, and also very rich, so a little goes a long way. Vegan Chocolate Cheesecake. It’s ridiculously easy to make and super delicious. What You’ll Need. Already have an account with us? I’m so pleased your friends loved it. You’d need to still use the cacao butter, to get the filling to set properly, although you might be able to use shea butter instead, if you want to avoid cacao altogether. This recipe was the result of over-blending our raw vegan chocolate recipe, so don’t worry about overdoing the blending a little. keep it in the fridge). Forgot to also ask. Happy Birthday me :). Note: This blog post may contain ads and affiliate links. Bake your vegan chocolate cheesecake for an hour- yes an hour! On taste it was not quite to my sweetness preference so I popped in a banana and that was lovely. this easy vegan chocolate cheesecake makes an indulgent dinner party dessert. Discover the best kinds of natural sweeteners here: Learn more about cacao butter and cacao powder here: And discover the difference between vanilla extract and vanilla essence here: Sign up for email updates and get them delivered straight to your inbox. Is that difficult to do? I love that it’s nut free too. I absolutely love it! The Ultimate Guide To Raw Cacao (Powder, Butter, Nibs),, 17 Healthy Vegan Blueberry Recipes (That Aren’t Muffins). And then I whipped up a quick and easy nut-free chocolate-coconut crust to go with it, and this raw vegan chocolate cheesecake masterpiece was born. I’m so sorry it didn’t turn out very well for you :(. Can’t wait to try it. This amazing triple-chocolate cheesecake was the result of yet another happy accident. Your email address will not be published. Miso paste accentuates the cream cheese flavour, and is the secret ingredient to an authentic tasting cheesecake. Add the melted chocolate mixture to the blender and whizz again. – at the reduced oven temperature: 325F. It might be worth picking up a cheapy blender if you can, if you want this to turn out better, but definitely give the food processor a try first. This is not exactly the cheapest dessert you’ll ever make, but the great news is that because it’s so rich, you can make it go further by cutting very thin slices, and people will still be totally satisfied. I am getting more and more into Paleo Recipes. Adapted from Comfy Belly . I’m a bit late here but might be worth clarifying ‘Coconut Milk’. Sign in to manage your newsletter preferences. In a large food processor, pulse the oats until they’re almost a flour (but still with some oats left). You might find that coconut butter will do it, although it does melt at a slightly lower room temperature than cacao butter, so you’d need to make sure the cheesecake didn’t get too warm (i.e. It does an awesome job and makes eating raw SO much easier. It really it amazing, isn’t it? I did have a few issues at first with the filling but I put it in the nutribullet and kept blending long after I normally would in that thing. I’ve used kibbles, as well as solid blocks (the kibbles are easier to melt), although I’ve never used buttons, but they’re all the same thing in the end – just the extracted oil from cacao beans. Check out his expert guide to cooking with vegan ingredients here. Then I made it in a pan without the crust, put it in the freezer and served it as fudge squares for desert and breakfast. Pour filling into the crust and leave uncovered in the fridge to set for 4 hours or overnight. The idea is to blend the filling for as long as possible without overheating it, as this adds volume and lightness to the filling when it sets. Easy healthy whole foods vegan recipes that taste amazing, 8 Mar 2015 • Updated 9 Aug 2020 • Get new posts by email. You probably would still need to use the cacao butter so that the cheesecake sets properly, or potentially you could use shea butter instead to get the same setting properties, if you want to avoid cacao products altogether. By entering your details, you are agreeing to olive magazine terms and conditions and privacy policy. 1/3 cup (75g) Vegan Butter; For the Chocolate Cheesecake: 2 cups (300g) Raw Cashews (soaked for 1 hour) 1/2 Lemon (juiced) 1 tsp Vanilla Extract; 1/2 cup (120ml) Date Honey or Maple Syrup; 1/2 cup (120ml) Coconut Milk (Full Fat) 7oz (200g) Vegan Dark Chocolate; For the Topping: 3.5oz (100g) Vegan Dark Chocolate; 6 Oreos (Crushed) Otherwise, it will sweat, and you’ll get nasty condensation forming and spoiling the surface of your masterpiece. First a confession – I ate some for breakfast. The longest part is waiting for the filling to set, so you can finish off your masterpiece with some grated raw vegan chocolate. No-Bake Vegan Chocolate Cheesecake. One slice of this cheesecake does go a long way, so you may find that you need (or want) to cut them even more finely – partly to ensure that people don’t get overwhelmed, but it also helps the cake to go further. So who are you going to impress with this chocolate bliss bomb first? We were playing with making homemade raw vegan chocolate in the blender, and accidentally overcooked the chocolate. It is a very versatile recipe, and here’s some more ways I think you could use it: And I’m sure there’s heaps more possibilities as well. Vegan & dairy-free with a paleo & gluten-free option! 