lake vostok organism 46b

Organism 46B - Alien Tales of Ancient Monsters Retold by AI and NLP from Troubled Minds Radio - Listen on JioSaavn Download the latest Hindi songs and Bollywood songs for free at It was also able to hypnotize one of the scientists, who was also their radio operator, Dr. Alexis Vindogradov. Organism 46-B is a "super" cephalopod similar to a glass octopus . Although it is extremely speculative, might we imagine that the Russian (and for a time Soviet) authorities are aware of some kind subaquatic species and presence? The story has been picked up and spread across conspiracy sites and headlines (mostly tabloid papers/sites like the Daily Express from the UK). Your email address will not be published. [15], Russian scientist Peter Kropotkin first proposed the idea of fresh water under Antarctic ice sheets at the end of the 19th century. [7] The average water temperature is calculated to be around 3C (27F); it remains liquid below the normal freezing point because of high pressure from the weight of the ice above it. Then Scott Rogers published in July 2013 that his team performed nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) sequencing and the results allowed deduction of the metabolic pathways represented in the accretion ice and, by extension, in the lake. In the years since the initial breakthrough in 2012, researchers have continued to study the lakes unique ecosystem and its potential for supporting life. Perhaps Organism 46-B is actually the Kraken of legend. IS THAT SO BAD?????? Scientists suggested that the lake could possess a unique habitat for ancient bacteria with an isolated microbial gene pool containing characteristics developed perhaps 500,000years ago. The waters in Lake Vostok are under a tremendous amount of pressure, equating to 355 bar (355 times the pressure of the atmosphere at the surface sea level) due to the ice pressing down on it. It is also able to paralyze prey from a distance of up to 150 feet by releasing its venom into the water. These certainly are strange-looking animals. While such incidents are certainly not unique or exclusive to Russia, several significant incidents, if we accept for a moment their absolute genuineness, have unfolded below the surface of the water. He says that it is very probable that the samples are heavily contaminated with tissue and microbes from the outside world.[58]. A. Zotikov, who wrote his PhD thesis on this subject in 1967. The creature disabled the radio during the attack, cutting off the researchers contact with the outside world. Sealed Systems is the Free Diving package, but represents an octopus (and in this case the tentacles) ability to climb out of the water. The Organism then proceeded to kill and eat him. About 66 million years ago, Antarctica (then connected to Australia) still had a tropical to subtropical climate, complete with marsupial fauna and an extensive temperate rainforest. Unlike its distant cousin, it is roughly the size of a colossal squid, with 14 arms and abilities similar to several other species in the Cephalopoda class. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Its unique environment offers invaluable insights into Earths history, the resilience of life in extreme conditions, and the potential for life beyond our planet. [25][26], The Lake Vostok basin is a small (50-kilometer-wide (31mi)) tectonic feature within the overall setting of a several-hundred-kilometer-wide continental collision zone between the Gamburtsev Mountain Range, a subglacial mountain range and the Dome C region. Its limbs were animate and aggressive even after amputation, and it showed a considerable degree of both hostility and intelligence, including being able to communicate telepathically with humans.Show more. Your email address will not be published. Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! Using it as a guardian to some other McGuffin would force the characters to venture to Lake Vostok and to encounter it on its home turf, and other potential alien lifeforms in the lake and beyond. Before we look a little further at some of the recent claims we will remind ourselves of just why, at least officially, Lake Vostok is of interest to scientists in the first place. Russian scientists have confirmed that they have penetrated Antarctica's Lake Vostok, an event that may "expand the limits of life on Earth," a U.S. scientist says. It was as if it had hypnotized him telepathically., From the way it adapted each time we changed our tactics, we became convinced it is at least as intelligent as an average human. Removal of the drill would lower the pressure beneath it, drawing water into the hole to be left to freeze, creating a plug of ice in the bottom of the hole. We encountered Organism 46-B on day one as we were conducting a preliminary dive in our low-temperature [dry suits]. After finally trapping the creature in a tank, the surviving members of the team brought it to the surface where they claim Russian officials seized the beast and told the international press that nothing had been found. Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! Here was an almost identical place where not only could their theories be tested, but so could a certain amount of logistics in actually penetrating the ice in the first place. Reckoning of the Deadhas aPatreon! The ongoing geopolitical tensions between Russia and the Western world have significantly impacted international cooperation in various scientific fields, including Antarctic research. Furthermore, the lakes isolation and extreme conditions make it a prime candidate for hosting unique microbial life forms that could offer insights into the potential for life on other planets with similar conditions, such as Jupiters moon Europa or Saturns moon Enceladus. After discovering the existence of the original inhabitants of the city, which they call Elder Things, the researchers also encountered a shoggoth (a black bubbling mass of organs and eyes floating in a protoplasmic sphere) which was originally a servant created by the Elder Things. UI designer : The metropolitan area of Cartagena, known as Campo de Cartagena, has a population . It is what the powers that be pretend it to be. Required fields are marked *. This was to prevent contamination of the lake with the 60-ton column of Freon and kerosene used to prevent the borehole from collapsing and freezing over. According to their research, the creature has morphed into fifteen other aquatic species. It could be a guardian to the entrance of some undersea subterranean realm, a guard to some other unknown secret, or simply brute labor run amok. Therefore, any life found there has likely developed along an independent evolutionary path from organisms elsewhere on Earth. Weighing in at close to a ton, it is on par with the largest cephalopods ever known to live in the deep. [72] Though the Russians claim to have improved their operations, they continue to use the same borehole, which has already been contaminated with kerosene. If you don't like what you read, you can unsubscribe at any time. The preliminary findings indicated the presence of microbial life, although subsequent studies have raised questions about the possibility of contamination from the drilling process. WE WANT TO BELIEVE!!!!!! Organism 46-B is a super cephalopod similar to a glass octopus . The fact that such powerful people on the planet were all asked to converge on this most inhospitable and off-limits terrain at the southern-most point of our world is perhaps telling of the importance and uniqueness of the situation. This must have occurred sometime between then and the 30th November 2016 (when the story first broke), although exact dates have so far proven impossible to track down. Another inconsistency involves the fact that the ice directly above the water in the lake is formed from lake water itself. Lake Vostok is the largest freshwater lake in Antarctica. Or more to the point, in this case, its ability to change its form altogether to mimic other creatures. We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off his head then popped his remains in its mouth. According to various sources, Organism 46b is an alleged creature discovered in the depths of Lake Vostok. ago Among its many enigmatic features, Lake Vostok has captured the attention of both the scientific community and the public. [4], Russian geographer Andrey Kapitsa used seismic soundings in the region of Vostok Station made during the Soviet Antarctic Expedition in 1959 and 1964 to measure the thickness of the ice sheet. While that sounds like a completely flippant comment, it is largely very true. [7] The researchers then switched to a new thermal drill head with a "clean" silicone oil fluid to drill the rest of the way. The scientists who first encountered the creature believed it released the venom into the water from an organ similar to a normal octopus ink sac. The Organism 46B #Conspiracy And The "Aliens" Of Lake Vostok From the UFO Insight Archives. While the legend of Organism 46b may be a captivating tale without a basis in fact, the genuine scientific discoveries emerging from Lake Vostok continue to deepen our understanding of the mysteries of our world and the cosmos beyond. Fluid Form represents the octopuss extreme ductility it is Always On, does not reduce the octopuss STR, does not allow splitting into separate parts, and does not add to the OV/RV versus most Physical Attacks, instead only adding to RV versus blunt impacts (-3 FC total). Perhaps Organism 46-Bs most frightening ability is to release a powerful neurotoxin. Overlooking the Mediterranean there is an element which is clearly connected with the sea: the prototype of the submarine by the inventor from Cartagena, Isaac Peral. Scientists of the United States National Research Council have taken the position that it should be assumed that microbial life exists in Lake Vostok and that after such a long isolation, any life forms in the lake require strict protection from contamination. The stories, accounts, and discussions in this article may go against currently accepted science and common beliefs. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribing to UFO Insight MAX gives you full and unrestrictedaccess to some of the best and most thoroughly researched UFO-related content available on the internet. The location as described in the story is more consistent with the hidden subterranean realms of speculative fiction and pulp novels than the actual Lake Vostok described by scientists. By using these abilities and contorting its boneless body into other shapes, the species is capable of imitating numerous aquatic creatures and even taking the form of a human diver. Copyright 2023 Rumble. If we are wise, the Lake will be allowed to reveal its secrets in due course. The old ice cores were drilled in the 1990s to look for evidence of past climates buried in the ice, rather than for life, so the drilling equipment was not sterilized. ", Later, while diving in the lake, the group was attacked, the creature releasing its venom which took hold of one of them. The environment is believed to be super saturated with nitrogen and oxygen, roughly 50 times that of normal freshwater lakes. This is due to the completely sealed-off, under the ice environment, that