what to do with all this fresh oregano

Oregano is called for in a variety of Mexican, Italian and roasting recipes. Use it in all your favorite recipes at ⅓-½ the amount of fresh herb. We also put a little oregano and butter, along with other Italian herbs, on tortellini and ravioli. But if you consider that oregano is a fast growing herb, there will be times that you will need to pluck from your garden more than what you could cook for your meal. I used to have a recipe, which I’ve lost, but it was basically oregano, olive oil, a few green onions, garlic, parmesan cheese and a bit of lemon juice, to taste. Try dried oregano in place of fresh. It would go in the jar with the flowery description, “Pot”. Also, to me, it doesn’t really smell like pot. Drying oregano in the food dehydrator. the laid out herb. May Help Reduce Viral Infection. Fresh oregano has a robust, woodsy flavor that makes it one of our go-to herbs in the kitchen — particularly in the summer when we can buy big bundles at the farmers market or step out on the porch to gather our own! When the amount of fresh basil your recipe calls for is less than the big bunch you bought, it's always a race against the clock to use up every leaf before it starts to go south — not to mention a heart-breaker when it does. Substitute 1 teaspoon (1.8 g) of dried oregano in place of 1 tablespoon (1.6 g) of fresh oregano. You can actually use it to make pesto, just like basil. When dried, this culinary herb retains much of its flavor, which is why dried oregano can be successfully used as a substitute for fresh oregano when fresh sprigs of this wonderful culinary herb are not available. Oregano is also a main ingredient in Italian seasoning (hence the name Italian oregano), and you can sprinkle fresh oregano into most any Italian-style sauce. To prepare the oregano, follow these three easy steps First, remove the leaves from the stem, which is not all that tasty, and I just throw away. Also in chili. Give the older plant fresh soil and plenty of water so it revives. Thanks! Never made it, but I’d suggest using it more like a strong condiment, like a chutney or something. Rinse them … Oregano leaves have a very strong flavor, but the flavor of the flowers is more delicate. Fresh oregano is a common ingredient in many Mediterranean and Mexican dishes. I know I could make pizza with it, but there’s only so much oregano one pizza can take. Remove any ratty leaves and spread the herbs out, stems and all, in a single layer across a baking sheet. Oregano tea is the panacea for what ails your tired body. I have a ton of it and don’t know what to do with it. This unique sweet and savory jam makes a perfect gift—just add a bright ribbon around the top with a gift tag! I’m afraid to try the oregano pesto. Stick with tender herbs like parsley, cilantro, chervil, tarragon, mint, and dill—save the woodier herbs, like sage and rosemary, for cooking. To dry it, merely hang it upside down someplace dry. Understand how to use the herb in its fresh form to get the most from your dishes, and also to enhance your health. Does anyone have suggestions as to what to do with my wealth of oregano? Oregano is also a main ingredient in Italian seasoning (hence the name Italian oregano), and you can sprinkle fresh oregano into most any Italian-style sauce. When I have extra fresh oregano, I freeze it. We independently select these products—if you buy from one of our links, we may earn a commission. Anyone know a good technique for that? Rinse your oral boo-boo and dump the tea in your tub for a soak. I bet it would be good in ratatouille, which also freezes OK. No, it’s not just you. You can use fresh herbs you dry yourself, or store bought dried herbs - of course, the ones you grow and dry yourself are better! When in bloom, the plant sports pink or purple flowers, which are also edible. I don't have any recipes that use more than a handful of leaves. Oil extracted from its leaves has a long history of medicinal uses. As for recipes, Mediterranean fare uses oregano frequently. Excellent seasoning for all recipes that call for italian seasoning, I like to use it for just about everything Italian or not! She is the author of True Brews and Brew Better Beer. I used to make a sage-parsley pesto with walnuts that would have been overwhelmingly inedible if you didn’t cut the sage with parsley. The oregano I planted in my backyard a few years ago has turned into a bush, with more oregano than I possibly know what to do with. Make a savoury filling of grated parmesan & oregano and sprinkle over rolled puff pastry to make palmiers (I actually think you could use this cheese topping on lots of other things like bread slices under the broiler, or part of a pizza topping, or on pasta, or in risotto. I’ve grown it before and when fresh and green, it doesn’t taste like much other than green. You can also chop oregano leaves and freeze them in ice cube trays or dry them. I bet it would be good in ratatouille, which also freezes OK. Do you just pick it then chuck it in a freezer bag and freeze, or does more have to be done to it? Cooking with fresh oregano calls for a slightly different approach than cooking with the herb when it is dried, however. The sage, OTOH…. Oils infused with oregano flowers are decorative as well as tasty. I was reading this thread with great envy. Step #3: Store Your Containers. Oregano Cooking Tips. To dry fresh oregano, tie sprigs into a bunch and hang in a cool, dark place with good ventilation. Perennial herbs do come back year to year, and these include mint, oregano, thyme, lemon verbena, fennel, lavender, rosemary, and sage. Oregano + Chicken: Roasted, baked, poached or grilled — any way you want to cook your chicken, oregano can make it taste... Herbed Dinner Rolls: I love the flavor (and aroma!) Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare subsp. The deep red jam, laced with flecks of green basil, is so beautiful. That would be messy!) When I have extra fresh oregano, I freeze it. I don’t like using fresh oregano, either. Talk about throwing money away! When I have too much, I chop it up in the food processor, put it in a jar, pour in olive oil so that it covers all the chopped oregano, put the lid on, and stick it in the fridge. Common oregano (Origanum vulgare) grows in a wide range of forms and can be invasive. Oregano has such a strong flavor, a little goes a long way. Question for this thread: is there really anything you can do with fresh, green oregano? Try dried oregano in place of fresh. The pungent aroma and strong flavor of Cuban oregano pairs well with meat and fish. Try not to overlap them too much as … You can use fresh herbs you dry yourself, or store bought dried herbs - of course, the ones you grow and dry yourself are better! What other ways do you love to use fresh oregano? Add extra oregano to your tomato sauce when you are making pizza (after all, oregano is sometimes referred to as the "pizza herb"). Fresh oregano is a common ingredient in many Mediterranean and Mexican dishes. Here are a few … In general, dried common oregano sold in the grocery stores is actually a mixture of different varieties of oregano combined with marjoram and thyme. hirtum) is … The plant 'thinks' it must produce seeds for whatever reason, and after the flowers come, the plant will stop growing. The plant has tiny leaves that lend a pungent aroma and strong flavor to a variety of savory foods. Bennett grows oregano the same way I do–in a windowsill planter off her apartment–and uses it in fresh salad dressings. Do store fresh oregano correctly. I also use a lot of fresh oregano when I make my yearly batch of pizza sauce. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Check out her website for more cooking stories. In addition to fighting off bacteria, some test-tube studies have … It is more rare a find than other herbs typically used fresh. Oils infused with oregano flowers are decorative as well as tasty. The taste of oregano also plays both sides. If you want your Oregano to continue growing more leaves, then yes, you have to pinch off the flowers. I’d love some recipe ideas. Try cutting it with parsley. If only I was knee deep in basil! buy several large boxes of small gladlock baggies, make friends with local junior high and high school trouble makers. I prefer a dehydrator, or failing that, simply laying them out on some paper towels or brown grocery bags. Rosemary Although rosemary is slightly sweeter and more potent than oregano, if you are in a pinch in the kitchen, a few stalks of rosemary can give your meal a tangy, flavorful bite. Apartment Therapy is full of ideas for creating a warm, beautiful, healthy home. Store in an airtight container; it keeps for about 12 weeks. Italian Vinaigrette - A simple salad dressing of olive oil, red wine vinegar, dried oregano, minced … All you need is the few steps that it will take to pick this herb as fresh as you can get from garden plot to cooking pot. Oregano has such a strong flavor, a little goes a long way. Here are five of my favorite ways to use it right now. Is that just my taste buds, or do you essentially have to dry it first? I make this recipe with fresh-picked strawberries and fresh basil grown in my own herb garden. What are good uses for lots of fresh oregano? Dried oregano, which is sold in brown, powdery flakes, is the more affordable and ubiquitous option, available in most grocery stores and markets. Store in an airtight container; it keeps for about 12 weeks. Once dried, seal tightly and store away from sunlight. I could feed an Italian family of 25 with what I’ve got. I’m afraid to try the oregano pesto. Oregano is a staple in a lot of Mediterranean food and can be used in marinades or directly in the finished product. Arrange the sprigs of oregano on a baking sheet. All I can say is that I am jealous. This is the best method of drying oregano. Because of its high oil content, oregano dries well. Oregano dries pretty quickly. Pesto. If it’s very humid, set a fan blowing over (not on! Dry herbs will last a long time, while fresh herbs have a short shelf-life. Dried oregano has a slightly stronger flavor, so you need less dried herb than you do fresh. You can replace dried oregano for fresh, but reduce the amount used by about half. Oops, I think you might be vegetarian. Add extra oregano to your tomato sauce when you are making pizza (after all, oregano is sometimes referred to as the "pizza herb"). Don’ts Make oregano ice cubes - freeze chopped oregano covered with water or whatever broth you like - and add to your soups. Stuff pork with fresh Cuban oregano or use to marinate chicken or beef. If you want the flavor of herbs in your food without the actual pieces, wrap them in cheese cloth and cook; discard before eating. 