2 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract. I honestly don’t know what might have gone wrong, except that maybe what we call one thing in Australia is actually a different ingredient in the UK? It’s usually available in blocks, buttons, flakes or kibbles. And it’s quite runny to begin with, but sets up nicely once it cools, so hopefully that will happen with yours. Enter your details and click the big orange button to subscribe to my email list. What kind of cocoa butter did you use? It sounds like you blended it for long enough. I haven’t made this dessert with any of these agave nectar alternatives, so I can’t say exactly how each of them will work. One of my readers even used a banana to add some additional sweetness. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a1f256d7c287bc29d240805a54c212e8" );document.getElementById("bb740cd599").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Do you want to be notified when there's a new comment or reply? Totally pinned! This looks amazing! Pour the filling mixture on top of the chilled Oreo base and chill for at least 3 hours. Instead, this recipe uses silken tofu for the creamy, silky texture, and lemon juice for the bright tang. Raw Vegan Cilantro Blueberry Detox Smoothie, completely nut free, gluten free and dairy free, packed with the goodness of chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate, The crust appears a little crumbly, but holds together once you squash it into your, If you don’t want to use cacao butter at all, you could try using. I do know that some blenders may struggle a little with so much hard work, so the only way to find out is to try it, and stop if your blender base gets too warm or seems to be struggling. Make sure to read the tips below the recipe to get the most out of this insanely delicious raw vegan chocolate cheesecake recipe. This will ensure that I don't receive any income while you're using my site. Required fields are marked *. Keep in mind that you’d need to find a food-grade shea butter, and it might not be any less expensive than cacao butter. Best DIY restaurant meal kits and recipe boxes, Make it a cheesecake party with our best ever cheesecakes recipe collection, Dairy-free coconut, mango and turmeric fool, Whole roasted pineapple in spiced caramel. Ours was the result of accidentally overblending a chocolate recipe, but if your bowl was warm, that should be enough. 4 tsp cornstarch (or here's a Keto Cheesecake Recipe) … If, on the other hand, you’re after the most divine chocolate fix in the world, then you’re definitely in the right place. It’s made with pecans (or any nut you prefer), almond flour, coconut sugar, coconut oil, cacao powder, and sea salt. The other thing you might want to do is make sure that you’ve blended it for long enough. I’ve edited the recipe now so hopefully you can see it properly. Press into a 20cm (8 inch) flan, cheesecake or springform tin and leave in the fridge to firm a little while you prepare the filling. Line the base and sides of a deep 20cm springform cake tin. In our house, this raw vegan chocolate cheesecake is affectionately called “triple chocolate insanity”. 2 cups plain yogurt, such as coconutmilk, almond, soy, or cashew yogurt. Keep in mind that these are all still forms of sugar, so unless you have a specific issue with fructose (which agave is especially high in), they all should be used in moderation in a healthy diet. I didn’t have a thermometer so I just stopped blending once all the cocoa butter had melted and the bowl was warm. Grate a couple of squares of your favourite raw vegan chocolate over the top of the cheesecake. … No idea what went wrong but the filling didn’t set at all (left over night). I bought myself one of those fancy measuring spoon sets that goes down to 1/64 of a teaspoon, so I can be super accurate with my recipes. This Baked Vegan Chocolate Cheesecake is one of my favorite desserts in recent memory, and I am so excited to share the recipe with you!. I’m so glad you’re enjoying it. I have’t tried this myself, but I expect that it would be really delicious. In our house, this no-bake cheesecake is also pretty expensive here in Australia, i! 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