contains fresh water beneath the surface. [70] The main concern is that the lake could become contaminated with the antifreeze that the Russians used to keep the bore hole from refreezing. Organism 46B, a terrifying and bizarre monster. UFOs And Black Helicopters Over A Small Staffordshire Village, A Bizarre Incident At The Roadside: The Highway 38 Humanoid Encounter, Landed Crafts, Strange Beasts, And Premonitions: The Bizarre Encounter Of Stephen Pulaski, The Winchester UFO Landing Incidents The Strange Encounters Of Joyce Bowles, The Bizarre And Disturbing Goings-On At Stardust Ranch, entrance to the inner Earth at the South Pole, Russian scientists and military have encountered underwater extraterrestrial life, alien presence gives orders to the religious and political leaders of our day. A more outlandish theory is the possibility a severed tentacle could grow back into a full creature. In clathrate structures, gases are enclosed in an icy cage and look like packed snow. He decided to use a specimen tank to hold it; but they would need bait..A former professional athlete, Dr. Marta Kalashnik was chosen for the task. Antarctica, the southernmost continent on Earth, is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. However, the programs director immediately ordered the hole plugged. It closed in on him as he simply smiled and then dismembered and devoured him. The lake itself remains liquid due to the pressure of the ice, and possible geothermal heat from below. [3] Because the word Vostok means "East" in Russian, the names of the station and lake also reflect the fact that they are located in East Antarctica. And, for one unfortunate scientist, a deadly affair. Organism 46-B was an enormous 33ft (10m) long, 14-tentacled squid-like creature which lived in Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake located under two miles of ice beneath Vostok Station in the Antarctic. Centre for Polar Observation & Modelling glaciologists propose that many of the subglacial lakes of Antarctica are at least temporarily interconnected. Even taken as is, Norman Osborn would likely have great interest in the story and would be out to get his own genetic samples. Russian scientists using seismic soundings, critical data for climate scientists studying past climate fluctuations, drilled through the ice sheet and reached the surface of Lake Vostok, possibility of contamination from the drilling process, 33-foot-long, 14-legged squid-like creature, drilling process may have introduced foreign microbes, The Enfield Poltergeist: A Disturbing Case of Paranormal Activity in Suburban London, Project Looking Glass: The Enigmatic Quest for Time-Viewing Technology, The Varginha Incident: Brazils Most Infamous UFO Case. In his book Empire Beneath The Ice he would ask the blunt question What really is going on down there? He would follow this with, I dont think the Russian Patriarch Kirill is going down there to meet penguins. During a scuba dive for which they required low-temperature wetsuits, the creature was encountered on day one of the expedition. According to Padalka it has the ability to paralyze with its venom. It has been described as a 33-foot-long, 14-legged squid-like creature with remarkable abilities, including camouflage and the ability to release toxins. The Organism 46B Conspiracy And The "Aliens" Of Lake Vostok By Marcus Lowth December 20, 2018 December 6, 2021 6 min read Posted in Aliens, Agendas Antarctica is a place of mystery and conspiracy. Knowing full well that one or two scientists would most likely die before the specimen could be secured. Lake Vostok (Russian: , ozero Vostok) is the largest of Antarctica's almost 400 known subglacial lakes. Quayle, like many others it should be said, believes an alien presence resides within the Antarctic region. The fish is known to produce antifreeze proteins. These arms have been known to continue to move and act in the creatures interest even after being severed from the main body. Dr. Padalkas account describes the lake as having a shore just below the ice where the scientists made camp. Enjoy! We will come back to this later. Escaping the creature, a member of the team managed to lop off one of 46-B's tentacles, although the severed limb attacked the group again. The story seems to combine the abilities of all the different octopuses and squids (some octopuses do actually release paralytic toxins along with mucus from their ink sac). These microbes are extremophiles organisms adapted to survive in extreme environments and their presence offers valuable insights into the potential for life in other inhospitable locations, such as deep-sea trenches or the icy moons of our solar system. Interestingly, the first of these claims by Admiral Byrd would elude to strange disc-shaped crafts with Nazi-type markings on them. (This section proposes ways of using this character in DC Universe stories). Cryptid Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Its isolated, subglacial habitat provides a unique opportunity to study life forms that may have evolved in isolation for millions of years, offering insights into the resilience of life on our planet and the possibilities for life beyond Earth. Privacy Policy. Space-based radar revealed that this subglacial body of fresh water is one of the largest lakes in the world, and one of some 140 subglacial lakes in Antarctica. Lake Vostok is a massive subglacial lake buried beneath miles of ice, and its exploration has led to numerous discoveries and contentious theories, including the existence of a purported creature known as Organism 46b. During an observation mission, Padalka and an unnamed marine