11 years ago. Cuban oregano can be used in place of other oregano varieties, thyme or other herbs with a similar flavor profile. Dried oregano has a slightly stronger flavor, so you need less dried herb than you do fresh. Oregano is an herb composed of the fresh or dried leaves of the oregano plant. I hate hanging herbs to dry, it makes such a mess. At my house, I’d store it in the kitchen near the flour and corn meal. Like; Save; ania_ca. With the processor still running, slowly stream in the olive oil … Substitute 1 teaspoon (1.8 g) of dried oregano in place of 1 tablespoon (1.6 g) of fresh oregano. Only problem is that it’s now taking over my garden quicker than I can use it.Aside from tossing it in pasta sauce or drying it for later use, what are some good ways to use my hearty crop of oregano?Sent by RacheleEditor: Rachele, I have the exact same “problem” right now! Got a tip, kitchen tour, or other story our readers should see? Oregano makes a tasty pesto that is easy to freeze in batches for winter use. I always used it for fish, but it would probably be good on chicken or pasta, too. While oregano is a hardy herb, you will still need to use the right storage methods if you want it to last as long as possible. I love fresh oregano. I planted it last year in a small area and apparently it spread (it’s a perenniel, who knew?). Excellent seasoning for all recipes that call for italian seasoning, I like to use it for just about everything Italian or not! This will also, as you've said, make it into a bushier plant, just like Basil and many others. Substituting Dried for Fresh Oregano Using a Conversion Ratio. Q: The weather here in Seattle has warmed considerably over the past few weeks and my oregano is in heaven. Instructions Add all ingredients but the olive oil to the bowl of a food processor and grind until the mixture is slightly combined. All you need to do is breathe in the steam to loosen the congestion. When dried, this culinary herb retains much of its flavor, which is why dried oregano can be successfully used as a substitute for fresh oregano when fresh sprigs of this wonderful culinary herb are not available. Sampling the flowers before using them gives a better idea on how much to use in each dish. Fresh oregano is not nearly as potent as dried oregano, so you'll need to use more when flavoring foods with fresh leaves. —Julie O'Neil, Two Harbors, Minnesota Turn them once a day to ensure even drying. Emma is a former editor for The Kitchn and a graduate of the Cambridge School for Culinary Arts. Once dry, it gets more oregano flavor. Then just break off a chunk, rinse it, and add to tomato sauce, soup, etc. Fresh oregano is generally used as a garnish, or added at the end of cooking. Once you’ve filled up your containers with herbs, store them somewhere dark and dry. If your oregano begins to get too big, you can divide the plant. I’m thinking I’m going to have to dry some. I’m a vegetarian, my husband is not, but seafood is right out since neither of us eats it. Tossing torn fresh herbs, like dill, parsley, and oregano, over the top of a tart reins in some of the richness—not to mention makes it look nicer. Instead of using fresh oregano in cooking and baking, you can also use dried oregano in its place. Keep both fresh herbs and dried herbs on hand. She suggests trolling through recipes of Middle Eastern cooking; the herb features prominently in the … Make souvlaki, or gyros, or falafel, or all of the above. It doesn’t stay beautiful, but it’s still fine to use. Sampling the flowers before using them gives a better idea on how much to use in each dish. Instead of using fresh oregano in cooking and baking, you can also use dried oregano in its place. Do this by carefully digging around the root ball and separating a portion of roots and stems from the main plant. Oregano Shopping Tips. If you don't grow your own, look for fresh oregano in the produce section of your grocery store. Oregano leaves have a very strong flavor, but the flavor of the flowers is more delicate. I have 3 oregano plants that I recently planted and they are all too small still to provide me with enough for my pasta sauces without cutting too much of the plant. Your options include the bouquet method where you stand the sprigs upright in a container of water. That I could use. Fresh oregano is not nearly as potent as dried oregano, so you'll need to use more when flavoring foods with fresh leaves. No biggie. Oregano is an herb that's commonly used in cooking. What People Want from a Healer in the Midst of a Pandemic, A Middle School Math Teacher Planning Lessons and Lunch, The Columbus, OH-based Forager Who's Become a TikTok Star, A Food Justice Advocate and Mother Talks Breastfeeding and Herb Gardens, Bryant Terry's Sautéed Cabbage and Roasted Potatoes, Vivian Howard's Baked Pimento Cheese and Sausage. Fresh basil is sweeter than dried basil, so depending on the dish you are making, dried basil might be closer to oregano in terms of taste. Oregano provides fresh leaves for the kitchen throughout the growing season, and dried or frozen leaves provide a supply year round. It’s not something I’d mix into a big bowl of pasta, but a dab might be good on a chicken breast or something. The fresh leaves are peppery and assertive—sometimes even bitter or astringent. I don ’ t taste like much other than green a mess months with all its flavor intact feed Italian. From the main plant dump the tea in your tub for a slightly stronger flavor, but flavor... Fare uses oregano frequently fastest … oregano leaves and freeze them in ice trays! It more like a chutney or something gyros, or added at the of! The plant 'thinks ' it must produce seeds for whatever reason, and dried herbs on.! Can do with my wealth of oregano Because of its high oil,... The past few weeks and my oregano is not nearly as potent as dried,! Will stop growing, tomato soup in particular and work gently airtight container ; it for... 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