biologist came across another member of their crew in the area. Lake Vostok, which is 800 miles (1,300 kilometers) from the South Pole, is thought to have been open to the air and surrounded by a forested ecosystem during the warmer climate that existed. Answer ANSWER Organism 46b is an urban legend. [4] The coalition has asserted that "it would be far preferable to join with other countries to penetrate a smaller and more isolated lake before re-examining whether penetration of Lake Vostok is environmentally defensible. Organism 46-B was said to have stalked the group, disabled their equipment, and killed two members of the team. [57] They found that the basal ice contained an almost completely different community of organisms compared to those found in the lake accretion ice, indicating that they signified two completely different ecosystems. It is said it shaped into the form of a human diver. Some have even suggested that the Russian government is covering up the existence of the creature for reasons unknown. The lake lies approximately 4,000 meters (13,000 feet) below the surface of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and is approximately the size of Lake Ontario, making it the largest subglacial lake on the continent. Is this some sort of giant squid or just an exciting story of a mythical sea creature? It was shortly after they set up camp and began their initial dives that they discovered the creature they dubbed Organism 46-B. We are a non-profit and UFO Insight MAX subscription payments go directly back into the website to pay for the research, time, hosting, and efforts of our expert editors. Also, no light penetrates that deep, making the defense mechanisms described seem unnecessary in such an environment. Because Lake Vostok may contain an environment sealed off below the ice for millions of years, the conditions could resemble those of ice-covered oceans hypothesized to exist on Jupiter's moon Europa,[12][14] and Saturn's moon Enceladus. To address these concerns, researchers have developed methods to minimize contamination risks and ensure the integrity of future sample collection efforts. He might be looking for the perfect operatives for an espionage mission to retrieve such samples. The story is almost certainly fictional, with at least one source citing the story to author C. Michael Forsythe (although the article I found online written by him lacked details found in many of the other articles). Deep beneath the Antarctic ice sheet, a newly discovered lake may be the deepest ever discovered. Theres no indication in the story the creature had any such difficulty changing depths (even going so far as describing a severed tentacle still operating after it had left the water). [75], point where the ice would become liquid water, "Appeal to the Duma on Lake Vostok, Antarctica", " , XX ", "Lake Vostok drilling in Antarctic 'running out of time', "Secrets of Antarctica's 15-Million Year-Old Lake -A Galaxy Classic", "Russians drill into previously untouched Lake Vostok below Antarctic glacier", "Buried Lake Reached: Lake Vostok Water Retrieved After 14 Million Years", "Hidden Antarctic Lake Spills Its Secrets", "Lake Vostok may boast a thriving ecosystem", "The Geysers of Enceladus - Will Saturn's Moon Reveal a "Second Genesis"? All Rights Reserved. [19], From this core, specifically from ice that is thought to have formed from lake water freezing onto the base of the ice sheet, extremophile microbes were found, suggesting that the lake water supports life. According to official accounts, the Russians did reach the water level with a core sample hole drilled into Lake Vostok in 2012, however it was not big enough to accommodate a person. [24] Because of varying water pressure in individual lakes, large subsurface rivers may suddenly form and then force large amounts of water through the solid ice. Confiscating it for security. It is said to have attacked a team of Russian scientists on an expedition while exploring the lake. You should read this article with an open mind and come to a conclusion yourself. A subreddit to discuss episodes, suggest future topics, and post about aliens, ghosts, conspiracies, the occult, and hauntings in general. Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B - DISCUSSION THREAD, Scan this QR code to download the app now. The creature designated Organism 46-B was an aquatic beast allegedly captured by a Russian scientific team near the research outpost Vostok Station. No excuses save for being busy (and that were starting to think about the end-of-year zine!). Largely because it appears to emulate the potential conditions of somewhere much further afield. The animal had limbs that were animate and aggressive even after amputation, could release a toxin into the water to immobilize its prey from a distance of up to 150 feet, displayed an astonishing degree of shapeshifting, and showed a considerable degree of both hostility and intelligence. And the fact that Organism 46-B is said to have changed itself to look like a diver. The scientists determined through their encounters that the species was at least as intelligent as the average man, and believed that during the first encounter it had purposely disabled their radio. Formed from lake water itself outpost Vostok Station lake in Antarctica set up camp and began initial! & amp ; Organism 46-B is a & quot ; Aliens & quot ; super & quot ; &..., Dr. Alexis Vindogradov in his book Empire beneath the ice environment, that fresh! Russian government is covering up the existence lake vostok organism 46b the expedition, no penetrates! 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